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Barbara Moser - Purchasing Joanne Webb - Accounts Payable

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Presentation on theme: "Barbara Moser - Purchasing Joanne Webb - Accounts Payable"— Presentation transcript:

1 Barbara Moser - Purchasing Joanne Webb - Accounts Payable
Procure to Pay (P2P) Barbara Moser - Purchasing Joanne Webb - Accounts Payable Welcome

2 P2P Business Process Workshop Agenda
Introduction Key Terms TUmarketplace Discussion General Requirements and Policy Review Creating a Requisition for PO, Approval, Processing, and Payment Summary

3 After This Workshop You Should:
Be familiar with the systems and processes required for purchasing Know how to get invoices paid quickly and accurately Understand your role in the P2P (req to check) process

4 Procure to Pay P2P Business process covering Purchasing Invoice Entry
Requisitioning Purchasing Invoice Entry Receiving Payment

5 Purchasing Department
Our mission is to procure goods and services for the University community customers in a timely, cost-effective, and efficient manner. Provide the Tools to Purchase Efficiently: TUmarketplace – electronic ordering system TUebid – electronic bidding system Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Supplier qualification review and approval Obtain quotations Contract negotiation and management Conduct bidding Award bid

6 Purchasing Key Terms - eProcurement
An electronic ordering system - TUmarketplace Showcase Catalog Vendor Electronic “static" catalog in TUmarketplace Punchout Catalog Vendor TUmarketplace linked to vendor’s website Requisition (PR) Initial request to make a purchase Purchase Order (PO) Legal document authorizing use of university funds Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) Used for recurring purchases – not encumbered Change Order (CO) Original conditions of order have changed TPcard Temple issued credit card for small dollar transactions Vendor/Supplier Contribute goods or services in a supply chain Contract Legally-enforceable promise made by one party to another Terms and Conditions Set the rights and obligations of contracting parties Encumbrance Anticipates a future expenditure and is recorded by a PO

7 TUportal Administrative System Access
TUmarketplace Access TUportal Administrative System Access

8 TUmarketplace “Landing Page”

9 TUmarketplace Catalogs

10 TUmarketplace TPcard Enabled Vendors
$5,000 Beginning Feb.1

11 Purchasing General Requirements and Policies
Less than $5,000 $5,000 and greater Competitive Bid Not Required Competitive Bid Required May require a Sole Source Form if not bid Only non-catalog requisitions route to Both catalog and non-catalog requisitions route to purchasing purchasing for review and PO Showcased & Punchout catalog orders do not route to purchasing for review or PO Purchase Order Required

12 Temple Pcard (TPcard) ~Purchasing Card~
$5,000 Beginning Feb.1 Temple Pcard (TPcard) ~Purchasing Card~ Non-Allowable Travel Food Gifts and Gift Cards Personal Contributions, Donations, or Sponsorships Computers Allowable UPS Conference Registrations Memberships to Professional Organizations Books Non-hazardous lab supplies Benefits Reduces: Number of PO and invoice processing Reduces: Use of personal funds for University business transactions & reimbursements Faster order placement, quicker delivery Quicker payment to vendor Reduces paper Sample List Sample List Please Refer to Purchasing Dept. Website for Complete List

13 Forms Purchasing Not Processed in Purchasing
Might be processed In Purchasing Accounts Payable Online Invoice Payment Development Communications HSC OFM Work Order Creative Services Automated Clearing House (ACH) Deposit Authorization Internal Photography Surplus Work Order Contract Approval Police/Security Services Diamond Dollars Main OFM Work Order Vendor Quote

14 Contract Approval Form
Electronic workflow approval of legal documents Will process through Purchasing if contract is greater than $5,000 and commits University funds Supporting documents are sent to vendor by department Beginning Feb.1 Complete Contract Approval Request Form After workflow approval, the requisition is routed to Purchasing – if commits funds >$5,000 Purchasing reviews for proper documentation and requisition routes to University Counsel University Counsel reviews, obtains electronic signature When a Purchase Order is required the signed contract routes to Purchasing to create a PO The requisition is closed and the contract is exported to Imaging

15 Independent Contractor Forms
Independent Contractor Determination and Certification Independent Contractor should answer yes to all of the questions 2) Independent Contractor Service Agreement Scope of Work Total Cost W-9 – I.R.S. Tax Form Under $5,000 – Agreement can be executed by department dean or vice president Beginning Feb.1 Over $5,000 – Agreement must be attached to a purchasing requisition with all Independent Contractor forms for review and approval by Accounts Payable

16 Sole Source Form Only One Source
Unique expertise or technology leadership Patent protection or copyrighted materials Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) No suitable competitor Preference for one vendor does not justify sole source This is the exception rather than the rule

17 Order Consolidation – Making Cent$
$aves Time $aves Money Conserves Resources Promotes Environmental Sustainability Reduces Waste Reduces Delivery Truck Congestion “Free Shipping” - cost of shipping can be buried in cost of product What You Can Do Preplan Your Purchases Anticipate Needs Keep Stock of Items Frequently Used Order Consumable Products Once a Week, or less, In a Larger Order

18 Returnable Totes for Office Supplies
Arrange for pick-up of all Alpha/Staples delivery totes by ing:  or

19 Upcoming Enhancements
February 1st Increase from $3,000 to $5,000 TPcard transaction limit Contract Approval Form Independent Contractor February 17th PaymentNet4 (TPcard administration site) March 30th SciQuest Upgrade New features to be announced Spring 2014 New TUmarketplace Vendors: AMD/DVSS ~ Medical Supplies– Punchout National Gift Card (NGC) ~ Gift Cards - Punchout

20 Accounts Payable Overview
Accounts Payable (AP) is the source of all vendor payment information Benefits of Electronic Invoicing: Automation of matching receipts to purchase orders Two Way Match Three Way Match Workflow - track and route documents through the approval process in TUmarketplace

21 Accounts Payable Key Terms
AP– Accounts Payable ACH – Direct Deposit E-Invoicing – Electronic Data Interface T & E – Travel and Expense Reports FOAPAL – Fund, Org, Account, Program, Activity, Location NRA - Nonresident alien Receivers – Approval on invoice or entered in TUmarketplace W-9 – IRS Requirement JE – Journal Entry TPCard – Temple University’s Purchasing Card PO – Purchase Order Req. – Requisition Net 1,15, 30 – When the invoice is released for payment based off the invoice date

22 Types of Payment Requests
Using TUmarketplace Direct Pay (Non-PO related invoices) Regular Purchase Order Invoices (Committed PO Invoices) Blanket Purchase Order Invoices (Not committed to budget) Independent Contractors (PO and Non-PO) Credit Invoices Travel and Expense Reports (Concur Travel and Expense System) Accounts Payable Online Invoice Payment Form Should not to be used if a Pcard is available

23 Accounts Payable Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know whether I should call Accounts Payable or Purchasing with a question? Check status of purchase orders or payments on an invoice/check request by using Self Service Banner or contact Accounts Payable at Need to make a change to a purchase order, contact Purchasing Questions regarding PCard, contact Purchasing Questions regarding contract specifics, contact Purchasing How do I know if a person is an Independent Contractor or an Employee, contact Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Online Invoice Payment Form Should not to be used if a Pcard is available

24 Accounts Payable Frequently Asked Questions con’t
How do I know if a person is an Independent Contractor or an Employee? Employee: Temple controls what work will be done and how it will be done. Temple has the right to control and manage the details of how and when the work is performed. Independent Contractor: Individual specializes in a field, ex: landscaper, consultant, etc. Contractor decides how the work will be done, not Temple Typically set their own hours and are paid on a free-lance basis, either a flat rate or per job rate Accounts Payable Online Invoice Payment Form Should not to be used if a Pcard is available

25 Accounts Payable Frequently Asked Questions con’t
How do I enter a receipt in TUmarketplace? Quantity Receipt: Quantity receipts are used for products regardless of how many items are purchased Cost Receipt: Cost Receipts are used with orders that are for services such as Independent Contractors, Maintenance Agreements, Software installation and any other service related orders Here is the link which is located in the Unified Resource Center. Go to TUportal, right hand corner click on the help. Here is where you will find all the material to walk you through a lot of your questions. Accounts Payable Online Invoice Payment Form Should not to be used if a Pcard is available


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