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1 One Laptop Per Child John Gregg.

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Presentation on theme: "1 One Laptop Per Child John Gregg."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 One Laptop Per Child AGRIC_JOHNNYAG@ME.COM John Gregg

2 2 The Idea Lead an effort in SE Nigeria to Re-launch the Food Supply chain & Primary Medical Care One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) made contact to loop us in OLPC drives distribution of “Free Computers” to 100% of children in a defined region What’s good for Nigeria….is good for Detroit Get People to Agree and solicit Funding

3 3 OLPC - Key Facts Developed at MIT Labs Started 2005/6 2.5 Million distributed globally (95,000 in USA) Some have 100% distribution for entire country ULPC – Foundation in Cambridge, Mass and Association in Miami, Fla ULPC History – Work with Governments Future – Added Focus on Companies

4 4 “XO Computer” OX

5 5 What “OX” is $200/Computer Special Screen Technology with 5 – 10% of normal Screen Cost 1GHz and 1 GB memory with built in camera Robust for children - outside plastic is 40% thicker 300 dedicated special Software Packages available for free XO Machines designed to communicate with one another (internet not required for this) Innovative Power systems (e.g. Solar)

6 6 How it Happens Partner with Government or Industry for Funding Quanta Computer Co. build Laptops Build Local Data and Internet Centers in Schools Distribute computers to 100% of the students in a defined geography and engage Schools

7 7 End Game – 10 Years from now 1.Front line techniques on Learning in place 2.All Detroit families with Children affected 3.Families affected by association 4.Attracts other resources 5.A New Work force characterized by… Computer Literate Practice Self Learning Understand Networking

8 8 Cost Detail – Large Scale Project Laptop 190 Connecivity 31 Servers 5 Spares5 Maintenance4 Logistics2 Delivery3 Operating costs7 Spreading and Impact2 Total/Machine $248 $

9 9  Get City and Detroit Public School Buy-in  Look for Partners to pay  $12.5 Million (50K Students)  In and Outside of Detroit Next Steps AGRIC_JOHNNYAG@ME.COMAGRIC_JOHNNYAG@ME.COM John Gregg

10 10 How I got into this

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