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+ Much more than a magazine! Communicate and network with your humanitarian peers, share content online and attract new members…

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1 + Much more than a magazine! Communicate and network with your humanitarian peers, share content online and attract new members…

2 + Published monthly Delivered online or by print Rotary Down Under is a Magazine

3 + With an online flip version delivered electronically each month to digital subscribers

4 + Content is written by members for members

5 + Content is also produced by Rotary International for members

6 + Like publishing the latest Global Outlook within the magazine & online

7 + Rotary Down Under is the official regional magazine for Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. We have the broadest scope of knowledge of projects and resources available across the region to help you.

8 + Reading your magazine for just 30 minutes each month equips Rotarians with the necessary knowledge on a wide variety of Rotary topics

9 + We are one of the most valuable and portable education and resource tools available for Rotarians to keep up-to- date

10 + Digital developments How is RDU keeping pace with changes in communications and integrating digital publishing models into our business model?

11 + Integrated Brand Management 2013 is about MOBILE and engaged SOCIAL context Desktop Mobile Tablet

12 + Magazine feature stories are published on the RDU website

13 + RDU’s e-newsletter Bite size content stories highlighted in monthly e-newsletter. Delivered to 28,000 subscriber’s electronic mailboxes each month. Click through rate is 10% higher than publishing industry average!

14 + ‘Rotary’, Down Under is also a COMMUNITY… A social community of humanitarians working together across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific to help improve the lives of others. Engaging through stories, pictures and ideas in print, online and social media.

15 + Who we are Who we help Humanitarians & Fundraisers Local & Global communities

16 + NOW WITH DAILY NEWS! Rotary Down Under also distributes online news and the latest information daily and weekly through Facebook and Twitter. We can help you save time by having pre- prepared online content ready for your Club and District to SHARE!

17 + Shared content = Shared core values “Hey, we support eradicating polio, let’s share this” Example of how to translate shared core value into effective real-time marketing during Bill Gates visit to Australia. 93 likes and 504 shares District 9520

18 + Online social news is also integrated on the RDU website

19 + We can and do provide live social media reporting from key events

20 + Facebook Results Over 10,000 people reached during 2013 Rotary International Convention with Facebook posts and engagement

21 + Getting Results on Twitter

22 + Sharing and growing Rotary’s membership is the responsibility of every Rotarian

23 + That’s why we also work with Rotary Public Image Coordinators to help you attract new members


25 + RDU District and Club Directories Contact details for 27 Rotary Districts, an interactive map linked to District Websites and 1400 Club meeting venues and times all published on RDU website with links to your site. Please link back to RDU!

26 + Business Directory Over 1400 Rotarians are listed on our Business Directory. Search for services, add your own company or find others to partner with you on mutually agreeable projects.

27 + Event Bookings In charge of organising your District conference and don’t know where to start? RDU can help with setting up the online booking service: Manage registrations Manage the online payments Reimburse you for payments received

28 + Event Speakers Search our online directory of over 300 speakers available to present at Club and District meetings. Recommend new speakers to add!

29 + RDU Merchandise Arrange your Club and District corporate clothes through RDU Merchandise and Promotions: E:

30 + Join the conversation Website: Twitter /rotarydownunder Facebook /rotarydownunder Email:

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