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“should” as a generic word Requires the candidate to answer the question by using the moral and pragmatic reasoning.

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Presentation on theme: "“should” as a generic word Requires the candidate to answer the question by using the moral and pragmatic reasoning."— Presentation transcript:

1 “should” as a generic word Requires the candidate to answer the question by using the moral and pragmatic reasoning.

2 Examples of moral reasoning: 1)The rightness or otherwise of doing something 1)The obligation to carry out our roles of responsibilities. Eg: We should not steal. Explanation: Stealing is wrong. It is not ethical to take what does not belong to us. Ex: Men and women should be treated equally. Explanation: Unequal treatment is unjust and deprives another human being of their basic human rights. Eg: The government should control immigration. Explanation: The government has to play its role and fulfil its obligation of protecting the welfare of its citizens. Eg: The government should allow immigration. Explanation: The government has to play its role and fulfil its obligation of plugging the gaps in employment.

3 Examples of pragmatic (practical) reasoning: 1)The action meets his needs/benefits him/is able to solve a problem. 2) It is in someone’s interest to carry out a certain activity. Eg: The government should allow a specific type of immigrants into the country to plug the gaps in certain sectors of manpower eg construction workers and IT professions. Explanation: This solution is able to meet the immediate needs of the country in a targeted way. Eg: Rich nations should help poor nations. Explanation: It is in the interest of the rich nations to help the poor because poverty will eventually hurt the rich nations themselves. Eg: The government should control immigration. Explanation: Allowing too many migrants into the country exacts a high social and political cost as the unhappiness among the citizens may affect how people vote in future.

4 Practise writing the arguments using moral/prag reasoning to answer “should”: Should the rich help the poor? Your stand: Yes or No Reasoning:Supporting view (Yes)Opposing View (No) Moral reasoningThe rich should help the poor because Moral/Pragmatic reasoning

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