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Transition Meaningful, Sustainable, Independent… Out of the Box Thinking Kelly Higgins.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition Meaningful, Sustainable, Independent… Out of the Box Thinking Kelly Higgins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition Meaningful, Sustainable, Independent… Out of the Box Thinking Kelly Higgins

2 In The Beginning: *Problem- The current programming wasn’t meeting all students’ needs. *Proposal- Create programming with a student centered philosophy. *Implementation…

3 When Transitioning from School into Adult Programming ask the WHAT questions: What are your OUTCOMES? What are your GOALS? What are your DREAMS? What are your INTERESTS? What are your STRENGTHS? What are you AFRAID of? What are you NERVOUS about? What are you EXCITED about?

4 The ‘What Answers’ Guide the Programming Through this process, we can determine what is needed: Further Exploration Greater Independence Community Partners Family Support Job Training Daily Living Skills

5 After the ‘What’…

6 LISD Transition Services Adult Transition Support Services Daily Living Transportation Volunteerism Recreation Healthy Living Personal Care Food Prep and Safety Social Skills Work Support Services Soft Employability Skills Hard Employability Skills

7 Adult Transition Support Services ATSS Post-Secondary Transition LISD South Campus

8 Student Centered ******** Student driven SustainableMeaningful Family Involvement Long Term Planning Multi-agency involvement Team Approach


10 19 different partners 17 different students Average 17 volunteer hours per week Activities include: Stocking, Birthday Brigade, Raking Leaves, Mailings, Labeling, Bell Ringing and Packaging

11 Lenawee Medical Care Facility Birthday Brigade Deliver student made birthday card, balloon and a smile to Elders who have a birthday that week. Library Cart Deliver books and magazines to Elders in their room.

12 Weekend Snack Packs Local School District Package bags of snacks for local school children to take home on the weekend. This is done 2 times per month, once with Rotary and once with local volunteers. ATSS packages 1000 snack packs per month.

13 Fishes & Loaves Food Pantry Stocking Cleaning Shelves Weighing Donations Marking Donations Mopping Floors

14 Housing Help of Lenawee Raking Leaves Folding Mailing Labeling Mailing Painting Barn

15 United Way Labeling items for Day of Action breakfast Participate in Day of Action helping set up for Art-A-Licious

16 Associated Charities Birthday Bags Baby Bundle Packs Unpacking/Storing Shoes Organize/Sorting Clothes

17 Blessings and More Resale Stock shelves Dress mannequins Arrange displays Prep merchandise for sale

18 The Centre Collecting, Washing, Drying, Folding and Restocking Towels.

19 Habitat ReStore Cleaning ReStore/Shelves Recycling Electronics Cutting Cords for Recycling Prepping/cleaning appliances for sale Running magnet for nails in parking lot

20 4-H Center Lenawee County Fair Sweep Rental Space Mop Rental Space Wipe Chairs and Tables Clean Restrooms

21 Household Cleaning Cooking and Kitchen Safety Shopping and Money Skills Healthy Living

22 Cooking and Kitchen Safety Students cook lunch 2 days/week Students pack a healthy lunch 2 days/week Students plan, shop, and make a more difficult recipe weekly

23 Household Cleaning Students are responsible for: Vacuuming Dishes Laundry Sweeping and Mopping General Upkeep

24 Shopping and Money Skills *Doing away with “CBI” *Grocery List from home *Plan, budget and shop for a meal *Focus on estimating, sticking to the list, budgeting, shopping etiquette

25 Healthy Living Students use the community to practice Healthy Living: The Centre pool and gym The Centre walking trail ATSS exercise equipment ATSS walking trail Learning healthy eating

26 Lenawee Transportation Community Partners

27 Lenawee Transportation 8 ATSS students ride Lenawee transportation at least 1 time per week. (Increase of 1 from Spring) 7/8 ride daily to and from home and the community.

28 Community Partners Provide Resources Provide Support Provide Natural Supports Mentors

29 HOPE Hoopsters Special Olympics Swim Team Special Olympics Bowling The Centre

30 HOPE Hoopsters 7 ATSS students are on the team. (Increase of 3 from Spring) Independence Sustainable Teamwork Healthy Living Community

31 Special Olympics Swim Team 2 ATSS students are currently swimming as part of the Swim Team

32 Special Olympics Bowling 3 ATSS students currently compete as part of the bowling team.

33 Balanced Calendar College Lunch Buddies Staffing Changes

34 Balanced Calendar This calendar is designed to help facilitate the integration of the skills and schedules that ATSS is working on into the student’s regular ‘non- school’ routine. Results: 13/16 students participated


36 Emily’s Schedule

37 United Way Breakfast Hispanic Heritage Fiesta Trick or Treat Event for preschool Making pumpkin pies to contribute at Thanksgiving Ideas welcomed!

38 Not much to share this early in the year however… 2013 Graduates 100% of his daily schedule continues to flow with natural supports. His schedule includes Work at JR’s, volunteering at Hospice and spending time with friends at Hope Center. Rides Lenawee Transportation independently. Attending LINC and Hope Center. Riding Lenawee Transportation independently. 2014 Graduate 100% of her daily schedule continues to flow with natural supports. Her schedule includes: Work, volunteerism and recreation. She currently receives no support from MRS or CMH. Riding Lenawee Transportation independently.

39 Making what we do fit into the education system as we know it. Helping community members and community agencies understand our goal. Finding meaningful activities within our community for ALL students. Managing and facilitating 17 individualized schedules! Down Time! Hobbies?

40 Contact Information Kelly Higgins Lenawee Intermediate School District Adult Transition Support Services (ATSS)

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