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I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 1 Module 1: Context Sensitive Solutions and Livability Overview.

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1 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 1 Module 1: Context Sensitive Solutions and Livability Overview

2 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 2 Module 1: Context Sensitive Solutions and Livability Overview By the end of this module you will be able to:  Describe the concepts and principles of CSS and Livability  Recognize how CSS developed

3 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 3 Module 1: Context Sensitive Solutions and Livability Overview Lesson 1: Defining CSS and Livability Lesson 2: How CSS Developed Lesson 3: Core Principles of CSS and Livability Lesson 4: Integrating CSS and Livability in Planning and Project Development

4 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 4 Defining CSS Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach that involves all stakeholders to develop a transportation facility that fits its physical setting and preserves scenic, aesthetic, historic, and environmental resources, while maintaining safety and mobility. (FHWA) CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 1.2

5 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 5 Defining CSS CSS is about  A transportation agency carrying out its mission to provide for the safety and mobility of the public  Completing transportation projects CSS applies to  Staff assigned to transportation projects  Executive leadership, project managers and all stakeholders CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 1.2

6 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 6 How CSS Developed 1969 1991 1997 1998 2002 2004 2005 2006 2008 2009 NEPA Enacted TEA-21 Enacted Thinking Beyond the Pavement Executive Order 13274 FHWA Website Launched SAFETEA-LU Enacted ISTEA Enacted FHWA Flexibility in Design Timeline National Peer Exchange FHWA provides CSS Action Planning Grants Publication of Integration Guide, Training Guide, and CSS Primer CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 2.1

7 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 7 Core Principles of CSS  Strive toward a shared stakeholder vision to provide a basis for decisions  Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of context—transportation and other elements  Foster continuing communication and collaboration to achieve consensus  Exercise flexibility and creativity to shape effective transportation solutions, while preserving and enhancing community and natural environments CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 2.2

8 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 Context Sensitive Approach  Asks about the Purpose and Need of a transportation project  Equally addresses safety, mobility and preservation  Involves a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach  Instituted at both a project and institutional level

9 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 9

10 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 Livability Principles  Provide more transportation choices  Promote equitable, affordable housing  Enhance economic competitiveness  Support existing communities  Coordinate policies and leverage investment  Value communities and neighborhoods 10

11 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 Achieving Livability Through Smart Transportation  Creating good paying jobs  Stimulating the broader economy  Investing in green projects  Revitalizing a small town’s “Main Street”  Transforming urban streets into neighborhood centers  Preserving scenic country roads  Creating Smart Transportation solutions in tight economic times  Enhancing neighborhoods through the enhancement program 11

12 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 Achieving Livability Through Smart Transportation  Making design responsive to community needs  Integrating transportation and land use  Using scenic byways to attract tourists and support local economies  Promoting walking and biking  Supporting travel and tourism 12

13 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 Clarification  Sustainable transportation provides exceptional mobility and access to meet development needs without compromising the quality of life of future generations. A sustainable transportation system is safe, healthy, and affordable, while limiting emissions and use of new and nonrenewable resources.  Smart growth focuses growth in existing communities to avoid sprawl; and advocates compact, transit-oriented, walkable, bicycle-friendly land use, including neighborhood schools, complete streets, and mixed-use development with a range of housing choices.  Complete Streets safely accommodate all users - pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motorists, of all ages and abilities - along and across a roadway; this is a shift in focus from building streets primarily for cars.  Context Sensitive Solutions is an approach to transportation project design that is collaborative, interdisciplinary, and involves all stakeholders in providing a transportation facility that fits its setting; the approach seeks to preserve and enhance scenic, aesthetic, historic, community, and environmental resources while also improving or maintaining safety, mobility, and infrastructure conditions. 13

14 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 Quote  Transportation is the Means  CSS is the Process  Livability and Sustainability are the Outcomes 14

15 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 15 Integrating CSS in Planning and Project Development CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 2.4

16 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 16 Integrating CSS and Livability in Planning and Project Development  Environmental Stewardship and Streamlining –Stewardship is an essential element of effective environmental streamlining –CSS offers an avenue to move transportation project development processes forward –SAFETEA-LU mandates/strengthens CSS as the right way to do business CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 2.4

17 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 17 Integrating CSS in Planning and Project Development Implementing CSS at the State Level StateAction Illinois, MaineState legislation MichiganTransportation Commission Policies and Directives MichiganGovernor’s Executive Directives California, New Mexico, Washington, Florida DOT Director’s Policies on CSS Idaho Massachusetts, District of Columbia, Maryland Georgia, Maine Department Guides Ohio, Wisconsin Texas Vermont Wyoming Policies related to environmental streamlining, aesthetic guidelines and other aspects of CSS CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 2.4

18 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 18 CSS – Important Links  Wyoming DOT – Tim Stark (307) 777-4379  FHWA and CSS -  Joint Partners: AASHTO, FTA, ITE, NACTO, and NPS -  NCHRP 25-25 (04), Environmental Stewardship Practices, Procedures, and Policies for Highway Construction and Maintenance (AASHTO’s Center for Environmental Excellence) - dium/manual/ttp:// dium/manual/  CSS Integration Guide and Self-Assessment 20CSS/CSS%20Integration%20Guide%20and%20Appendices.pdf 20CSS/CSS%20Integration%20Guide%20and%20Appendices.pdf  Putting Smart Growth to Work in Rural Communities - art_Growth_to_Work_in_Rural_Communities art_Growth_to_Work_in_Rural_Communities

19 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 Livability Links    the_road_to_livability/resources/aashto_road_to_livabilit y.pdf/ the_road_to_livability/resources/aashto_road_to_livabilit y.pdf/  n/Document/301483/Putting_Smart_Growth_to_Work_in _Rural_Communities n/Document/301483/Putting_Smart_Growth_to_Work_in _Rural_Communities 19

20 I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 1 20 Knowledge Check Context Sensitive Solutions  What are the key principles of CSS and Livability?  Name at least three policies and/or regulations that contributed to CSS’s development.  What is environmental stewardship and how does it apply to CSS?

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