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Satire Project: Nursing school Arial Dillard. How to survive nursing school Eat large amounts of fast food each day, drink 10 cups of coffee a day with.

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Presentation on theme: "Satire Project: Nursing school Arial Dillard. How to survive nursing school Eat large amounts of fast food each day, drink 10 cups of coffee a day with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satire Project: Nursing school Arial Dillard

2 How to survive nursing school Eat large amounts of fast food each day, drink 10 cups of coffee a day with a 5 hour energy drink every other cup, sleep a maximum of 2 hours per day, Snack on nothing but chocolates, watch TV all the time, throw big parties, get a full time-demanding job, go on vacations, adopt children, open a non profit animal shelter, join a gang, spend time with people who make you unhappy, join a sports team, go noodling, stay negative, get pregnant, be un-caring.

3 Blog  

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