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What is a “Cult”? Cults & New Religious Movements.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a “Cult”? Cults & New Religious Movements."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a “Cult”? Cults & New Religious Movements

2 Slide 2. AgendaAgenda Attendance In the news?news Make-your-own cult Media attitudes What is a cult?

3 Slide 3. Preview: Studying NRMs “Describe what a “cult” is in terms of its necessary and typical characteristics. How are the terms “Sect”, “New Religious Movement,” “High Demand New Religion” “Alternative Religion” “Controversial Religious Movement” different? What is a “cult”? What components does a “cult” have? What do “cults” have in common? Are all “cults” the same?

4 Slide 4. In this class…

5 Slide 5. If you started a cult… What would it be like? Teachings? Rituals? Authority? Organization? Daily Life?

6 Slide 6. What would you call a “cult”? What qualifies a group to be called a cult? Name some. Necessary characteristics: What must a movement have in order to qualify as a “cult”? Typical characteristics: What do cults typically but not necessarily have?

7 Slide 7. SectSect “Sect” usually refers to a dissident group that has separated from another, usually mainstream, religion (often proclaiming its intent to recover principles or practices believed to have been present in earlier times but from which the denomination has drifted away), while a “cult” is a small, intense religious group whose ties to mainstream religion and culture tend to be less pronounced, one that often espouses a belief system not rooted in Christianity or Judaism and often under the personal direction of a single charismatic leader.

8 Slide 8. Necessary characteristics Fringe (not mainstream in numbers or area) Religious beliefs? Recently begun? High-demands placed on members

9 Slide 9. (Stereo-)Typical characteristics High-demand Self-sacrifice for the cause Encapsulation (us & them attitudes) Charismatic leader Peculiar scriptures or teachings Difficult to leave? Unreasonable? Aggressive recruiting? Apocalyptic? Violent? Sexually deviant?

10 Slide 10. Differences between “cult” and: “Sect” More established than “cult”, a branch within a larger religion. “New Religious Movement” Carries no negative connotations Not everything considered a “cult” (especially by the ACM) is new. (e.g. gnosticism, Freemasonry) “High Demand New Religion” Not everything considered a “cult” puts high demands on its members (e.g., New Age Movement, Wicca). “Alternative Religion” Who decides what is mainstream and what is not? Does it vary from place to place (Mormonism in Utah; Judaism in Antigonish)?

11 Slide 11. Biased portrayals of cults Media portrayals Dangerous Devotion video (0:00-5:48)Dangerous Devotion What are proposed as cult characteristics? Counter-Cult Movement: Walter Martin on Christian CultsWalter Martin According to Martin, what makes something a cult?

12 Slide 12. Biased portrayals of cults Dangerous Devotion Dangerous Devotion video (0:00-5:48) What are proposed as cult characteristics?

13 Slide 13. Biased portrayals of cults Counter-Cult Movement: Walter Martin Walter Martin on Christian Cults According to Martin, what makes something a cult?

14 Slide 14. Jehovah’s Witnesses Jehovah’s Witnesses Jehovah’s Witnesses Jehovah’s Witnesses “Children of Jehovah” videoChildren of Jehovah We have guest speakers coming next week. Be respectful and try to understand where they are coming from. To prepare, read the chapter on Jehovah’s Witnesses by Ashcraft and Daschke, on the Moodle site.chapter on Jehovah’s Witnesses

15 Slide 15. Next Religious Movement Read the “Reading on Jehovah’s Witnesses” (on Moodle)Reading on Jehovah’s Witnesses Make notes on what you notice about what they believe about God The world Humanity The problem The good life Death Come prepared to ask questions of our guests

16 Slide 16. Next Sociological Issue Read Chapter 1 in Comprehending Cults Write a summary and response, and paste it into Moodle at mod/assignment/vie w.php?id=4546 mod/assignment/vie w.php?id=4546

17 Slide 17. Why study cults and NRMs? What can they help us understand? How do they help us understand it?

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