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Ancient Civilizations Grade 5 Social Studies Mme Johnston.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Civilizations Grade 5 Social Studies Mme Johnston."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Civilizations Grade 5 Social Studies Mme Johnston

2 Grade 5 Outcomes

3 Historical Eras Pre-history (up to approximately 3000 BCE) Ancient (Approximately 3000 BCE to 500 CE) Middle Ages (500 CE to 1500 CE) Modern (1500 CE to present day)

4 How Do We Find Out About The Past? Archeology Interpreting artifacts that have been found Story telling Stories that have been passed on from generation to generation

5 Archeology

6 Story Telling

7 Ancient Civilization Museum Exhibits Choice Civilizations Ancient Greece Ancient Egypt Ancient Rome Ancient China Ancient India Mesopotamia Ancient Americas

8 Museum Exhibit Your display will include: Completed mini paragraphs explaining the following characteristics of the civilization: -Culture (music, art, dancing) -Clothing -Hierarchy -Food -Housing -Map -Interesting Facts -Religion/Beliefs -Artifact Creation

9 Your display will include: 1) Along with the write up, choose 2 of the characteristic to represent in another way such as a model, a picture, photo story or another way approved by your teacher. 2) An artifact that represents an object used in your civilization 3) A map showing the approximate location of your civilization. A paragraph explaining how the location of your civilization affected the lives of the people living there in ancient times.

10 Mapping Beginning with a world map, locate Canada on the map and colour it. Next, outline the boundaries in a different colour of the civilization you are studying. Colour it in. Give your map a title. Fill in your legend with the following information: Canada, your civilization boundaries. Zoom in on your civilization with a close up map and look at the environmental features that may have affected the people. Look at where your civilization is located in relation to the equator and bodies of water. What could this mean for your civilization (think about clothing, food, resources, trade, protection against enemies etc.) Write this in a paragraph (at least 5 sentences long). This will be included in your display so make it a good one! Colour the major bodies of water blue and mountains grey -This part will consist of a World map -A zoomed in view of your civilization -A paragraph explaining the outlined information

11 Culture “A day in the life…” Research the culture of your civilization. Look at their music, story telling, dancing, arts and crafts. In your paragraph tell the specific things that are part of their culture, why they started and why they are so important to them. This part will include : -A paragraph explaining outlined information -Possible pictures, model or another way to visually show their traditions

12 Food Research the types of food that your civilization ate. In your paragraph include reasoning why they ate these types of food. In your paragraph include any food that we might eat today that came from your civilization. Find a recipe that is similar to the types of food that came from your civilization. This part will include -A paragraph that includes the outlined information -A recipe

13 Clothing Research the types of clothing that your civilization wore. In your paragraph include what a woman would wear and what a man would wear. In your paragraph include what kinds of different clothing people in your civilization would wear depending upon what role they were (slave, merchant, king) This part will include: -A paragraph that includes the outline information -Possible picture, model or other visual representation

14 Housing Research the types of housing people in your civilization lived in. In your paragraph include different types of housing according to their role in society. Did their housing change with importance or did it stay the same? How did the environment and resources affect what they lived in? This part will include -A paragraph that includes the information outlined. -Possible picture, model or another way of representing where they lived

15 Heirarchy Please draw a flow chart (triangle) representing the societal class structure of your ancient civilization This part will include : -A visual flow chart

16 Religion, Belief and Myths Research the types of religion(s) that were practiced, beliefs and/or myths that existed for your civilization Write a paragraph outlining these religions, beliefs and/or myths for your civilization This part will include: -A paragraph that includes the outlined information

17 Interesting Facts Please list some interesting facts relating to your ancient civilization. It can include aspects of their culture i.e. music, art, homes, economy etc.. This part will include: -A paragraph with information outlined

18 Artifact Creation Create a visual representation (model, art piece) about your ancient civilization In a paragraph explain what your artifact is and why you chose it.

19 The Museum of Ancient Civilization Celebration!

20 Exhibit Rubric

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