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Published byAubrey Anthony Modified over 9 years ago
+ 6 Tips For Leaving The Best Voicemail Message Ever Follow these steps to leave a quality message that is most likely to be listened to and responded to!
+ Tip of the Day – How to Leave The Best Voicemail Ever! 1. Listen closely to the voicemail prompt message left for you! Special instructions may be left in the recorded message that this receiver has left for callers: When they will be able to get back to you or if they will be out of the office for an extended time. The message may contain the name and number of someone who is covering for them that you should contact in their absence. They may be looking for specific information in the voicemail message you are about to leave. Jot down any specific instructions so you can refer to them as you leave your message. 1
+ Tip of the Day – How to Leave The Best Voicemail Ever! 2. Breathe In, Breathe Out and Stay Calm When you hear their voicemail prompt, take a deep breath and relax. Having a prepared script (or at least an outline) of simple points for the message you want to leave will keep you focused so that you do not ramble. Put a smile on your face – callers can “hear” your state of mind in the tone of your voice, so be positive! Your voice will reflect your enthusiasm. 2
+ Tip of the Day – How to Leave The Best Voicemail Ever! 3. Talk so they can understand you When nervous or in a hurry it is human nature to speed up our speaking tempo. Make a conscious effort to: speak slowly, speak clearly, speak loudly, and enunciate your words. Refer to your prepared script as well as to the notes you just jotted down to help your message flow smoothly. 3
+ Tip of the Day – How to Leave The Best Voicemail Ever! 4. Begin with the basics.. Start with your name - Unless this message is for your spouse or another member of your family it’s best to always provide both your first and last name. – “This is Steven Jones…” Give an affiliation – Tell them who are you with; “This is Steven Jones, with XYZ Company”, or if you are calling within your own company leave your department (i.e. “HR Department”). Give a 3 second pause – Allow the person time to absorb your name and company. Just imagine you were the one receiving the message and trying to write it down, and give them that little bit of time to do the same. 4
+ Tip of the Day – How to Leave The Best Voicemail Ever! 5. Keep the message simple Give your reason – Why are you calling? You already stated the “who”, now leave them the “what, why and when”. Remember their special instructions - Remember 10 seconds ago, when their recorded message asked you to leave the date and time? Be sure to meet their needs… Request a specific action – Are you going to try back later? If so, tell them when you will be calling, being as specific as possible. Do you want them to call you? Give them at least one time block when they can reach you. Phone call tag is frustrating If possible, leave them a WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) reason to call you back. 5
+ Tip of the Day – How to Leave The Best Voicemail Ever! 6. Wrap up the Call S-L-O-W-L-Y Leave your number – If you actually want the other party to call you back, leave your phone number (or for inter-office calls, your extension). Leave it the same way you are accustomed to reading a phone number - in sections. “I can be reached at 5, 5, 5… PAUSE 9,9,9… PAUSE 1,2,3,4”. If you have an alternate number, like your cell phone, consider leaving it as well. Repeat your name and number – “Again, this is Steven Jones, with the XYZ Company and my number is...” PAUSE “5, 5, 5... 9, 9, 9... 1, 2, 3, 4.” Say goodbye – Don’t abruptly hang up the phone. Be sure to say “Good-bye”, “Thank You” or end the call with with a friendly “I’m looking forward to talking to you soon…” 6
+ Tip of the Day – How to Leave The Best Voicemail Ever! Now that you have reviewed these 6 tips, be sure to put them into practice. The next and final slide is a one page checklist of the headings for each of the 6 Tips. As you follow these steps, leaving quality messages, they will develop into a habit. Print this one page summary and refer to it when making calls. Share this presentation along with the final summary with your employee’s, peers, bosses and friends. 7
+ Voicemail Checklist Review 1. Listen Closely To The Voicemail Prompt Message Left For You 2. Breathe In, Breathe Out And Stay Calm 3. Talk So They Can Understand You 4. Begin With The Basics 5. Keep The Message Simple 6. Wrap Up The Call 8
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