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Conduits –To conduct blood to the organs and periphery Impedance matching –Minimise cardiac work –Minimise pulse pressure –Control flow according to demand.

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Presentation on theme: "Conduits –To conduct blood to the organs and periphery Impedance matching –Minimise cardiac work –Minimise pulse pressure –Control flow according to demand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conduits –To conduct blood to the organs and periphery Impedance matching –Minimise cardiac work –Minimise pulse pressure –Control flow according to demand What are arteries for?

2 What are arteries made of? Why do large arteries become stiffer with age (and disease)? Why are some people affected more than others? Questions Conduit arteries: large arteries near the heart and their main branches Why are conduit arteries distensible?

3 Arteries are distensible because: 80 100 120 1 sec The wheel has yet to evolve in the animal kingdom (bacteria have propellers) Therefore(?) the heart is a pulsatile pump. Its output consists of a pulse wave superimposed on a steady component.

4 Systolic pressure Diastolic pressure Average pressure Pulse pressure = systolic pressure - diastolic pressure 80 100 120 1 second Pressure [mmHg] Aortic pulse wave

5 Average pressure determined by resistance of peripheral arteries Pulse pressure determined by elasticity of large arteries Pulse pressure = systolic pressure - diastolic pressure Systolic pressure Diastolic pressure Average pressure 80 100 120 1 second Pressure [mmHg]

6 The pulse is a wave of dilatation With thanks to Chris Martyn

7 Similar to a surface wave

8 A heavenly wave

9 Speed of the wave is related to the stiffness of the artery it is traveling in The stiffer the artery; the higher the wave speed Wave speed is proportional to the square root of arterial stiffness


11 Blood vessel elasticity Inelastic Pseudo elasticity Non linear Large strains Strain energy function/incremental approach Anisotropic Uni-axial expts./circumferential direction Viscoelastic Quasi static experiments }

12 Stress, strain and elastic modulus A reminder.

13 Stress ( , sigma) –Force per unit area= (F/A) Strain ( , epsilon) –Change in length per unit length= (  L/L 0 ) Elastic (Young’s) modulus (E) –stress/strain=  F L0F L0 A LA L = Poisson’s ratio (, nu) –transverse strain /longitudinal strain= -  x /  y –for incompressible materials 

14 2001000 Pressure (mmHg) Relative Radius 1.0 1.5 2.0 PP P RR R PP P RR R

15 Incremental strain Incremental stress Incremental elastic modulus (structural stiffness) 2001000 Pressure (mmHg) RR 1.0 1.5 2.0 PP RR R P 2001000 Pressure (mmHg) Relative Radius 1.0 1.5 2.0 PP P RR R PP P RR R 

16 R/Ro 0 5 10 15 E inc [Nm -2 x 10 5 ] Variation of E inc with stretch

17 Structural & functional stiffness Geometry Structure Functional stiffness Structural stiffness

18 Some haemodynamics  P Q Steady flow resistance = k  p E R 2 = k  µl R 4 µ:viscosity l: length R: inner radius k 1 :constant Z c  ˆ P ˆ Q Characteristic impedance (pulsatile flow “resistance”)

19 Just a touch more Z c  cc R2R2 c:pulse wave velocity  :tissue & blood density c  k  E p Measure pulse wave velocity non invasively to estimate functional stiffness = k  E p R 2

20 Summary The relationship between vessel dimensions, elasticity and blood flow Structural stiffness Functional stiffness Characteristic impedance (a measure of all the factors which combine to limit pulsatile flow due to a pulsatile pressure gradient) Structure & geometry Functional stiffness & diameter

21 Electrical analogue R 1 : resistance of large vessels L 1 : inertia of blood C 1 : compliance of large vessels R 2 : peripheral resistance R 3 : source resistance of heart R1R1 L1L1 R3R3 R2R2 C1C1

22 Reflections In the arterial system reflections of pressure and flow waves occur wherever there is a change in the local fluid impedance Decrease in diameter or increase in stiffness -> positive reflection of pressure negative reflection of flow If no reflections: pressure and flow waves are the same shape Arterial disease usually associated with increased reflections (except aneurysms) Energy is lost so cardiac output must increase to maintain a given flow

23 Wave reflection mean pressure/mean flow pulsatile pressure/pulsatile flow resistance characteristic impedance ∆t Pressure Flow Time

24 Fourier analysis H1 + H2 H3 36027018090 -2 0 1 2 H1 + H2 + H3 H4 Mean H1 H2 Measured H1+H2+H3+H4

25 Q(t) = q 0 + q 1 Cos(  t -  1 ) + q 2 Cos(  t -  2 ) + q 3 Cos(  t -  3 ) +... P(t) = p 0 + p 1 Cos(  t -  1 ) + p 2 Cos(  t -  2 ) + p 3 Cos(  t -  3 ) +... |Z| = |p n |/|q n |Pressure/Flow F =  n -  n Pressure - Flow

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