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AQA GCSE Art & Design Set Task (Exam)

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1 AQA GCSE Art & Design Set Task (Exam)
Development Work Planning PowerPoint Starting Point 2: Transform

2 How to use this PowerPoint
Use this PP to plan and produce development work for your exam project. You can always access it via the art website: Green slides signal the start of a new stage in your planning or sketchbook

3 Planning stages (green slides) (Tip: Use these stages as titles in your sketchbook to help planning) ( You may decide to do some stages in a different order) (Think about how long each stage will take and plan your time carefully) AO3 - Brainstorm the starting point AO1 – Artist and cultural investigations AO3 - Early intentions and ideas AO3 - Primary & Secondary recording AO1 – Investigations from other sources AO2 – Using materials to refine ideas AO4 – Final design AO4 – Final outcome (in 10 hour exam)

4 Useful links

5 1. AO3 - Brainstorm the starting point
Richard Dunbrack recycles found objects, creating distinctive furniture. Textile artist Cas Holmes reassembles discarded items and waste materials and transforms them in her work. Illustrator Sara Fanelli uses mixed media to transform the appearance of characters in children's stories, and Juan Gris applied cubist principles to his subjects Investigate appropriate sources and produce your own work in any media based on: EITHER (a) everyday objects OR (b) recycle / reinvent Produce a brainstorm for the theme that uses word association to generate ideas. Use the images on the next slide to inspire you... (GRADE A / A*) A highly developed ability to fluently and skilfully record ideas and insights relevant to intentions (GRADE B) A consistent ability to skilfully record ideas and insights relevant to intentions (GRADE C) A generally consistent ability to effectively record ideas and insights relevant to intentions

6 Examples of brainstorms...

7 2. AO1 - Artist investigations
Investigate and analyse at least 2 of the artists given in the exam starting points. Use reliable internet sources and if possible books and other sources Use quality images, drawings and annotations using the 4 headings (GRADE A / A*) A confident and highly developed ability to demonstrate analytical and cultural understanding (GRADE B) A consistent ability to demonstrate analytical and cultural understanding (GRADE C) A generally consistent ability to demonstrate analytical and cultural understanding TOP TIP: Take care with presentation and the spelling, punctuation and grammar of written work. Use the annotation help sheets to extend your vocabulary

8 Cas Holmes
Cas Holmes work is informed by personal experience, places visited, stories of her Romany grandmother, old and forgotten textiles. Her project 'Urban Nature' meticulously re-used salvaged materials, including items as diverse as teabags, sweet wrappers, printed vintage textiles and even old handkerchiefs. This was supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England for its tour with twisted thread at Festival of Quilts and the Knittings and Stitching Shows.

9 Sara Fanelli
Sara Fanelli is an artist and illustrator, born in Florence in She came to London to study art at Camberwell College of Art and then the Royal College of Art where she graduated in She divides her time between illustration work, books and self-generated projects. She has written and illustrated children’s books which have been published in many languages and have earned her international awards and commendations. She has won several international awards including twice being the overall winner of the Victoria and Albert Museum Illustration Award.She won the D&AD Silver Awards for poster design in 2003 and for a postage stamp in 2000.

10 Juan Gris
José Victoriano (Carmelo Carlos) González-Pérez (March 23, 1887 – May 11, 1927), better known as Juan Gris, was a Spanish painter and sculptor who lived and worked in France most of his life. His works, which are closely connected to the emergence of an innovative artistic genre—Cubism—are among the movement's most distinctive.

11 Richard Dunbrack
"Rich has taken the odds and ends of memories and forgotten past and recreated them into masterful pieces of art." - American Pie Crafts "All of Dunbrack's creations have vitality, but his clocks especially seem to embody human characteristics." - Boston Globe

12 3. AO3 - Early intentions and ideas
Choose an area of your brainstorm to focus on - Make written notes about your early intentions for the project and what you hope to achieve by the end. (This plan may change!) - Use the 4 headings and also include: Objects you want to record visually Artists and other sources you want to investigate CLOSE -UP TOP TIP: You could include some small thumbnail drawings to show your idea visually Content Process Meaning Purpose

13 Suggested themes for Transform

14 4. AO3 - Primary and Secondary Recording
You must now find appropriate objects and items to record from. The main ways you will do this will be through observational drawing and photography. Record from primary sources first and move onto secondary sources if necessary… (GRADE A / A*) A highly developed ability to fluently and skilfully record observations relevant to intentions (GRADE B) A consistent ability to skilfully record observations relevant to intentions (GRADE C) A generally consistent ability to effectively record observations relevant to intentions

15 Observational drawing
Success Criteria: Quality tonal shading High contrast Interesting and unusual compositions Zooming in and cropping

16 Photography Success Criteria: Interesting and unusual compositions
Appropriate themes Recording changes

17 5. AO1 - Investigations from other sources
You must extend your investigations by using other sources of information This could include other artists, a visit to a gallery or a local place of interest related to your theme Record your investigations using photography, drawings, collected items and written notes. TOP TIP: Always refer to your intentions, state why you have investigated a source, how will it help with your final piece?

18 6. AO2 - Using materials to refine ideas
(GRADE A / A*) A highly developed ability to thoughtfully refine ideas through purposeful and discriminating selection of appropriate materials and techniques (GRADE B) A consistent ability to thoughtfully refine ideas through purposeful selection of appropriate materials and techniques (GRADE C) A generally consistent ability to effectively refine ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate materials and techniques Choose appropriate materials to develop your ideas See the next slide for ideas about materials Re-visit and refine your experimental pieces up to the highest standard possible. TOP TIP: Use materials that you have used before and are confident with! Never spend more time writing about your practical work than doing it!

19 Using materials The list below shows what you should have covered in your GCSE Art Remember to use materials that you are confident with already... 2D Pencil Fineliner / Pen Watercolours Acrylic Paints Collage Polystyrene Printing Lino Printing 3D Card Relief Wire / card sculpture Clay slab Clay coil / pinch pot Glazing techniques TOP TIP: The link below takes you to GCSE Bitesize and useful practical videos for 2D and 3D techniques

20 7. AO4 – Final Design Produce a quality final design for your final piece This should be a refined drawing of how your 2D / 3D piece will look Make notes using the 4 headings TOP TIPS: Highlight how your final piece will realise your intentions Highlight links and connections to artist work that you have looked at.. (GRADE A / A*) A highly developed ability to present an imaginative, personal, informed and meaningful response when realising intentions. (GRADE B) A consistent ability to present an personal, informed and meaningful response when realising intentions. (GRADE C) A generally consistent ability to effectively present an personal, informed and meaningful response when realising intentions. CONTENT PROCESS MEANING PURPOSE Final Design

21 Homework Research images that relate to your brain storm
These images should be photographs and images from the internet (If you are really good you could get some images form books) Due date 30th Jan 2013

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