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MAY 2014 SBDM TRAINING WEBINAR. OBJECTIVE FOR TODAY’S WEBINAR To assist School-Based Decision Making trainers and coordinators in serving and supporting.

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Presentation on theme: "MAY 2014 SBDM TRAINING WEBINAR. OBJECTIVE FOR TODAY’S WEBINAR To assist School-Based Decision Making trainers and coordinators in serving and supporting."— Presentation transcript:


2 OBJECTIVE FOR TODAY’S WEBINAR To assist School-Based Decision Making trainers and coordinators in serving and supporting SBDM Councils within their school district.

3 AGENDA SBDM Training Modules and KDE provided resources Elections Legislative Update SBDM Verifications Staffing Allocations Online Training


5 2014 SBDM Handbook Table of Contents ChapterTitlePage 1School-based Decision Making Statute, 6 2Other Kentucky Statutes Related to School Councils Work 22 3Bylaws and Policies 28 4Roles for School-based Decision Making Stakeholders 34 5School Councils and Boards of Education 40 6School Council Elections 42 7Requirement for SBDM Member Training 52 8Communicating with Families and the Community 55 9Open Meetings 58 10Committees 67 11Consensus Decision Building 73 12Open Records 77 13Communicating with the Media 82 14Personnel and Staffing Allocations 85 15Minority Educator Recruitment and Retention 91 16Achievement Gaps and Planning Requirements 103 17School Councils and Budgets 109 18Principal Selection (overview) 102

6 KDE SBDM TRAINING MODULES Introduction to SBDM – (6 hours) SBDM and Budgets (3 hours) Bylaws & Policies (3 hours) Family & Community Engagement (3 hours) TELL KY (3 hours) Closing The Achievement Gap (3 hours) Advanced SBDM Training 2014 (3 hours) Continuous Improvement Planning (3 hours)

7 INTRODUCTION TO SBDM Objectives To understand: The purpose of school-based decision making The basics of the Kentucky statutes and regulations on school- based decision making The basic composition of the membership The required policies The required decisions The school council meeting process The requirements for personnel consultation and principal selection The improvement planning process School council budgeting and funds available

8 INTRODUCTION TO SBDM Included in Module: Participant Handbook Facilitators Guide PowerPoint Presentation

9 BUDGETS MODULE Objectives: Understanding budget responsibilities of the district, the school council and school Understanding components of an effective budget policy Reviewing budget advice from KDE Included in Module: Participant Handbook Facilitators Guide PowerPoint Presentation

10 BYLAWS AND POLICIES Objectives: understand how bylaws make school council work more efficient, consistent, open and fair to all stakeholders understand how policy development can improve student achievement awareness of the school council policy criteria tools and resources understand how to address school council policy challenges

11 BYLAWS AND POLICIES Included in Module: Participant Handbook Facilitator Guide Sample Bylaws Sample Policies PowerPoint Presentation

12 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (FCE) Objectives: Overview The Missing Piece of the Proficiency Puzzle Barriers to Parent and Community Engagement Is Your School Friendly Family Engagement Policies Family/Community Engagement Next Steps

13 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (FCE) Included in the Module: FCE Participant Handbook Facilitators Guide Family Friendly School Checklist Sample Parent Involvement Policy PowerPoint Presentation

14 TELL KENTUCKY SURVEY Outlines the Kentucky TELL survey, data usage, and looks to provide a better understanding of the benefit and importance of the survey.

15 CLOSING GAPS FOR ALL STUDENTS Objectives: Provide an overview of the Unbridled Learning Define gap and unduplicated group Understand the expectations defined in Guidelines for Closing the Gaps for All Students Discuss and select strategies to close the achievement gap most appropriate to assist with your school improvement plan

16 CLOSING GAPS FOR ALL STUDENTS Included in Module: Participant Handbook Facilitator Guide Achievement Gap Resources PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines for Closing the Gaps for All Children (developed by the Commissioner's Raising Achievement/Closing Gaps Council)

17 ADVANCED SBDM Objectives: Understand the school council’s role within Kentucky’s Unbridled Learning Accountability Model Understand how school council members are legally selected Understand school council composition and how school council meetings can be open and inclusive for all stakeholders Understand the school council’s role in budgets

18 ADVANCED SBDM Module Includes: Participant Handbook Facilitator Guide Role Playing Resources PowerPoint Presentation

19 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PLANNING Objectives: The WHY, The WHAT, and The HOW ASSIST Basics What makes a good plan? The School Report Card From Data to Improvement Planning

20 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PLANNING Included in Module: Participant Handbook Facilitator Guide Continuous Improvement Planning Resources Continuous Improvement Planning Participant’s Supplement PowerPoint Presentation

21 KDE PROVIDED RESOURCES Election Handbook (updated 4/14) Council Resource Booklet (updated 4/14) Frequently Asked Questions Booklet (updated 3/14) Required Policies and Decisions Checklist (updated 2/14) Selecting a Principal Guidebook Sample Policies (some on the web with more to come this year)

22 ELECTION HANDBOOK Includes: Parent Basics Chart Minority Election Guide Minority Representative Flow Chart Parent Election Checklist Sample Parent Ballot Teacher Basics Chart Teacher Election Checklist Sample Election Protocols

23 COUNCIL RESOURCE BOOKLET Includes: Kentucky’s Curriculum Framework for Students Kentucky Board of Education Goals School and District Improvement Planning Process SBDM Required Policy Areas ASSIST information SBDM Required Decision Areas Kentucky’s Open Meeting Statutes Records Retention Schedule

24 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS BOOKLET Includes Questions Regarding: Roles and Responsibilities Elections Council Member Training and Verifications Meetings Record Keeping Consultation and Job Classifications Principal Selection Budgets

25 REQUIRED POLICIES AND DECISIONS CHECKLIST Checklist for councils to ensure they are adhering to all Required Policies and Required Decisions, of councils and schools.

26 SELECTING A PRINCIPAL GUIDEBOOK Guidebook Includes: Legal Requirements for Principal Selection Principal Selection FAQs Summary of Kentucky’s Open Meetings Statutes ISSCL Standards Steps for Principal Selection Sample Criterion Sample Process of Gathering Information Sample Interview Questions Acceptable and Unacceptable Questions Sample Performance Events/Writing Samples FAQs on Requesting an Interim Principal

27 SAMPLE POLICIES Found under number 3.4 of the Bylaws and Policies Module Current Samples Include: Sample Emergency Plan Policy Assignment of Staff Time Assignment of Students to Classes and Programs Determination of the Schedule Consultation in the Selection of Personnel By the Principal

28 OTHER KDE PROVIDED SAMPLES Sample Sign In Sheet Sample New Member Training Evaluation Sample Experienced Member Training Evaluation Sample Election Protocols Sample Parent Nomination Form Library Media Program Rubric


30 WHO IS ELIGIBLE as a teacher representative All certified staff members, as defined by the Educational Professional Standards Board (EPSB), in the school, including itinerant teachers, part time teachers, counselors and library media specialist are eligible to serve as a teacher representative on the school council and to vote in a school council election. Curriculum Coaches/Instructional Coaches may be considered a teacher for the purpose of SBDM as long as they do not have administrative powers/duties

31 WHO IS NOT ELIGIBLE as a teacher representative Principals, assistant principals and other administrative staff with evaluative duties

32 WHO IS ELIGIBLE as a parent representative parent candidates must have a student enrolled or preregistered to attend the school for the year they will be serving on the school council. The candidate must be a parent, stepparent, foster parent, or a person who has legal custody of a student pursuant to a court order and with whom the student resides.

33 WHO IS NOT ELIGIBLE as a parent representative Parent who is an employee of the school in which they wish to serve or a relative of an employee in the school An employee or a relative* of an employee in the district administrative offices A local board of education member or member’s spouse. *A relative, as defined in statute, includes father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, son-in law and daughter-in law.

34 MINORITY ELECTIONS When must a school have a special election for minority representatives? If a school has 8% or more minority enrollment as of the October 1 preceding the initial parent or teacher election, the school must have minority representation on the school council. If a minority member is elected to the school council in the initial parent or teacher elections, or if the principal is a minority, then the school council is not required to elect additional minority members.

35 MINORITY ELECTIONS Otherwise, an additional election to select a minority parent and a minority teacher must be held. An election for minority representation will result in an increase from six members to eight on a single council. This does not require an Alternative Model application to be filed.

36 MINORITY ELECTIONS Was a minority representative elected or is there a minority administrator? No A special election is needed and the principal will be responsible for the following : Organizing a special election to elect a minority parent representative. The principal shall call for nominations and shall notify the parents of the students of the date, time, and location of the election to elect a minority parent to the council by ballot. Once the election is completed, and a minority parent member has been elected, there is no need to apply for an Alternative Model and that representative will serve their 1 year term. Allowing the teachers in the building to select one (1) minority teacher to serve as a teacher member on the council. There are no minority teachers employed at the school. An additional faculty member shall be elected by majority vote of all the teachers to serve as an additional teacher representative but not as a representative of the minority population. This is to ensure that the council membership is increased proportionately. There is only one minority teacher employed at the school. Teachers must select and offer the position to that teacher. Teacher accepts the position and will remain on the council until the next election. The teacher is unable or unwilling to accept the position. The position is listed as vacant. There are multiple minority teachers employed at the school. A special election is held and the minority teacher with the majority of votes is elected to the council and will serve the 1 year term. Yes Your council has minority representation and there is no need to have a special election.


38 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE 2014 The General Assembly for 2014 has come to an end. Several bills directly (or indirectly) affecting SBDM were proposed. However, none of the bills passed both the Senate and the House of Representatives. So, at present, no changes to the SBDM statute will materialize. As for the state budget, including the reference to Section 6 allocation: The budget bill (HB 235) does include the provision for a school district to allocate Section 6 funds at no less than$100 per ADA.


40 WHAT WE WILL COVER Submission process of staffing allocations by May 1 deadline. SBDM Verifications and correlating it to the School Report Card.


42 March 1 Tentative Allocations due to Councils for next budget year 702 KAR 3:246 Section 2(1) The local school district shall provide notice to school councils of a tentative allocation by March 1, May 1 Final Allocation Draft due to SBDM councils and notice of an updated allocation by May of each year for the funds and positions identified in Sections 4, 5, 6, and 8 of this administrative regulation for the next budget year in accordance with this administrative regulation. May 1 Board Approved Allocations due to Kentucky Department of Education 702 KAR 3:246 Section 4(2) Any revisions of staffing policy or guidelines for the next school year shall be adopted by the local board and submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education by May 1 of each year. April 15 th Allocations Submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education for ‘REVIEW’

43 STATUTES FOR DECISION AREAS FOR SCHOOL COUNCILS KRS 158.031(4) – primary programming KRS 160.345(2)(f) – job classification determination KRS 160.345(2)(g) – determining textbooks, instructional materials, and student support services KRS 160.345(2)(j) – annual review of school assessment data


45 EXAMPLE District Name When will numbers be counted?

46 EXAMPLE Teachers Library Principal Kindergarten

47 SBDM VERIFICATION Coordinator Handbook, Chapter 1, page 18, section 6 states Council verification data will be entered into the database by November 1.


49 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS When should training verification data be uploaded onto your database? If I make a mistake, how can I fix it? We’re calling for minority nominations and still need to train new members, should I wait?


51 ONLINE TRAINING OPTIONS New member training is available online through KET for a $95 fee. For information visit: you can also contact Cynthia Barton at 859-258-7271 or

52 ONLINE TRAINING OPTIONS Experienced member training is also available through KET however there is no fee for experienced member training. For information visit:

53 HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR EILA AND BE ADDED TO THE ENDORSED TRAINER’S LIST Send the following message to the SBDM Mailbox: SBDM Staff: I have viewed the SBDM Trainer Webinar and would like to be included on the Endorsed Trainer List. gov

54 KDE SBDM STAFF Zack Marinelli 502-564-3791 ext. 4007 Sharma Aitken 502-564-3791 ext. 4028

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