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Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
Chapter 9 Charismatic and Transformational Leadership Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Summary of Lecture 16, 17 Group VS Team Types of Groups
Group Development Stages Group Think Social Loafing Building successful team Team Leader role Team Creativity Team Decision Making Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Summary of Lecture 18 Nature of self-managed teams.
Difference between traditional team & SMT. Benefits of SMT. Challenges of implementing SMT effectively. Guidelines for improving SMT effectiveness. Stages of group development. Role of team facilitator in SMT. Distributed leadership in SMT. Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Learning Objectives Charisma and Charismatic Leadership
Max Weber on charismatic leadership. Locus of charismatic leadership. Personal Meanings Purpose of Life Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Introduction Exemplary leader having extraordinary effect on personal lives, society, culture, economic and political system Focus on collective interest instead of self interest Great influence and commitment to vision Create strong sense of commitment and excitement to generate self sacrifice and work for visionary future Work beyond call of duty Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Weber’s Charismatic Leadership
Influence based on follower perceptions that the leader is endowed with the gift of divine inspiration or supernatural qualities. Charisma a fire that ignite followers Heroism, revolutionary ideals, inspire and build confidence, “Charisma is distinct social relationship between the leader and follower, in which leader present revolutionary idea, a transcendent image or ideal... while the follower accept this course of action not because of its rational likelihood of success but because of an effective belief in the extraordinary qualities of the leader” Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
CHARISMA Charisma is Greek word means “divinely inspired”
The process of influencing major changes in the attitudes and assumptions of organization members, and building commitment for the organization’s objectives The special quality that gives someone power and authority over a large number of people Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Model of Personal Meaning and Charismatic Leadership
Behavior Attributions of Charismatic Leadership Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Personal Meaning Meaningfulness and purpose of life
“The degree to which people’s lives make emotional sense and that the demands confronted by them are perceived as being worthy of energy and commitment.” Personal meaning a great force of motivation Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Sources of Personal Meaning
Self-concept/identity Selflessness Legacy Activist mindset (social services) Altruism Culture and traditions Political/social orientation Spirituality and religion Hobbies/personal pursuits (open or close minded, high or low risk takers) Values/ideals Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Locus of Charismatic Leadership
1) Is Charisma result of 1) situation 2) leader's qualities and 3) interaction of situation and qualities? Argument in favor: Charismatic leadership does not work until society is in crises, stressful situation, in state of deprivation, or inequality 2) Is charisma based on extraordinary qualities not on situation? For Example: Quaid-e-Azam Charismatic leader build personal meaning of followers, give purpose to their lives especially in time of crises Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
More Modern Theories state that Charisma may result from
The situation or social climate facing the leader The leader’s extraordinary qualities An interaction of the situation and the leader’s qualities This view is gaining credibility Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Attribution Variables of Leader Charisma
Leader behavior depends on personal meaning and purpose of life Attribution of charisma depend on these behavioral variables 1) Discrepancy gap between status quo & the vision 2) Vision articulation (positive image of future and negative image of current situation, unacceptable present situation) & Role modeling (self sacrifice, love, dedication toward cause) 3) Use of unconventional strategies 4) Realistic assessment of resource needs & constraints Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Vision Content and Context
Nature of the status quo Nature of the future vision Manner future vision will remove discontent & provide fulfillment of follower hopes Plan of action for realizing vision Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Charisma and Unconventional Behavior
To transcend the existing order Evoke sentiments of adoration Exemplifies heroism, personal risk, & self-sacrifice Counter to the norm Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Charisma & Resource Needs Assessment
Very good strategists Perform realistic resource & constraint assessments Sensitive to capabilities & emotional needs of followers Align strategies & capabilities to insure transformation Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Effects of Charismatic Leadership
Charismatic leadership is defined in relation to influence of leader on followers or relationship between leaders and followers Trust in “rightness” of vision Similarity of followers’ & leader’s beliefs & values Heightened sense of self-confidence Acceptance of higher or challenging goals Identification with & emulation of leader Unconditional acceptance of leader Strong affection for leader Emotional involvement Unquestioned loyalty Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Confidence Moral Conviction
This slide relates to XX-XX. Verbal Skills Self Confidence Moral Conviction Visionary Inspires Trust Charismatic Leader Characteristics Self Promoting High Risk Orientation Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. Empowers Others High Energy Action Orientation Minimum Internal Conflict Relational Power Base Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
VISION The ability to imagine different and better conditions and ways to achieve them Future orientation See the difference in how things are and how they should be Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Great rhetorical skills Especially oral Can speak about the vision and make the followers “see it” Think of MLK,Jr’s “I Have A Dream” speech Writing, while important, is not as powerful Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Unshakable self confidence Passed on to followers True faith in the “cause” Strong moral beliefs Willingness to sacrifice Self & followers Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
TRUST Followers have total trust and belief in the leader and the “cause” Show commitment to followers, who return it Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
ACCEPT RISK Willing to be at great personal risk
Professionally Physically Willing to risk the followers Use unconventional (risky) strategies & methods to achieve goals Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Show emotion in what they do Leads to high energy Take action Serve as role models for followers Who show high energy to emulate the leader Who take actions the leader wants Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
RELATIONAL POWER Charismatic leaders have high referent and expert power Followers feel Awe, trust, identification, devotion, common beliefs, unquestioning acceptance, affection Emotional Bond Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Through strength of belief With referent power Due to follower belief in the leader and the cause Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Know they need the efforts & ideas of others Let the subordinate leaders do those things they are able to do Often take credit for followers’ ideas and efforts Encourage followers to take more responsibility Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
SELF-PROMOTING Beat their own drums Campaign for “the cause”
Explain their vision to all who will listen or read Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Discussion Questions Discussion Question 1: What are leading characteristics of charismatic leaders? Question 2: Why is the theory of charisma described as a double-edged sword? Discussion Question 3: Can you give example of Charismatic leaders who make their case through charismatic personality, vision and excellent communication? Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
Learning Objectives Charisma and Charismatic Leadership
Max Weber on charismatic leadership. Locus of charismatic leadership. Personal Meanings Purpose of Life Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition, South-Western, Cangage Learning
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