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CIS 2200 Kannan Mohan Department of CIS Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright © 2009 Kannan Mohan.

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Presentation on theme: "CIS 2200 Kannan Mohan Department of CIS Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright © 2009 Kannan Mohan."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIS 2200 Kannan Mohan Department of CIS Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright © 2009 Kannan Mohan

2 2 Articulate the reasons for IT project failure Describe different software development methodologies that are commonly used Identify the criteria used to select an appropriate development methodology

3 1983: F16 autopilot flipped plane upside down whenever it crossed the equator 1985: Arthritis-therapy microwave set patient’s heart pacemaker to 214, resulting in fatal coronary 1987: NORAD defense radar system mistook the Moon for a hostile incoming missile

4 1988: Bank of America Spent $ 23 Million on MasterNet A computerized accounting and reporting system Spent another $ 60 million to make it work and finally gave up Lost billions of dollars of customer accounts

5 1990: Vancouver Stock exchange index rose 50% when 2 years of round-off errors in the program were corrected 1992: “Compatible” teller machines of 2 British banks handled leap years differently, withholding cash and confiscating cards during New Year Holiday


7 Inaccurate understanding of end-user needs Inability to deal with changing requirements Software that is hard to maintain Late discovery of serious flaws Lack of focus on quality

8 (Dennis et al, 2007) 8

9 Time XP - Extreme Programming (Beck, 1999)

10 10

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13 (Dennis et al, 2007)

14 (Tiwana and Keil, 2004) (Tiwana & Keil, 2004)

15 SEI (Software Engineering Institute) CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) Maturity levels LevelMaturity 1Initial 2Managed 3Defined 4Quantitatively Managed 5Optimizing 15

16 In-houseOutsourced OnshoreTraditional modelSubcontractor/ third party in the same locale OffshoreForeign branch of the same company (captive center) Subcontractor/third party in a foreign locale 16

17 Drivers Challenges

18 Tap the stone bridge before crossing Expertise vs. cost Modularize Control by design Bridge software engineers 18

19 Organizational culture Centralized vs. decentralized decision making Organic vs. mechanistic National culture Power distance Long term orientation Individualism/collectivism Uncertainty avoidance Guanxi Jugaad Mianzi (Face) Doctrine of Mean

20 Who do you rely on to get project status information? Trust but verify When does misreporting happen? Consider individual traits – risk propensity, work climate, cultural differences Auditing to seek accurate project status? Dysfunctional cycle of distrust, trust in supervisor Connection between project sponsor and propensity to report Reducing power distance in reporting relationships Deaf and mum effect (Keil et al, 2014)

21 What are the different software development methodologies that are commonly used? Why do IT projects fail? How do you select an appropriate methodology based on project characteristics? Articulate the drivers and challenges of offshoring and any variations in offshoring practices. 21

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