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D Boland.  The roles of women within industry have changed in both developed & developing countries.  Recently, several changes have happened in Ireland.

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Presentation on theme: "D Boland.  The roles of women within industry have changed in both developed & developing countries.  Recently, several changes have happened in Ireland."— Presentation transcript:

1 D Boland

2  The roles of women within industry have changed in both developed & developing countries.  Recently, several changes have happened in Ireland but women still do not enjoy industrial equality with men


4 What changes have occurred in the work place in the past 50 years.

5 Changes have taken place  1: Big increase in number of women in paid employment. BUT  More than 30% are part-time & in low paid jobs.  Most work in traditional employment – office work, catering & other service industries. Females make up 92% of nurses but only 8% of engineers.


7 Changes have taken place  2: More women employed in skilled & semi- skilled industry. BUT  A much smaller amount of women than men progress to higher-paid managerial positions. Only 18% of Irish industrial managers are female.



10 Changes have taken place 3: Women’s industrial wages have steadily increased, equal pay for equal work is now the norm. BUT  Women’s average industrial wages are still only 75% of those of men.  Some immigrant women have illegally been exploited, paid 30% less than Irish co- workers.


12  Prejudice: regarding what’s seen as ‘suitable’ working roles for women. An EU survey shows that 50% of Irish people believe that woman are capable as men of working as TD’s, surgeons etc..  Education: More girls study home economics in school, more boys study industrial subjects such as woodwork.  Domestic duties & childcare facilities: Women are expected to do most child-minding. This can discourage them from entering full-time employment.


14  1917 revolution made Russia world’s first Communist country.  In 1991, Russia became a ‘free-market’ or capitalist economic system.  Both of these led to changes in women’s role within Russian industry.



17 Changes have taken place 1: Before Communism Before 1917 Russian women had few rights. They were expected to marry & obey their husbands. Most received little formal education and only 16% could read or write, compared to 40% of men. Those woman that did work received far less money that their male counterparts.


19 Changes have taken place  2: During Communism Following the Communist Revolution women were given equal rights & educational opportunities to men. Every adult had the right to employment & equal pay. By 1990 over 90% of woman were engaged in full/part time work and fully literate BUT  While these rights were given, women were still traditionally viewed as housekeepers and carried the double burden of housework & employment.


21 Changes have taken place 3: Following Communism In 1991, the Communist system collapsed. Russians were allowed to set up their own companies & greater personal freedom was given with less restrictive government rules. BUT  Thousands of unprofitable factories have shut down. State-run childminding centres have closed down making it harder for mothers to work outside home.  2001= ¾ of Russia’s unemployed were women.



24  Do you agree with the way that China has got its workforce to 50% male and 50% female? Why?

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