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1 Rural territorial development: European experiences Dr Sarah Skerratt Senior Researcher & Team Leader: Rural Society Research.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Rural territorial development: European experiences Dr Sarah Skerratt Senior Researcher & Team Leader: Rural Society Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Rural territorial development: European experiences Dr Sarah Skerratt Senior Researcher & Team Leader: Rural Society Research

2 2 Outline of presentation Experiences of integrated development of rural territory’s different functions –Do these models require local leadership to play a role? How? –How can such models be supported by ICTs? –Do these models take into account non-market functions in territorial development (e.g. landscape, habitats, land occupation).

3 3 Background: rural territorial development policy in EU Rural development territories? –Concept of “rural territories” slowly gaining agreement –However, rural largely sits within agricultural policy Questions about effectiveness of this Lobbying differences Regional policy & rural development? –Redistribution of funds to lagging regions –City regions –Themes: (i) joined-up-ness; (ii) localised factors AND macro-trends; (iii) assets & (iv) evaluation

4 4 Do these models require local leadership to play a role? [1/6] Context: the “new rural paradigm” (OECD 2006) 1. Individual leaders –Champions, beacons, fire-souls –Qualities – “to inspire” –Successful leaders: (i) gather others with complementary skills; (ii) planning; (iii) succession; (iv) political. –2 examples of failed leadership –2 examples of successful leadership =>

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7 7 Do these models require local leadership to play a role? [4/6] Comments: reliance on leadership and rural champions has implications: Darwinian – “hot spots” and “not spots” Replacing citizens’ entitlement? Culture of volunteering

8 8 Do these models require local leadership to play a role? [5/6] 2. Processes & Programmes that encourage leadership –EU LEADER Programme Aim Method Building capacity Bridging social capital Evaluation? Timeframe?

9 9 Do these models require local leadership to play a role? [6/6] 3. Meaningful governance: –Triple Helix & Quadruple Helix –Capacity in institutions –Creates messiness; takes time –Collective, negotiated governance; vertical coordination OECD, 2006, p.15)

10 10 2 examples

11 32 Local Authorities Single Outcome Agreements

12 12 Orkney Single Outcome Agreement

13 Orkney SOA – National Outcome 11 – sustainable communities

14 Finland: rural development policy & practice


16 16 How can such models be supported by ICTs? ICTs: often “a solution looking for a problem”. Numerous examples in EU Most important: integration of ICTs into local context = embedding and re-embedding –Cybermoor (public sector culture) –Pulteneytown (community needs) –Western Isles – connected communities =>

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18 18 Aspects of ICTs => persistent use McCown (2002): 7 characteristics: –Relevance –Motivation –Adding value –Local information –Quality –Credibility –Ease of use –Usefulness

19 19 Shift in ICT intervention focus Skerratt, 2008, p.100

20 20 Rural territorial development and non-market functions? Overall: –ESF/ERDF: focused (e.g. transport, infrastructure, Lifelong Learning) –Likely to be increasing account taken of externalities EU Rural Development Programmes Non-market goods –Multi-functional landscapes –Amenity function –Policy-driven AND => policy change

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