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My Health Record Information to CALD parents. My Health Record-The Blue Book SA Health wrote My Health Record and gives a copy of it to all families when.

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Presentation on theme: "My Health Record Information to CALD parents. My Health Record-The Blue Book SA Health wrote My Health Record and gives a copy of it to all families when."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Health Record Information to CALD parents

2 My Health Record-The Blue Book SA Health wrote My Health Record and gives a copy of it to all families when a new baby is born. It is also called the Blue Book. These photos are of the 2011 edition.

3 What is My Health Record (Blue Book)? The Blue Book is a way to see how your child is growing and learning. The Blue Book is a way to collect records of your child from the day they are born until they are older and going to school.

4 Why use My Health Record (Blue Book)? The Blue Book: is a way to check how your child's general health and wellbeing is going and growing helps you to see how they are developing their listening, seeing, hearing and speech is the first contact with families for health and education

5 How can the Blue Book support families? The Blue Book has helpful information and ideas to help you to know how your child is growing and developing It has some ways that you can use to help your child to learn and grow

6 The Blue Book and Learning The Blue Book has ideas about helping your child's learning by: playing, hugging and talking to your child speaking with your child in many languages laughing with your child interacting with your child in many ways all the times that you spend with them playing music, dancing and singing

7 The Blue Book and Learning The Blue Book has ideas about helping your child's learning by: making art use describing word when speaking with your child talking about the world around them growing a good relationship with your child by helping them feel that they belong and are a part of your family and the place that they are in

8 The Blue Book has suggestions about how parents can help their young children be more literate

9 The Blue Book has lots of advice And ways to help you to learn about your growing child. It is a book to keep when you go to the doctor or health nurse with your child so that the information about your child is kept in one place. This way all the people who know and help your child can share in the story of their growing life.

10 WHERE TO GO FOR HELP Emergency (Ambulance, Fire or Police) 000 Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) 1800 686 2686 Child and Family Health Centre 1300 733 606 Crisis Care (after hours and weekends) 131 611 Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 800 098 Family Doctor Multicultural Health Information 1300 364 100 Playgroup Australia 8344 2722 Pregnancy, Birth and Baby Helpline 1800 882 436 Poisons Information Centre 137 848 SA Dental Service (09) 8222 8222


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