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RESOURCE EFFICIENT & CLEANER PRODUCTION IN HOTELS AND LODGES- BEST PRCTICES The Director BY Jane Nyakang'o Kenya National Cleaner Production Centre P.O.

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2 RESOURCE EFFICIENT & CLEANER PRODUCTION IN HOTELS AND LODGES- BEST PRCTICES The Director BY Jane Nyakang'o Kenya National Cleaner Production Centre P.O. Box 1360-00200 City Square, Nairobi, Kenya Tel. 254-020-6004870/1, Mobile: 0734412402 Email: Web:

3 A. About the Centre Kenya National Cleaner Production Centre (KNCPC) is a Trust under the Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development. Part of global UNEP/UNIDO National Cleaner Production Centre program. Mandate: to provide technical support services in Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Thus… It greens the development path thru more resource efficient and less polluting enterprises

4 Services RECP information, training and “learning-by-doing” in-plants assessments (audits) Training and environmental assessments & audits Training in climate change, sustainable procurement, sustainable design and construction Industrial symbiosis What are the enablers?..... Building on GoK Inclusive Green Growth agenda – Transiting from a “brown” to a “green” economy The GoK already leading with the development of a Green Economy Strategy & Implementation Plan (GESIP)…on- going – GESIP will provide a green economy policy framework to bring coherence in implementing actions

5 The focus is on resources used & pollution prevention: – How much wastewater per unit production/operation? – How much solid waste per unit production/operation? – What is their environmental compliance levels? – How much energy, water, cleaning materials per square metre? – How and to what extent can they be reduced? (technology? skills? systems? Information? – Climate foot print and adaptation Target setting..pollution prevention & efficiency (“zero waste” & 100% efficiency”)

6 More than 300 enterprises have benefited from the support of KNCPC Benefits: Reduced pollution per unit production & therefore a cleaner environment Less resources to produce goods & services Financial & social gains Easier compliance with environmental stds

7 B. Sustainable Tourism (ST) ST is about re-focusing & adapting for sustainability along the value chain with economic, social and environmental considerations Interest of tourists in environment is promoting ecotourism, and with it the search to develop environmental and economically feasible policies & practices based on sustainability. Sustainable development in hotels is fundamental because they depend on the environment in which they are located Questions: Is the hotel industry capable of defining, in detail, the process in which their company manages environmental performance? Are the environmental strategies being effective? Who wants to be a guest in an environment in which levels of pollution are health hazards? How can hotels convince the public to use services

8 KNCPC is supporting tourism to be more resource efficient and environmentally sustainable; creating eco- tourists; reducing climate footprint Focus has been on hotels: to reduce the resource use intensity and pollution generation per guest or per bed occupancy – Bolstering top management commitment to RECP – Energy efficiency & renewables – Water efficiency and wastewater management – Materials & solid waste management – Green house gas emission (climate footprint) Support through capacity building – Information – Training – Resource efficient & cleaner production assessment

9 Cont’d Several hotels supported: North Coast Beach Hotel; Turtle Bay Resort; Hemingways Beach Resort; Kaputiei Safariland RECP options in these hotels indicate that on average about 35% of the water consumption, 30% waste generation and 25% electricity consumption can be reduced in hotels and resorts annually

10 C. Sustainable Coastal Tourism (COAST) Project A partnership project (2011-2014) aimed at improving the sustainability of the hotel industry. The COAST was a UNEP implemented, Global Environmental Facility (GEF) supported project that was executed by UNIDO in collaboration with UNWTO (UN World Tourism Organisation) and KNCPC Objective: “demonstrate & support adoption of best practices for sustainable tourism to reduce the degradation of marine and coastal environments” Countries: Mozambique, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and South Africa Kenyan Hotels: North Coast Beach Hotel; Turtle Bay Resort; Hemingways Beach Resort

11 A case of Turtle Bay resort, Mombasa Secured top management commitment Provided staff training in RECP, climate change, EMS, ECA RECP in-plant assessment to determine baselines and identify opportunities for energy efficiency & renewables, water efficiency, solid waste reduction, effluent treatment & recycling EMS development (EHS policy, ISO) Implementation of RECP between July 2013 and Dec. 2013 Total saving for six month $ 33,515 ( on No and Low cost options only)



14 Con’t: Energy per guest went down; 1 kwh served 0.04 guests up from 0.029 guests This’s evidenced by reduced GHG emission: from 0.008 to 0.006 CO 2 eq. tons/guest Cleaning materials used per guest reduced Water use & conversely effluent generation went up. More water efficiency measures needed (guests sensitization, retrofitting taps & showers; regular cleaning approaches, cleaning during maintenance)



17 Economic & Environmental Benefits: Turtle bay Resort Club CP OptionsInvestme nt (USD) Savings (USD/yr) Payback Period Environmental Benefits Water, materials, energy (unit/year) i)Energy Delamping Intelligent & efficient ligthing 01,187Immediate  Reduction on total energy consumption  Reduction on CO 2 emissions  Overall energy efficiency  Cost of energy saving Installation of solar water heaters in kitchen, laundy 11,7643,0913.8 years  Reduction on total energy consumption  Reduction on CO 2 emissions  Overall energy efficiency  Cost of energy saving Avoiding idle time of electrical appliances in kitchen -15, 870Immediate  Reduction on total energy consumption  Reduction on CO 2 emissions  Overall energy efficiency  Cost of energy saving

18 CP OptionsInvest ment (USD) Savings (USD/yr) Payback Period Environmental Benefits Water, materials, energy (unit/year) i)Water  Sub metering  Water leakage detecting program.  Establishing water balance  Reducing wet washing 4709,1320.05 years  Reduction in water consumption  Saving in cost of water  Savings in cost of waste water treatment  Overall water efficiency ii.Waste  Construction of a pyrolytic kiln for waste incineration  Trending waste generated levels  Composting 11, 770 4,2352.8years  Reduction in air pollution  Reduction in waste quantities & cost of waste management  Cleaner & healthier living space  Total saving for six month$ 33,515(on no- and low-cost options only)

19 D. Challenges Lack of commitment by top hotel management Financial stress: worse during low seasons – hotels couldn’t implement all the RECP measures – under-designing of composter in Turtle Bay Lack of skilled staff on sustainability matters Poor record-keeping on key performance indicators Need for sustainable tourism policies at the national level Lack of incentives & disincentives for “beyond- compliance” initiatives

20 E. Conclusion The hotel should be focused on commercialization of their products, following ecological tendencies, keeping an eye on costs by using less water, energy, generating less waste, recycling, reusing & recovery, renewables Performance indicators in a hotel chain can test this performance, checking whether what is expected, is really being achieved, and even permitting a comparison with the performance of other hotels. Thus, use of environmental indexes is useful for the identification of the pressures generated by the hotel on the environment in a measurable form:

21 cont’d.. Consumption of water per guest Amount of water reused in the hotel Consumption of energy per annum Consumption of energy per habitational unit Consumption of energy per guest Consumption of energy per type of energy consumed Consumption of cleaning products per square meter Amount of residues produced monthly per guest Number of initiatives implemented by the hotel to prevent pollution Number of employees that participate in environmental programs Degree of conformity with environmental legislation Costs associated with environmental aspects of the process

22 End of Presentation THANK YOU 21

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