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XCRI-CAP: From 1.1 to 1.2 Scott Wilson What’s changed since 2008? CEN Metadata For Learning Opportunities became an EU standard 14-19 regional pilots.

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2 XCRI-CAP: From 1.1 to 1.2 Scott Wilson

3 What’s changed since 2008? CEN Metadata For Learning Opportunities became an EU standard 14-19 regional pilots Lots of mini-projects HEAR KIS HEDD

4 What’s changed from 1.1? Harmonization with MLO Some new elements (especially for non-HE) Some Terms moved into main spec Some elements removed that weren’t being used Improved temporal (date/time) elements Improved engagement type elements Specification developed as a single W3C-style document Factoring out the update model

5 CEN Harmonization Added Contributor, Date, and Type properties to Catalog, Provider, Course and Presentation Replaced Relation with HasPart, and allowed both by- reference and inclusion Venue property of a Presentation now contains a Provider instance for the venue Location Added Location property to Provider, containing the information previously supplied in OrganisationDType Replaced Credit with CEN CWA 16077 Added engagement as parent of studymode etc Uses MLO namespace wherever possible MLO conformance table Some renaming (e.g. assessmentStrategy -> assessment)

6 New Elements in Intended age range of the presentation (e.g. 14-16) in URL for information about the location in Supports provider types (e.g. college, university) in Abbreviated name of a qualification (e.g. BsC, HNC)

7 Simplifying common descriptions Common descriptive elements - moves common Terms into the core namespace:,,,,,, This makes it much easier to use these elements as you don’t need - they also go into the BSI standard.

8 Simpler engagement terms are all now in the main specification and namespace. They are also defined as refinements of mlo:engagement The optional identifier attribute is used for referencing vocabulary terms: NK [Not known] FL [Flexible] FT [Full time] PF [Part of a full time programme] PT [Part] Full time

9 Improved temporal elements I Support for both machine-readable and human-readable temporal information. Human-readable information goes in the element content Machine-readable data goes in the optional dtf attribute September 2011 May 2012 As soon as enough students have enrolled, usually once every four weeks

10 Improved temporal elements II follows the same pattern, but uses the interval attribute: Three years (The interval format uses the ISO 8601 interval specification)

11 Simpler Subject handling Same as for studymode (etc) we added an identifier attribute to make it easier to distinguish human-readable subject labels from vocabulary identifiers <dc:subject identifier=“ “>Beer <dc:subject identifier=“ “>Porter (Note the use here of an LoC URI)

12 Removed wasn’t used (we may revisit as a separate spec) was a duplicate of and were confusing, and can be handled by improved and

13 Refactored Attributes supporting delta update processing (recstatus) have been removed and a new draft specification started: The idea is that this spec can be developed and maintained outside of the BSI standard and can take account of changes in implementation practice.

14 Namespace Soup The College of Art, Bolton Deane Road Bolton BL3 1EX Note the use of DC, XCRI and MLO namespaces. Aggregators may need to be tolerant of mis-applied NSs in document instances.

15 New documentation style Uses W3C-style specification formatting About 25 pages long Much easier to read and navigate than the old wiki-style spec. This is the FINAL version of XCRI 1.2

16 BS/EN XCRI UK residual standard for CEN MLO; adds extensions from XCRI and XML binding for implementation in UK context

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