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1 Whack-a-Mole


3 If 20 Joules of work is used to transfer 20 coulombs of charge through a 20-Ohm resistor, the potential difference across the resistor is 1 V 20 V 0.05 V 400 V

4 What is the maximum amount of work that a 6000
What is the maximum amount of work that a Watt motor can do in 10 seconds? 6.0 x 101 J 6.0 x 102 J 6.0 x 103 J 6.0 x 104 J

5 Three resistors, 4 ohms, 6 ohms, and 8 ohms, are connected in parallel in an electric circuit. The equivalent resistance of the circuit is Less than 4 W Between 4 W and 8 W Between 10. W and 18 W 18 W

6 An electric circuit contains a variable resistor connected to a source of constant voltage. As the resistance of the variable resistor is increased, the power dissipated in the circuit Decreases Increases Remains the same

7 An electron is located in the electric field between two parallel metal plates as shown in the diagram below. If the electron is attracted to plate A, then plate A is charged positively, and the electric field is directed from plate A toward plate B positively, and the electric field is directed from plate B toward plate A negatively, and the electric field is directed from plate A toward plate B negatively, and the electric field is directed from plate B toward plate A

8 A potential difference of 10
A potential difference of 10.0 volts exists between two points, A and B, within an electric field. What is the magnitude of charge that requires 2.0 x 10–2 joule of work to move it from A to B? 5.0 x 102 C 2.0 x 10-1 C 5.0 x 10-2 C 2.0 x 10-3 C

9 A circuit consists of a resistor and a battery
A circuit consists of a resistor and a battery. Increasing the voltage of the battery while keeping the temperature of the circuit constant would result in an increase in current, only resistance, only both current and resistance neither current nor resistance

10 Charge flowing at the rate of 2
Charge flowing at the rate of 2.50 x 1016 elementary charges per second is equivalent to a current of 2.50 x 1013 A 6.25 x 105 A 4.00 x 10-3 A 2.50 x 10-3 A

11 An electric drill operating at 120. volts draws a current of 3
An electric drill operating at 120. volts draws a current of 3.00 amperes. What is the total amount of electrical energy used by the drill during 1.00 minute of operation? 2.16 x 104 J 2.40 x 103 J 3.60 x 102 J 4.00 x 101 J

12 Two small identical metal spheres, A and B, on insulated stands, are each given a charge of +2.0 × 10–6 coulomb. The distance between the spheres is 2.0 × 10–1 meter. The magnitude of the electrostatic force that the charge on sphere A exerts on the charge on sphere B is 1.80 x 105 N 8.99 x 105 N 1.80 x 10-1 N 8.99 x 10-1 N

13 A 10. 0-meter length of copper wire is at 20°C
A 10.0-meter length of copper wire is at 20°C. The radius of the wire is 1.0 x 10–3 meter. The cross-sectional area of the wire is 3.14 m2 3.14 x 10-3 m2 3.14 x 10-6 m2 7.85 x 10-7 m2

14 A 10. 0-meter length of copper wire is at 20°C
A 10.0-meter length of copper wire is at 20°C. The radius of the wire is 1.0 x 10–3 meter. The resistance of the wire is 0 W 5.5 x 10-2 W 5.5 x 10-3 W 18.3 W

15 The electrical resistance of a metallic conductor is inversely proportional to its
Temperature Length Cross-sectional area resistivity

16 In a simple electric circuit, a 24-ohm resistor is connected across a 6.0-volt battery. What is the current in the circuit? 1.0 A 0.25 A 140 A 4.0 A

17 An operating 100. -watt lamp is connected to a 120-volt outlet
An operating 100.-watt lamp is connected to a 120-volt outlet. What is the total electrical energy used by the lamp in 60. seconds? 0.60 J 1.7 J 6.0 x 103 J 7.2 x 103 J

18 Two oppositely charged parallel metal plates, 1
Two oppositely charged parallel metal plates, 1.00 centimeter apart, exert a force with a magnitude of 3.60 x newton on an electron placed between the plates. The potential difference between the plates is 2.25 x 102 V 4.44 x 10-3 V 2.25 V 3.60 x V

19 A beam of electrons is directed into the electric field between two oppositely charged parallel plates, as shown in the diagram below. The electrostatic force exerted on the electrons by the electric field is directed Into the page Out of the page Toward the bottom of the page Toward the top of the page

20 A 15-ohm resistor, R1, and a 30.-ohm resistor, R2, are to be connected in parallel between points A and B in a circuit containing a 90.-volt battery. Which of the following images is correct

21 A 15-ohm resistor, R1, and a 30.-ohm resistor, R2, are to be connected in parallel between points A and B in a circuit containing a 90.-volt battery as seen in the figure below. The potential difference across R1 is 90 V 90 W 30 V 30 W

22 A 15-ohm resistor, R1, and a 30.-ohm resistor, R2, are to be connected in parallel between points A and B in a circuit containing a 90.-volt battery as seen in the figure below. The current flowing through R1 is 2.0 A 3.0 A 6.0 A 90. A R1 R2

23 A constant potential difference is applied across a variable resistor held at constant temperature. Which graph best represents the relationship between the resistance of the variable resistor and the current through it?

24 A 3.0-ohm resistor and a 6.0-ohm resistor are connected in series in an operating electric circuit. If the current through the 3.0-ohm resistor is 4.0 amperes, what is the potential difference across the 6.0-ohm resistor? 8.0 V 2.0 V 12. V 24. V

25 Which combination of resistors has the smallest equivalent resistance.

26 Two oppositely charged parallel metal plates, 1
Two oppositely charged parallel metal plates, 1.00 centimeter apart, exert a force with a magnitude of 3.60 x newton on an electron placed between the plates. The magnitude of the electric field strength between the plates is 5.76 x N/C 2.25 x 104 N/C 2.25 N/C 4.44 x 10-5 N/C


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