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General Health & Safety (H&S) Refresher Training December 2004 Sicherheit und Umweltschutz – D5 07/12/04.

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Presentation on theme: "General Health & Safety (H&S) Refresher Training December 2004 Sicherheit und Umweltschutz – D5 07/12/04."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Health & Safety (H&S) Refresher Training December 2004 Sicherheit und Umweltschutz – D5 07/12/04

2 Contents Summary of Legal Background General Safety Rules at DESY Specific Hazards and Related Safety Rules Emergency Response and First Aid Medical Surveillance

3 Legal Background

4 Basic Duties for the Employer The employer has to  Identify the workplace hazards associated with the activities performed,  Implement appropriate H&S measures to protect employees against harmful impacts,  Implement adequate organisational measures and provide sufficient resources for H&S measures in line with the company operations,  Provide the required instructions and orders to employees and verify adherence to these orders,  Close down installations if they represent an immediate hazard.

5 Basic Duties for Employees Employees  Have to support all H&S measures,  Have to adhere to employer‘s instructions related to the prevention of accidents,  Must not follow instructions conflicting with any rule for safe operation (such as use of tools with damaged power cable).

6 Basic Duties for Employees  Use all provided machines, devices, tools, substances, transport and other equipment as well as protective equipment in line with its intended use. You are obliged to  Use the required personal protective equipment adequately.

7 What Do You Do If You Encounter a Safety Deficiency?  Report the deficiency to you supervisor or to D5 immediately.  The same applies for accidents, near misses, damages or hazards.  You are obliged to correct identified deficiencies by yourself if this is within the area of your tasks and if you have got the required skills (qualification, training) to do so. Faulty grinding wheel

8 General Safety Rules at DESY The maximum speed on the DESY site is 30 km/h. Starting work while under the influence of alcohol and the consumption of alcoholic beverages during work are forbidden!

9 General Safety Rules at DESY The transport of hazardous materials on public roads is subject to the legislation on the transport of hazardous goods and requires specific safety precautions. Please contact D5.

10 General Safety Rules at DESY Hazard signs and access restrictions have to be observed. Activities in areas outside your group’s responsibility may only be carried out after all concerned groups have been informed. Danger – Electrical Equipment

11 Coordination of Activities If several groups are working in one area at the same time, the activities must be coordinated to avoid mutual hazards associated with the works (appoint responsible individual or coordinator). Works in rooms or installations of other groups have to be announced with the Responsible Person for the respective area or with an appointed individual. The coordinator or the appointed individual define the specific safety precautions required for performing the work.

12 Avoid Workplace Hazards Read and follow the workplace safety sheets. Avoid all hazards associated with your work – this includes hazards for yourself as well as for other persons!

13 Safety Signs There are different types of safety signs: Rescue Signs Mandatory Signs Prohibitive Signs Warning Signs Fire Safety Signs

14 Signs Indicating Mandatory Rules Safety helmets must be worn Eye protection Must be worn Ear protection must be worn Safety boots must be worn Safety gloves must be worn

15 Safety Rules for the HERA Halls Safety helmets have to be worn in the hall (marked areas) Smoking is prohibited in the hall and in the tunnel Warning signs indicate operation with flammable gases Access to the HERA Halls is only permitted after completion of a specific safety instruction for the halls and the tunnel and with a HERA access card. Achtung! Brennbare Gase! Caution! Flammable Gases!

16 Emergency Stop Switches Installations which may cause a hazard are equipped with emergency stop switches which shut down the installation in case of danger. The switch should bear a label indicating which facilities are shut down by pushing the emergency stop.

17 Specific Hazards and Safety Rules

18 - Electro-Magnetic Fields - Laser - Safe Use of Equipment - Hazardous Materials - Gases

19 Elektro-Magnetic Radiation Warning – Electro- Magnetic Field In some areas at DESY you may come into contact with electro- magnetic fields caused by strong magnets, power supply equipment or high frequency installations. Areas where such fields may occur are marked with the following signs: Warning - Magnetic Field

20 Elektro-Magnetic Radiation No Entry for Persons With Pacemakers Persons with pacemakers or metal implants are specifically at risk. For such persons, access to areas marked with the above signs is forbidden! No Entry for Persons With Metal Implants

21 Impacts of Magnetic Fields Warning - Magnetic Field

22 Impacts of Magnetic Fields In areas where magnetic fields occur, you may encounter specific risks when using metal tools or equipment:

23 Impacts of Magnetic Fields

24 Laser Beams Warning – Laser Beam In areas marked with this sign there may be an elevated hazard from laser beams. DESY has appointed Laser Protection Officers (Laserschutzbeauftragte) for the safe operation of lasers. These people provide further guidance in case of questions.

25 Safe Use of Equipment The term „equipment“ includes tools, devices, machinery or installations which are used during work.

26 Safe Use of Equipment Employees may only use equipment, if their supervisor has instructed them to do so, and they are qualified to use the equipment safely, or they have been instructed prior to the task and they are supervised by a person who is familiar with the activity. Instruction

27 Before using equipment Perform a visual check and an operational check! Equipment has to be in a safe operating condition and must not show deficiencies. Guards, safety systems and emergency controls must always be in good operating condition. Employees using equipment must not cause hazards to themselves or to other people.

28 Use of Equipment Equipment with safety deficiencies, must not be used (must be switched off), and has to be reported to the supervisor immediately. Replace or repair damaged equipment. Damaged Equipment Employees Supervisor (Responsible Person) Identified Deficiency Report

29 Designated Use Equipment, substances or installations may not be used without permission. Equipment may only be used in accordance with the purpose it is designated for, and in accordance with the operational manual, the workplace safety sheet and/or other safety instructions.

30 Designated Use of Equipment?

31 Set-Up, Maintenance and Repair Works Set-up, maintenance and repair works may only be initiated after all hazardous movements have come to a complete stop, the equipment has been secured against unauthorised, accidental or unexpected re-start, and hazardous movements due to residual energy are effectively prevented.

32 Set-Up, Maintenance and Repair Works Examples for residual energy: Hydraulic or pneumatic energy Potential energy (gravitation) Kinetic energy (flywheels etc.) Electrical energy Springs 1 0 Switch off and cut off from power supply Secure against re-start and hazardous movement Perform planned tasks according to instruction

33 Safe Use of Ladders Do not use damaged ladders and report any damages to your supervisor. Maximum load 150 kg. Maximum working height 7 m Place ladders only on non-slippery and even ground with sufficient load capacity. When leaning a straight ladder against the wall, position it in a safe angle (60-70°) Straight ladders must exceed the platform to be accessed by at least 1 m

34 Safe Use of Ladders Ladders placed in traffic areas or near such areas must be visibly marked and secured against falling. When working from a ladder, stand on the steps or rungs with both feet. It is not permitted to stand on the uppermost step of a self-supporting ladder. It is not permitted to step over from self-supporting ladders to higher areas. Ladders may not be used as a permanent working place (rule of thumb: working time < 2 hrs).


36 Hazardous Substances Hazardous substances are labelled according to their hazard characteristics: Highly toxicToxic Highly flammable Explosive FlammableOxydising Noxious Irritant Corrosive Hazardous to the environment

37 Hazardous Substances The use of hazardous substances requires specific safety precautions Prior to using a hazardous substance, obtain its EU Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). This sheet contains the safety information for the substance. The use of hazardous substances is controlled by Workplace Safety Sheets. Be aware of the hazards and follow the instructions provided in these safety sheets.

38 Hazardous Substances Vessels, cans, containers and piping containing hazardous substances must be unambiguously and permanently marked. After re-filling hazardous substances into other vessels, these also need to be marked. Never use food or beverage containers for storing hazardous substances.

39 Hazardous Substances... label them CORRECTLY!

40 Hazardous Materials The use of hazardous substances may require specific precautions which are indicated by safety signs, such as: Eating and drinking prohibited Smoking prohibited Fire, open flames and smoking prohibited

41 Flammable Gases Flammable gases are present in some DESY areas, e.g. in the HERA halls and the gas rooms. Specific safety precautions apply for works in these areas, and such works always have to be coordinated with the Responsible Person for the experiment or area. Smoking prohibited Fire, open flame and smoking prohibited Warning – explosible atmosphere

42 Cryogenic Gases Cold burns caused by direct (skin) contact with cryogenic gases Oxygen enrichment Asphyxiation (in enclosed rooms) due to sudden boiling (or leakage) of cryogenic gases Therefore, the use of cryogenic gases is only permitted for specifically trained persons. Risks associated with the handling of cryogenic gases include The transport of gases may only be carried out by -MEA6-!

43 Emergency Preparedness and First Aid

44 Which Fire Prevention and Fire-Fighting Equipment is Present at DESY? Fire Extinguishers Smoke Detectors Automatic Gas Extinguishers Manual Alarm Systems Fire Blankets Emergency Phone: 2500 Technical Emergency Service ZTS

45 Alarm Systems in the HERA Halls Gas Pre-Alarm: Pay attention to further announcements! Fire Alarm: Smoke has been detected in the hall or the building, pay attention to further announcements! Evacuation Alarm: Leave the hall immediately and check-out at the guard with your HERA access card. If you do not have your HERA access card, leave your name at the HERA entrance guard! There are three alarm systems in the HERA halls:

46 Emergency Equipment In your working area, are you familiar with the Escape Routes Assembly points First aid helpers Position of fire extinguishers Emergency phone number (2500) ? Position of first-aid equipment

47 Rescue Signs Stretcher First Aid Emergency Phone Eyewash Facility Emergency Shower Emergency Exit Emergency Escape Route

48 First Aid What do you do if you or a colleague have an accident at DESY? Report the accident to Technical Emergency Services (ZTS): Phone 2500 ZTS orders an ambulance and escorts it to the place of the accident. In addition, there are several first aid helpers in each group who have been trained in first aid measures.

49 First Aid Evacuate the injured person from the hazard area and secure the area without creating a hazard for yourself. Include persons watching the scene - e.g. to call the Technical Emergency Service. Where? How many? What kind? WaitWait for additional questions from the emergency service What kind of injuries do they have? How many persons are injured / affected? What? Detailed description of the area of occurrence Description of what happened Report this Information to the Technical Emergency Service: Technical Emergency Service Tel. 2500

50 First Aid Enter all injuries in the first aid logbook. This is important to document that the accident occurred during work – during this time, you are insured through the Occupational Liability Insurance LUK. What else is important in case of an accident? Report each accident to your supervisor immediately! If you have taken significant amounts of first-aid material from the first aid boxes, or if you notice that something is missing, ensure that the missing material is replaced.

51 Medical Surveillance The legally required medical check-ups are carried out by the Occupational Medical Service -BA- Dr. Bandelow Dr. Bünz You can contact -BA- in Building 1, Room 107 (Tel. -2171) BA is also available to assist with other information related to occupational health.

52 Medical Surveillance Medical check-ups are required if you  regularly work with specific hazardous substances (such as lead, methanol, benzene)  perform driving or control activities (cranes, forklifts, DESY vehicles)  work in noise areas  work with respiratory protection. You can also have a check-up performed if you work regularly at screen display workplaces.

53 Workplace Hazards  Are there any hazards associated with your workplace or your working area?  How can these hazards be prevented?  Which other measures should be taken?

54 Our occupational liability insurance Landesunfallkasse Hamburg (LUK) DESY employees are insured through the LUK during work and on the direct route to/from work.

55 Thank you for your attention!

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