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Mortgages and Seashells. 1. Iterating Linear Functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Mortgages and Seashells. 1. Iterating Linear Functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mortgages and Seashells

2 1. Iterating Linear Functions




6 A Useful Linear Function

7 A General Financial Formula

8 Suppose you borrowed $10,000 from a bank that charged.05% interest per month and would like to make payments of $500 per month. How long would it take to pay off the loan? An Application

9 -10000, B(n) = 0

10 2. Iterating Geometric Transformations

11 Rotate thru -90

12 Dilate about the origin by a factor of.618

13 Translate over 1, up 1

14 Rotate thru -90

15 Dilate about the origin by a factor of.618

16 Translate over 1, up 1

17 The Golden Spiral

18 Golden Spiral?

19 3. Iterating Complex Linear Functions


21 3. Complex Linear Functions

22 The Golden Rectangle Function


24 Putting DeMoivre’s Theorem to Work

25 Problem: This gives complex numbers as a function of a real variable. How do you plot g(x)? Need to plot ( real[g(x)], imaginary[g(x) ) for x = 0 to 20 Mathematica to the rescue!

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