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Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 7 Chap 2:19-30.

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1 Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 7 Chap 2:19-30

2 1.What are some of the more reasonable excuses people give for not helping others? 2.Why do such reasonable excuses really not excuse us? 3.What is the reasons we fail to stop and help others? Is it possible to be a “Good Samaritan” today? Philippians Chap 2:19-30 A Priceless Pair

3 Philippians 2:19-24 - Timothy What characteristics does the apostle Paul describe in Timothy for us to emulate? 4.What does Dr. Wiersbe mean when he says “all of us live either in Philippians 1:21 or Philippians 2:21? 5.Why are both experience and teaching necessary in a Christian’s training to serve the Lord? (reference v22) 6.How was Timothy rewarded and blessed on earth, in addition to the heavenly reward? For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21 For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:21

4 Philippians Chap 2:19-30 A Priceless Pair Philippians 2:25-30 - Epaphroditus What do we know about Epaphroditus? How does Paul describe Epaphroditus? What does this tell us about Christian Partnerships? 7.Have you known balanced Christians like Epaphroditus? Explain what effect they had on you. How does Nehemiah 4:17 tie to this passage? who were building on the wall. Those who carried burdens were loaded in such a way that each labored on the work with one hand and held his weapon with the other. Nehemiah 4:17

5 Philippians Chap 2:19-30 A Priceless Pair Philippians 2:25-30 - Epaphroditus 8.Why is fellowship so important in the church? Can it become too important? 9.Do you agree that we have “too many spectators and not enough participants” in the church today? Explain. 10.A popular Christian song says that we are “blessed to be a blessing.” What does that mean to you?

6 Weekly Challenges - Applying God’s Word How can you apply one of Timothy’s attitudes to the way you work with other Christians? Can some one in church call you a fellow worker and/or fellow soldier? Do you live your life in Philippians 1:21 or Philippians 2:21

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