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Memory Technology “Non-so-random” Access Technology:

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Presentation on theme: "Memory Technology “Non-so-random” Access Technology:"— Presentation transcript:

0 Dr. Yann-Hang Lee (480) 727-7507
Main Memory Computer Science & Engineering Department Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287 Dr. Yann-Hang Lee (480)

1 Memory Technology “Non-so-random” Access Technology:
Access time varies from location to location and from time to time Examples: Disk, tape drive, CDROM Random Access: Mem(address) data “Random” is good: access time is the same for all locations DRAM: Dynamic Random Access Memory one transistor per cell High density, low power, cheap, slow Dynamic: need to be “refreshed” regularly SRAM: Static Random Access Memory 4-6 transistors per cell Low density, high power, expensive, fast Static: content will last “forever”

2 A 16X4 SRAM Din 3 Din 2 Din 1 Din 0 WrEn - + Wr Driver - + Wr Driver -
Precharge - + Wr Driver - + Wr Driver - + Wr Driver - + Wr Driver Word 0 A0 A1 A2 A3 SRAM Cell SRAM Cell SRAM Cell SRAM Cell Address Decoder Word 1 SRAM Cell SRAM Cell SRAM Cell SRAM Cell : : : : Word 15 SRAM Cell SRAM Cell SRAM Cell SRAM Cell - + Sense Amp - + Sense Amp - + Sense Amp - + Sense Amp Dout 3 Dout 2 Dout 1 Dout 0

3 Hitachi HM62256B SRAM

4 SRAM Cell Architecture
Write: Drive bit lines (bit=1, bit=0) Select row Read: Precharge C and C to Vdd Cell pulls one line low Sense amp on column detects difference between C and C

5 SRAM Read Operation read cycle time -- trc address access time – taa
CS to access time – tacs OE to output valid -- toe

6 SRAM Write Operation write cycle time – twc end of write
write pluse width -- twp

7 DRAM A grid of capacitors to hold data bits To access a bit
row address strobe (RAS) – to transfer an entire row to sense amplifier column address strobe (CAS) – to choose a specific cell refresh – to recharge the capacitors Every time a row is read and also done periodically Example: 2 Mb DRAM = 256K * 8 = 512 rows * 512 cols * 8 bits cell array N bits 512 cols 512 Plane 7 r o w 512 256 Kb DRAM 512 rows Plane 1 addr c o l Plane 0 256 Kb DRAM One “Plane” of 256 Kb DRAM D<7> sense D<1> D<0> D

8 DRAM 1-transistor cell: data is stored in a capacitor
Read: read and recharge Refresh: a dummy read to recharge the capacitor DRAM (Read/Write) Cycle Time >> DRAM (Read/Write) Access Time Interleaving: Access Time Cycle Time CPU Memory Bank 1 Bank 0 Bank 3 Bank 2 1st read 2nd 3rd bank 0 bank 1 bank 2

9 Different DRAMs Asynchronous DRAM FPM (fast page mode)
for each RAS, consecutive CAS to access bits in the same row EDO (extended data out) overlap data output and the next CAS (pipelined) SDRAM (synchronous) interleaved (2 banks)– one is refreshing and the other can be accessed synchronized to clock and burst mode (without CAS) Example: Micron SDRAM (MT48LC1M16A1) dual 512K*16 DRAM – 2048 rows by 256 columns burst access with lengths 1, 2, 4, 8, and full page auto precharge function – self-timed row precharge at the end of the burst sequence auto refresh -- internal refresh counter for row addresses tref = 64ms (2048 auto refresh cycles every 64ms), i.e. once every 31.25s

10 Micron MT48LC1M16A1 Block Diagram
CLK, CKE (clock enable) CS# (chip select) WE# (write enable), RAS#, CAS# BA (bank address) A0-A10 (address) DQ0-DQ15 (data I/O) DQML,DQMH (input/output mask) – mask low or high bytes when write or enable output when read

11 SDRAM Read Operation SDRAM has been initiated and mode register is loaded Active (RAS) and then Read (with A10 high for auto precharge) CAS latency: delay between read command and the availability of the 1st piece of output data CL2 or CL3: 2 or 3 clock cycles Timing parameters: tRCD : between Active and Read/Write (RAS and CAS) tRAS : between Active to Precharge tRC : between successive Active’s to the same bank tRRD : between successive Active’s to different banks

12 Read without Auto Pre-charge

13 DDR (Double Data Rate) SDRAM
Same memory core identical addressing and command control, refresh requirements different data interface At a data rate twice of the clock frequency The internal bus is twice of the width of the external bus data capture at both edges Source-synchronous interfaces:

14 DDR Read Operation DQS: data strobe
bi-directional, by the controller for write and DRAM for read Either one of the two words read can be ignored. DQS is edge aligned with DQ (clocked out at the same internal signal

15 DDR Write Operation DQS is center-aligned relative to DQ and is used to capture input data

16 DIMM 184-pin dual in-line memory module (DIMM)
128MB (16 Meg x 64), 256MB (32 Meg x 64), or 512MB (64 Meg x 64) ECC (-- x 72) 8 or 4 DRAM chips Serial presence-detect (SPD) – a 256 bytes EEPROM to identify the module type and various SDRAM organizations and timing parameters I2C interface with the controller Registered– for servers, router, etc. To assure data integrity, use registers to latch address and command signals and one PLL clock buffer to adjust timing. Unbuffered -- cost optimized for desktop PC 200-pin, small outline, dual in-line memory module (SODIMM)

17 SDRAM Configuration Example
Assume we have 4 MT48LC32M8A2 chips each one is with 8 Meg x 8 x 4 banks (256M bits) need 4 chips to make a memory of 32-bit data Addresses ( =25 bits) banks: BA0-BA1 (2) Row: A0-A12 (13) Column: A0-A9 (10) CPU sends 32-bit addresses AD0-AD1 to select a byte from a word AD2-AD11, i.e. column address, to select a word from a row AD12-AD24 as row address AD25-26 connected to BA0-BA1 (non-interleaved) AD27-31 to select the SDRAM memory (to enable CS)

18 SDRAM Configuration Example
Assume CPU reads one word from memory location 0x CS=0x01, Row=0x1050, Bank=0b00, Column=0x044 two words from memory location 0x CS=0x01, row=0x1050, Bank=0b00, Column=0x061 Burst length=1, tRCD =1.6 clock periods, and CAS Latency=2 clock T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 command Active NOP Read (precharge) address 0x1050 0x044 0x061 0x062 DQs data1 data2 data3

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