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D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 20121 Current DAQ State D. R. Bett.

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Presentation on theme: "D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 20121 Current DAQ State D. R. Bett."— Presentation transcript:

1 D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 20121 Current DAQ State D. R. Bett

2 FONT Meeting 5 th May 20122 Interface with FONT movers Calibrated interface with DT9854 module LabVIEW project settings Send commands Receive data Interleave fb Log data Log EPICS data FONT5 board #1 commandsdata.dat.dac.rb.set.epx Send commands Receive data Interleave fb Log data FONT5 board #2 commandsdata.dat.dac.rb.set MARCH 2012

3 D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 20123 New DAQ scheme Addresses several issues: 1.Rob’s DAQ modified to cope with two bunch mode known not to correctly perform interleaving of feedback, latency scans 2.Necessary to maintain a separate instance of code for each board – to add new features, each must be modified 3.Code distributed and difficult to manage

4 D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 20124 Send commands Receive data Save data Interleave fb Specify for each ADC: Data, proc BPM, heliax, LO Graphical presentation of EPICS data Interface with FONT movers Calibrated interface with DT9854 module Take data runs, optimize settings ADCs, DACs readbacks feedback state EPICS.dat.dac.rb.set.epx phase new values ADCs assignment new values position commandsdata settings APRIL 2012

5 D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 20125 Improved VIs –General improvement to legibility –Live monitoring of DACs –Direct referencing of control registers –Parallel execution enabled –Single sample mode added

6 D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 20126 Brand New VIs –Monitor board data –Synchronize data logging, interleaving –Automated variation of parameters –effectively “spun out” from

7 D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 20127 Save logic (synchronized) Interleave feedback Position monitoring Phase monitoring Sum and difference monitoring (saturation) Skew monitoring (timing)

8 D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 20128 Set scan attributes Scan results (phasing LOs)

9 D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 20129 Scan results (zeroing movers)

10 D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 201210 Summary No functionality lost FONT5 board VI –more generic –less monolithic All hardware code collected together Facility for automatic parameter scans Some bugs to iron out

11 D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 201211 Appendix: Other VIs Define the hardware layout to be stored in the.set file Knowledge of which phase shifter controls which channel required for automatic phasing of LOs

12 D. R. BettFONT Meeting 5 th May 201212 Appendix: Other VIs EPICS logic stripped out of the FONT5 board VI Presented graphically and made available for logging

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