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Religion II May 26, 2015. The Incarnation “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... And the word became flesh.”

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Presentation on theme: "Religion II May 26, 2015. The Incarnation “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... And the word became flesh.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion II May 26, 2015

2 The Incarnation “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... And the word became flesh.”

3 The Incarnation sarks (Greek), carne (Latin) FLESH WE CANNOT BE HUMAN BEINGS WITHOUT BODIES! Docetism: an early heresy that was associated with the Gnostics that claimed that Jesus had no human body and only appeared to die on the Cross

4 The Importance of the Incarnation If Jesus Christ only seemed to be human, then he didn’t really die and rise. If Jesus Christ only seemed to be human, then our human nature is not healed. If Jesus Christ only seemed to be human, then we have never perceived the Glory of God.

5 Mary, the Mother of God By responding “yes” to God’s invitation to the Incarnation at the Annunciation, Mary was already collaborating with the whole work her Son was to accomplish.

6 Christology The study of Jesus Christ—trying to understand who he is John focuses on the heavenly origins of Christ and his fundamental identity as God’s only Son. The synoptic gospels provide a narrative of Jesus of Nazareth and develop his story as an ascent to glory through the Paschal Mystery.

7 The Signs in John’s Gospel Sign 1: The Wedding at Cana Jesus changed the water into wine; we believe that he can change us. Water symbolizes baptism; wine symbolizes the Eucharist. Mary’s concern for others moved her to intercede.

8 The Signs in John’s Gospel Sign 2: Cure of the Official’s Son Power of Jesus’ word was enough to heal the son of a court official Jesus can rescue us from spiritual death. Shows the power of intercessory prayer (prayer for others) Sign 3: Cure on a Sabbath Jesus is the source of life. “My Father is at work until now, so I am at work.” Both the Son and the Father work on the Sabbath.

9 The Signs in John’s Gospel Sign 4 and 5: Multiplication of Loaves and Walking on Water Recall Moses’ miracles in Exodus after the first Passover Manna in the desert Walking through the Red Sea Jesus is the New Moses and the true Passover.

10 Bread of Life Discourse After these signs, Jesus tells his disciples that he replaces the manna of the Exodus. He is the source of eternal life—the Eucharist. The Eucharist brings about an intimate relationship between Christ and the Church. Peter: Master, to whom shall we go?

11 The Signs in John’s Gospel Sign 6: Cure of a Man Born Blind Contrasts a blind man who was given sight with those who had physical sight yet were spiritually blind. Remain faithful to Jesus and your faith will deepen. The Lord teaches that spiritual blindness is worse than physical blindness. Sign 7: Raising of Lazarus This most important sign prefigures Jesus’ own Death and Resurrection. Sums up all the signs Jesus is the way of life Jesus is the Resurrection Jesus is God (“I Am”). Faith is essential for us to gain eternal life.

12 The Last Supper John reports the Last Supper occurred on the day the Jews killed the lambs for Passover. Every Eucharist re-presents in an unbloody manner the one Sacrifice of Christ. Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. He promises to send the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit

13 The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus The Lord greatly desires to live in us, people united to him.


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