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EPPCN meeting – Krakow May 18, 2015 Avital Baer. SESAME – Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East Allaan, Jordan.

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Presentation on theme: "EPPCN meeting – Krakow May 18, 2015 Avital Baer. SESAME – Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East Allaan, Jordan."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPPCN meeting – Krakow May 18, 2015 Avital Baer

2 SESAME – Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East Allaan, Jordan


4 SESAME is a “third-generation” synchrotron Light source - under construction in Jordan. It will be the Middle East's first major international research center. synchrotron Light source It is a cooperative venture by scientists and governments of the region set up on the model of CERN being developed under the auspices of UNESCO (UN Organization) following the formal approval given for this by the Organization's Executive Board (May 2002).CERNUNESCO It is an autonomous intergovernmental organization at the service of its Members which have full control over its development, exploitation and financial matters. Members

5 Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority, and Turkey. Current Observers (2015): Brazil, China (People’s Republic of), France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Portugal, Russian Federation, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the USA.

6 SESAME will both: Foster scientific and technological excellence in the Middle East and neighbouring countries (and prevent or reverse the brain drain) by enabling world-class scientific research in VARIOUS subjects: ranging from biology, archaeology and medical sciences through basic properties of materials science, physics, chemistry, and life sciences & Build scientific and cultural bridges between diverse societies, and contribute to a culture of peace through international cooperation in science.


8 8 Location of SESAME : Allaan, north of A-Salt  Currently a college of Al-Balqa University.  SESAME to replace the olive grove, the only flat place on site.

9 Pakistan Israel Egypt Jordan

10 Iran

11 Few Facts: November 1995 - MESC's efforts to promote regional cooperation in science, and also solidarity and peace, started in with the organization in Dahab (Egypt). Early 1980's - The need for an international synchrotron light source in the Middle East was recognized by eminent scientists such as the Pakistani Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam in the and the CERN and MESC group. Birth of the Idea


13 Turin, Italy 1997 - in a second MESC seminar, to which 31 scientists from Israel and the Arab States were invited = decided to go forward in moving BESSY I to the Middle East. Launching of the project April 2000 - At a meeting in Geneva, Jordan was selected as the seat of the Center ( in a competition with five other countries from the region) May 2002, the Executive Board of UNESCO approved the establishment of SESAME under the auspices of the UN ( UNESCO invited the Organization's Member States – to become Members or Observers of SESAME)

14 Donation of BESSY I components ( Berlin Electron Storage Ring Company for Synchrotron Radiation ) 2002 - The Idea of basing an International Synchrotron Light Source in the Middle East, on the components of the of BESSY I machine. January 2003 -

15 Milestones: 2006-2008 – funds from EU + IAEA 2008-9 – Labs from all over the world donating components (= 20 M $) = From LURE, France - Beamline, undulator From SLS, Switzerland - Beamline, wiggler From Daresbury Lab & Univ. of Liverpool, UK - Five beamlines → day 1 Proton crystallography and XAFS/X-ray fluorescence beamlines From SLAC, Stanford University, USA -Undulator,… From ALS, Bekeley, USA -Wiggler From LBNL, USA - Wiggler From Elettra, Italy- Cavities

16 2007 – SESAME’s Council decides to upgrade beamlines to 2.5 Gev. November 2008 – Building Inauguration ! @ Festive ceremony * 2010 –2012 Israeli gov. giving 5M $ – Iran, Turkey & Jordan – decided matching each 5 M$ @ 5 years 2013-4 =

17 17 5M

18 2014-5 – Italy (INFN) Donation = 1 M 2015 – additional = 0.8 M 2016-2018 – pledge + 1.5--2.5 M ( according to project progress) while funds : EU & Jordan + Israel + Turkey (Iran ??..)

19 19


21 There are challenges Completing building the Machine to the higher standards according to user-scientists demands Increasing the number of member countries from the Gulf & the Mahgreb Compensating the differences in the human and financial resources of the member countries Solutions to some practical problems involving travel restrictions in the region Ongoing/Stable financial support Funding for main ring and adaptation/upgrading of beamlines But the outlook is good with commissioning possible in 2016 thanks especially to HM King Abdullah II, Director Toukan, CERN, UNESCO, IAEA, and those who have donated equipment, especially BESSY 1 SESAME

22 SESAME A world class competitive synchrotron radiation laboratory Providing non-discriminating scientific environment for working together Interdisciplinary research; an environment for collaborations as well as individual development Exploiting local advantages A place to which expatriate scientists can return Contribute to development of local economy SESAME Conclusion: science can help building political bridges, for which strong scientific foundations are essential !


24 Thank You : )

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