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The English Renaissance 1485-1660. 14 th Century, Italy European Renaissance Period Begins Renaissance = “Rebirth”

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Presentation on theme: "The English Renaissance 1485-1660. 14 th Century, Italy European Renaissance Period Begins Renaissance = “Rebirth”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The English Renaissance 1485-1660

2 14 th Century, Italy European Renaissance Period Begins Renaissance = “Rebirth”

3 Medieval World View Religion and the Afterlife Rural self-sustaining system based in farms and villages

4 Renaissance World View International Trading Economy Stress Human Life here on Earth

5 New emphasis on individual and development of human potential Cultivating innate talents to the fullest Arts and Literature flourishes

6 Questioning Time worn truths and challenging authority

7 English After 1485 when the War of the Roses ended and Henry VII came to power

8 Henry VII Built up the nation’s merchant fleet Financed expeditions that established English claims in the New World

9 Henry VIII Succeeds throne in 1509 Skilled athlete, poet, musician Well educated in French, Italian, and Latin

10 …marries Princess Catherine of Spain After 18 years of marriage, only 1 daughter: Mary WANTS A MALE HEIR!!

11 Requests to have marriage annulled to marry Catherine’s court attendant, Anne Boleyn

12 …marries Anne Boleyn Breaks from Roman Catholic Church because Pope refuses 1534 – declares himself head of the Church of England

13 Those opposed – paid with their lives Dissolved English monasteries and distributed their landholdings

14 Continued … Anne Boleyn produces ONLY 1 Daughter, Elizabeth She’s charged and executed for adultery and incest

15 …marries Jane Seymour She produces one son Edward VI Edward dies at age of 9 in 1547

16 Mary takes the throne Tries to reintroduce Roman Catholicism Marries cousin Philip of Spain and persecutes Protestants =Bloody Mary Dies in 1558

17 Elizabeth I takes throne English Renaissance reached its full potential Unprecedented prosperity and international prestige

18 Elizabeth loved pomp and ceremony but was frugal and balanced national budget. Absolute authority but sensitive to public opinion and respectful of parliament

19 Continued … Reestablished Church of England Elizabeth kept England out of wars and ended Spanish alliance Never married

20 Renaissance drama flourishes during this time: drama concerned with the complexities of human life here on earth 1603 Elizabeth dies

21 King James I and King Charles (1625) Belief in the divine right of kings: God’s representatives in civil and religious matters

22 1629- Charles dismisses Parliament = Operating without trial by jury Deepening of religious, political and economic unrest

23 Civil war – Royalists vs. Parliament 1649 King executed (Royalists defeated)

24 Afterwards English Theaters closed Most forms of recreation suspended Even walking for pleasure is forbidden 1660 = New Parliament, Charles II to throne, RESTORATION PERIOD begins


26 Lyric Poems Written to be sung Purpose was to express the author’s feelings

27 Pastoral Verse Represents an idealized picture of nature and rural life

28 Metaphysical Poetry Uses unusual imagery and elaborate metaphors (conceits)

29 Epic Poetry Examples: Paradise Lost by John Milton The Odyssey

30 Literary Terms Rhyme scheme Simile Tone Alliteration Stanzas Mood Paraphrasing

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