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Status of the Active Sensors Federico Ravotti (CERN TS/LEA) Maurice Glaser, Michael Moll (CERN PH/DT2) Susanna Guatelli, Maria Grazia Pia (INFN, Genova.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the Active Sensors Federico Ravotti (CERN TS/LEA) Maurice Glaser, Michael Moll (CERN PH/DT2) Susanna Guatelli, Maria Grazia Pia (INFN, Genova."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the Active Sensors Federico Ravotti (CERN TS/LEA) Maurice Glaser, Michael Moll (CERN PH/DT2) Susanna Guatelli, Maria Grazia Pia (INFN, Genova – GEANT4 Team) Low Dose Rate (LDR) response of Catalogue Sensors in hadron field; (Very)-long term annealing studies for REM and LAAS RadFETs; Annealing parametrization for BPW34F; RadFET packaging studies and GEANT4 simulations; Integrated sensor carrier; Sensors delivery status.

2 Outline Low Dose Rate (LDR) response of Catalogue Sensors in hadron field; (Very)-long term annealing studies for REM and LAAS RadFETs; Annealing parametrization for BPW34F; RadFET packaging studies and GEANT4 simulations; Integrated sensor carrier; Sensors delivery status.

3 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 3 LDR Test Setup 1/3 Mixed radiation field with Ch. Hadrons generated by backscattered particles; Several intensities of the radiation field available  (r,Z)  focused on LDR; Facility operated under different beam conditions and shutdown periods; Variable temperature conditions. [C. Leroy & P. Roy: UdeM-GPP-EXP-98-03, 1998] 24 GeV/c protons Z r (selected irradiation positions in PS-T7 area at different Z and r) IRRAD1 IRRAD5 IRRAD3

4 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 4 LDR Test Setup 2/3 PRIMARY BEAM SECONDARY BEAM degraded primary beam & Secondary particles = measurement locations (5 positions) PMI Mag. QF003 r = 60 to 140 Z r

5 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 5 LDR Test Setup 3/3

6 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 6 Calibration curves BPW34: 1/c = 9.1x10 9 cm 2 /mV  20 % CMRP: 1/c = 1.7x10 8 cm 2 /mV  13 % REM/LAAS:  V = a x D b  10 % a & b change with dose-range (a) – (e) different rates down to 3x10 11 cm -2  h -1 BPW/CMRP:  V = c x  eq  sensitivity (  /cm 2 )  sensitivity (  /cm 2 )

7 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 7 First Irradiation Run Remnant dose-rate from north branch ~ 2 mGy/h PMI signal saturation & LAAS absorbed > 10 Gy Primary Beam Secondary Beam T7 beam-line failure Scaled beam intensity linearly fits the CMRP signals down to the lower flux (~5x10 8 n eq /cm 2 /h) CMRP super-linear & BPW34 start to be sensitive LAAS CMRP

8 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 8 Measurements vs Simulations In order to verify the scaling done with CMRP devices  comparison with MC simulations;  eq has been converted into neutron fluence by means of k = 1.21  9.1 %  position =  5 cm  fluence =  16.2 % Sim-A  (r,Z) and Sim-B  (r) differ in the number of events and slightly in the T7 area layout and materials composition of the modeled area.  Sim-B is expected to be more accurate! Sim-A Sim-B

9 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 9 Second Irradiation Run Dose from REM is in agreement within 10 % with respect to PAD &  eq from BPW34 is in agreement within 20 % with respect to the particle fluence scaling REM measurements compared with PAD (Alanine)  Dose deposition dominated by charged particles! Primary Beam Secondary Beam At all rates BPW needs to be corrected against short- & long-term annealing CMRP super-linear & BPW34 start to be sensitive Scaling CMRP in agreement with MC REM BPW34

10 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 10 –REM devices are LET insensitive up to 20 kGy; –In the range 10-500 Gy the “unbiased” LAAS response is LET dependent (drop in E ox ); –Experimental results show correlation between the sensitivities ratio REM/LAAS and changes in beam conditions! These Results will be presented at the RADECS Workshop 2006, Athens, Sept. 27-29 Changes in spectral composition Second Irradiation Run ~ 30 Gy ~ 450 Gy  After 10 Gy the REM/LAAS sensitivity ratio could be used to detect variations in the spectral composition!

11 Outline Low Dose Rate (LDR) response of Catalogue Sensors in hadron field; (Very)-long term annealing studies for REM and LAAS RadFETs; Annealing parametrization for BPW34F; RadFET packaging studies and GEANT4 simulations; Integrated sensor carrier; Sensors delivery status.

12 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 12 Annealing RadFETs 1/3 LAAS IRRAD6 (  ) low TID (~ tens Gy) &  eq < 1x10 12 cm -2 IRRAD6 high TID &  eq ~ 2x10 13 cm -2 IRRAD1 pure 24 GeV/c protons [G. Sarrabayrouse, CNRS-LAAS]  after 10 Gy at RT 1-2 % after 2000 h Our measurement confirms isothermal annealing data of low TID exposed devices according to the recover of the oxide trapped charge! (TID effect)  this is what we need at the LHC … however … … where this isochronal annealing behavior comes from ? The prediction out of it doesn’t match the experimental isothermal annealing data we got in IRRAD6 ! Isochronal annealing (6 min) Isothermal annealing Prediction from Isochrones

13 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 13 Annealing RadFETs 2/3 Can the additional degradation at high doses be due to displacement damage ? Study submitted to APL (in press). Details on preprint: CERN-PH-EP\2006-21; CERN-TS-2006-002, 27/6/06 V th =V gs (i D ) “Threshold Voltage” ?? V th = V T -  (i D / ) Transistors =  (MOS channel resistance) RadFETs 1.T * from 24 GeV/c proton data; 2.Identification of Si-bulk defects; 3.Determination of E Ai, A i, B i ; 4.Computation of defects; dissociation: U F =  i  B i  e (-  t) 24 GeV/p

14 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 14 Annealing RadFETs 3/3 REM Isothermal annealing lower than 7 % over 14 months after > 2 kGy in mixed field and with temperature variations of more than 15 ºC ! The different behaviors are probably explainable in terms of different Q ot / Q it contribution … REM in IRRAD6 … hypothesis under verification with Isochronal Annealing +“Winokur” method on 60 Co irradiated samples at UM-II (M. Bernard) REM Isochronal annealing after irradiation in different fields  Homogeneous curves!

15 Outline Low Dose Rate (LDR) response of Catalogue Sensors in hadron field; (Very)-long term annealing studies for REM and LAAS RadFETs; Annealing parametrization for BPW34F; RadFET packaging studies and GEANT4 simulations; Integrated sensor carrier; Sensors delivery status.

16 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 16 Annealing BPW34 1/2 Series of BPW34 diodes irradiated and annealed in water bath (packaging issue) at different temperatures  Annealing dependence  ( ,T)

17 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 17 Annealing BPW34 2/2 Parametrization of the phenomenon (~M. Moll thesis for Si detector diodes)  V F (t) = A -   exp (-t/  ) –   ln (t/t 0 ), t 0 = 1; A = a 1   eq + b 1, T independent!  = a 2   eq + b 2, T independent!  = a 3   eq + b 3, T independent! T dependence: 1/  = K(  eq )  exp (- E A (  eq ) / k b  T) linear power law ?  Under preparation and validation on 14 months of RT annealing!

18 Outline Low Dose Rate (LDR) response of Catalogue Sensors in hadron field; (Very)-long term annealing studies for REM and LAAS RadFETs; Annealing parametrization for BPW34F; RadFET packaging studies and GEANT4 simulations; Integrated sensor carrier; Sensors delivery status.

19 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 19 Development by External Company RadFET Packaging 1/4 Commercial Packaging (i.e. TO-5, DIP) cannot satisfy all Experiment Requirements (dimensions/materials) Development / study in-house at CERN ~ 10 mm 2 36-pin Ceramic carrier. Dies mounted at PH/DT2 bond-lab. – high integration level: up to 10 FETs; – customizable internal layout; – standard External Connectivity; – modularity needed! – radiation transport: (calculated) – X = 2-3 % X 0 ; – e - cut-off  550 KeV; – p cut-off  10 MeV; –  transmission  20 KeV; – n attenuation  2-3 %; Kapton Lid Aluminum Lid GEANT4 model

20 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 20 RadFET Packaging 2/4 – Details on the geometry and used physical models  in Proc. CHEP06 paper number 308; – run with monoenergetic protons at: 254 MeV  experiments; 150 MeV  prediction; 50 MeV  prediction. bare Protons are generated randomly on a surface of 1.2 cm x 1.2 cm Beam incidence front/back with respect the sensor packaging packaging & lid packaging p p

21 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 21 RadFET Packaging 3/4 Front - No packaging Front - Packaging Back - Packaging Front - Packaging + 260 mm Al 2 O 3 Front - Packaging + 520  m Al 2 O 3 Front - Packaging + 2340  m Al 2 O 3 Front - Packaging + 3000  m Al 2 O 3 Front - Packaging + 4000  m Al 2 O 3 Total energy deposit (MeV) per event in the four chips GEANT4 vs. PSI – PIF Facility 254 MeV p Experiment Simulation 254 MeV p 50 MeV p Same results for kapton, Al, FR4, … … metallization has no effects ….. low energies are the main constraint! 254 MeV p Predictive tool for other particles/energies Prediction 50 MeV p

22 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 22 RadFET Packaging 4/4 – Proton results under extension (energy cut-off, geometry improved, etc..); – Experimental results from  /n reactor field  Simulation ongoing ….. TRIGA Reactor at JSI, Ljubljana, Slovenia Results will be presented at the RADECS Workshop 2006, Athens, Sept. 27-29 Al 2 O 3 seems to have the higher impact; Issue: simulation of the  background!

23 Outline Low Dose Rate (LDR) response of Catalogue Sensors in hadron field; (Very)-long term annealing studies for REM and LAAS RadFETs; Annealing parametrization for BPW34F; RadFET packaging studies and GEANT4 simulations; Integrated sensor carrier; Sensors delivery status.

24 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 24 Integrated sensor carrier  Front-Side  Back-Side INTEGRATED SENSOR CARRIER (4 sensors, same readout method) 250  m PCB RadFET package Temperature probe Selection pads Soldering pads CMRP diode BPW34 diode Connector plug 12 ways (11 channels + common GND)

25 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 25 Integrated sensor carrier INTEGRATED SENSOR CARRIER Tested during several irradiation campaigns in 2005

26 Outline Low Dose Rate (LDR) response of Catalogue Sensors in hadron field; (Very)-long term annealing studies for REM and LAAS RadFETs; Annealing parametrization for BPW34F; RadFET packaging studies and GEANT4 simulations; Integrated sensor carrier; Sensors delivery status.

27 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 27 Sensor delivery status Status Thin Oxide FETs Thick Oxide FETs High Sensitivity p-i-n BPW34F p-i-n Procured sensors 7/2006 393 (74%) LHC 477 (90%) OK! 120100 160 DIL (irrad) 50 SMD ( 823 ALICE 6/2006 012 0 24 ATLAS 6/2006 20 (+20) [ID] 20 [ID] 50 [RoA] 20 [ID] 50 [RoA] 20 [ID] 200 CMS 9/2005 00~ 10 ?0 ~ 10 LHCb 2/2006 ~ 30 120 TOTEM 7/2006 ~ 24 [*] ~ 96 Total ~ 450 [ID] = Inner Detector; [RoA] = Rest of Atlas; [*] = Estimation based on 24 full boards; ~ CMRP LBSD Si-2 LBSD Si-1

28 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 28 Conclusions  Verified response of all sensors at LDR in Mixed Hadron Field (MHF): – Annealing of the BPW34 sensors has to be taken into account; – LAAS can be probably used above Catalogue sensitivity range;  Annealing studies: – LAAS: fully studied; a few % in standard operational range in MHF; – REM: last details under study; ~ 7 % after several kGy in MHF !; – BPW34: parametrization of the annealing behaviour ongoing;  RadFET Packaging: choice of the materials confirmed by preliminary tests; detailed simulation studies are ongoing for validation and predictions of behaviour in complicate radiation environments;  Integrated sensor PCB available together with all sensors that have been characterized and procured.

29 F. Ravotti RADMON W.G. - 11 July 2006 29 Sensor pricing 2006 Thin Oxide FETs (0.25  m) Ultra-thin Oxide FETs (0.13  m) (ATLAS request) Thick Oxide FETs High Sensitivity p-i-n BPW34F p-i-n 393 (74%) LHC 477 (90%) OK! 150120100 160 DIL 50 SMD 373 left [*] 130 left [*] 38 left [*] 18 left [*] 160 DIL left 20 SMD left [*] 40 CHF/die23 CHF/die70 CHF/die120 CHF/unit8 CHF/unit [*] Procured Sensors – delivered to ATLAS – booked from ALICE = xxx left Price Estimation for the sensor carrier PCB ~ 65 CHF including mounting of components.

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