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Student Thanksgiving on a Budget Student Groups and Governing Bodies Lock Haven University Pennsylvania Featured Institution.

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1 Student Thanksgiving on a Budget Student Groups and Governing Bodies Lock Haven University Pennsylvania Featured Institution


3 Description of Activity Different student groups organized “Thanksgiving Dinner on a Budget”. They worked with the dining hall to secure food. They acquired meal items with a set budget and substituted traditional items with more economical items. For example, they substituted a full Turkey with lovely Turkey sandwich meat, rolls with a loaf of bread, mashed potatoes with chips, cranberry sauce with raisins, apple sauce substitutes for apple pie, and fancy beverages with ginger ale.

4 Purpose of Activity This was a program coordinated by students for students to simply get together as a community before the Thanksgiving Break. It can also be a great place to have a program about poverty, social justice, and what we are thankful for.


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