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Published byGriffin McDonald Modified over 9 years ago
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 1 Launch Configuration Juno Spacecraft en route to Jupiter (Arrives July 4 th 2016) National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory PI: Scott Bolton SWRI Juno Mission Jack Connerney May 31, 2015
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 2 Jupiter holds the secrets of solar system formation deep within the interior
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Galileo Probe – Where’s the Water? 3
Original Mission Plan Orbits
Revised Mission Plan Orbits View from Earth Looking Down the North Pole 2 x 53 day orbits 14 day orbits Sun
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Orbits 1, 16 and 31 pictured Juno orbits over Jupiter’s poles and passes very close to the planet. Juno ducks under the hazardous radiation belts. Over time, radiation exposure increases.
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 7 Juno’s orbits are phased to envelope Jupiter in a dense mesh of potential field measurements - magnetic and gravity fields – to probe the deep interior. Juno will Earth-point on most periapsis passes for gravity measurements and re-orient slightly on others to optimize viewing for other instruments.
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Magnetometer (2 MAG sensors, 4 star cameras) JADE (4 sensors ) JEDI (6 sensors ) JIRAM Waves (2 detectors) JunoCam UVS Gravity Science (2 sensors) MWR (6 sensors ) SPACECRAFT DIMENSIONS Diameter: 66 feet (20 meters) Height: 15 feet (4.5 meters) Scott Bolton
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 9 Juno Mission Context Juno today (L+1395) (400 days ‘till JOI) Aug 11, 2011 EFB EARTH MARS JUPITER CERES VENUS main asteroid belt Oct 9, 2013
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Spacecraft tracks Along-track scanning Probing Deep and Globally Microwave radiometry probes deep into the meteorological layer Magnetic fields probe into dynamo region of metallic hydrogen layer Gravity fields probe into central core region Juno probes deep into Jupiter in three ways:
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Microwave Radiometer (MWR) Spacecraft tracks Along-track scanning 120° Field of View A1: patch array A3 - A5: slot arrays A2: patch array A6: horn Along-track scanning nadir view off-nadir view emission angle The microwave antennas are distributed around the spacecraft and view perpendicular to the spacecraft spin axis
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Microwave Sounding Weighting functions: Measurement wavelengths sample atmosphere from cloud tops to >> 100 bar. Footprints: atmosphere densely sampled along sub-spacecraft track. 12º and 20° footprints are displaced for clarity. Only 1 of every 1200 footprints is shown. 12° footprints (1.37 – 11.55 cm) 20° footprints (24,50 cm)
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Mapping Jupiter’s gravity High eccentricity orbits Period: 14 days 6h tracking at Ka band Periapsis altitude ~ 5000 km Range rate accuracy 3 x10 -6 m/s @ 1000 s integration Ka-band radio system (32-34 GHz)
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 14 Juno Gravity Investigation 25 (24) gravity passes anticipated at this time Gravity science also available during MWR passes Orbit close to face-on (20º) initially (periapsis near dusk)
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 15 Juno Gravity Investigation
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Jupiter’s “Surface” Gravity Shallow winds (H = 300 km) Deep winds (H = 3000 km) Gravity field accuracy is ~ 0.2 mGal at best, increasing up to 30 mGal in the polar regions (8 mGal)(0.15 mGal)
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Juno MAG Instrument Suite Two Identical MAG Optical Bench (MOB) Assemblies populate the MAG Boom, one InBoard (IB), one OutBoard (OB) @ 10, 12 m. CSiC MOB FGM Sensor ASC CHUs Optical Cube ASC = Advanced Stellar Compass CHU = Camera Head Unit FGM = Fluxgate Magnetometer CHU Inner Light Baffles
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Juno Magnetometer Suite Magnetic Observatory Characteristics Sensors Type:Dual Tri-axial Ring Core Fluxgates, each with two co-located Non-Magnetic Star Cameras Dynamic Ranges & (resolution) Range 6: Range 5: Range 4: Range 2: Range 1: Range 0: 16.384 G (+/- 25. nT) 4.0960 G (+/- 6.25 nT) 1.0240 G (+/- 1.56 nT) 0.2560 G (+/- 0.39 nT) 0.0640 G (+/- 0.19 nT) 0.0160 G (+/- 0.05 nT) FGM Vector Accuracy:~0.01% of full scale FGM Intrinsic Noise Level:<< 1 nT FGM Zero Level Stability:< 1 nT Spacecraft Magnetic Cleanliness:< 2 nT Static and < 0.5 nT Dynamic Intrinsic FGM Sample Rate:64 Vector Samples/Second Advanced Stellar Compass:Four Camera Head Units (CHUs), CCD Imager Attitude Determination Accuracy:~10 Arcsec (spin rate dependent) Attitude Solution Rate:4 Quaternions per second
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration Characterize Jovian internal field to spherical harmonics n > 14, and provide unprecedented resolution of the dynamo process. Magnetic Spectra Explores polar magnetosphere. ∆B measures Birkeland currents as Juno passes through auroral oval. Provides vector B to payload. MAG Science Objectives
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Jovian Auroral Dynamics Experiment 3 JADE-Electron Sensors JADE-Ion Sensor JADE Central Electronics Unit
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 JADE Measurements Summary JADE-E (3 Sensors) JADE-I Energy Range100 eV – 100 keV10 eV/q – 50 keV/q E/E 10-14% (depends on E)18-28% (depends on E) FOV (Inst)360°x 3-6°270°x 8.5° FOV TrackingUses 1s MAG data- Pixels/Res3 Sensors x 16 / 7.5° 12 / 22.5° Mass Range-1 - 64 amu M/DM-2.5 – 11 (depends on M & E) G factor/pixel~2-5 x10 -5 cm 2 sr eV/eV~4 x10 -5 cm 2 sr eV/eV Time ResFull PAD each 1s4p each 30s spin
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 JADE Science Objectives Explore polar magnetosphere, auroral region electrons & ions Characterize precipitating particle distributions that drive auroral emissions Identify particle acceleration processes Examine composition and mass loading from satellites Observe plasma disk, middle magnetosphere; address structure & evolution Collaborative studies with other Juno measurements
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Juno Energetic Particle Detectors JEDI
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Three Juno Energetic Particle Detector Instruments (JEDI) measure energetic electrons and ions that help cause Jupiter’s aurora Juno Energetic Particle Detectors ParameterCapabilityComment Electron Energies25 – 1000 keVAbuts JADE Ion EnergiesH+: 15-10000 keV He: 25-10000 O/S+: 40-100000 keV Abuts JADE Time Sampling25%Earth Aurora Spectra Driver Angle Resolution18° using rotation<= 30 km Auroral Sampling / Pitch Angle (PA) Coverage 0-360 degrees for whole Orbit Resolve loss cone R < 3 RJ / Ion compositionH above 10 keV He above 50 keV O Above 45 keV Separate S from O for E > 200 keV
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Juno flies through the auroral acceleration region; JEDI characterizes: particle precipitation, heating and ionization in the upper atmosphere and signatures of the structure of Jupiter’s polar space environment. Is downward acceleration (to 500 keV at Jupiter) coherent (like Earth) or diffuse? What is the role of acceleration in global auroral current systems? Enough precipitating heavy ions (many MEV) to explain auroral X-ray emissions? Juno’s Unique Location
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Juno Waves Overview Preamps & Electronics Search Coil
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Juno Waves Instrument Instrument Characteristics Spectral Coverage:50 Hz – 20 kHz Magnetic 50 Hz – 40 MHz Electric Spectral Resolution:~20 Channels/decade Periapsis Mode Cadence:1 spectrum/second LF and MF Burst Modes:Waveform Captures in all bands to 150 kHz triggered onboard HF Burst Modes:Ability to select a 1-MHz band including f ce
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration Waves Science Objectives Explore radio and plasma waves in the polar magnetosphere Examine the role of plasma waves in the auroral acceleration region Identify and observe in-situ source regions of Jovian radio emissions Additional Science Objectives: > Observe the structure and dynamics of the plasmasheet > Monitor radio emissions as a proxy for magnetospheric dynamics > Measure dust impacts between the ring system and the atmosphere
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration Juno UVS Overview -30º 0º0º +30º Entrance Baffle Scan Mirror Assembly Detector Electronics XDL Detector Assembly Grating Telescope/Spectrograph Off-axis Primary Mirror Aperture Door Slit Assembly Scan Mirror Rotation Axis Projection of UVS slit on sky
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration FeatureCharacteristic or PerformanceDriving Requirement Spectral Range:70-205 nm78-172 nm (H 2 & H emissions) Spectral Resolution ~0.4 0.6 nm (point source); ~1.0 2.6 nm (extended) <3 nm filled slit (color ratio) Spatial Resolution 0.1° (125 km from 1 R J above the aurora)<500 km (HST-like spectral imaging) Effective Area:0.002 cm 2 @ 105 nm, 0.02 cm 2 @ 170 nm>100 kR (moderately bright auroras) IFOV:0.2° x 2.5° + 0.025° x 2° + 0.2° x 2.5° → “dog-bone” shape Field of Regard:360° x 60° (2 RPM & ±30° from spin plane → half the sky is accessible) Detector Type:Curved 2-D MCP (solar blind), Csl photocathode, cross delay-line (XDL) readout, 24 bits/event; 2048 spectral (perpendicular to slit) x 256 spatial (parallel to slit) x 32 (PHD) Juno UVS Performance
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 UV Auroral Emissions: – H2 Lyman Bands (80-170 nm) ~40% – H2 Werner Bands (80-130 nm) ~40% – H2 Rydberg Bands (80-90 nm) ~5% – H Lyman series (121.6 nm, etc.) ~15% Imaging and spectroscopy of UV auroral emissions: Imaging auroral morphology, mapping emission to provide context for in-situ particles and fields measurements Spectroscopy to determine the mean energy of precipitating electrons Magnetic field models map from Juno s/c to polar field line footprint HST FUV Image Clarke et al. 2002 Additional Science Objectives: Observe the S/C footprint region to compare UVS data with particle & waves data Look for structure & variability in low-latitude airglow emissions Determine auroral-region atmospheric composition using reflected sunlight Juno UVS - Jovian Aurora
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 32 Juno – JIRAM Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper Scanning Concept Optical Head Focal Planes Assembly
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 33 Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper JIRAM is both an imager and a spectrometer. Heritage from: Cassini, Venus Express, Dawn and Rosetta. The spectrometer operates in the spectral range 2-5 µm (resolution of 9 nm). The imager has two contiguous channels at 3.3-3.6 µm for auroras and at 4.5-5.0 µm for Jovian thermal emission. H 3 + has strong emissions throughout JIRAM’s spectral range.
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 34 JIRAM maps Jovian aurorae at infrared wavelengths emitted by H 3 +. This ion is formed at the base of the exosphere through the reaction H 2 + + H 2 H 3 + + H. JIRAM will visualize Jovian infrared auroral emissions in conjunction with ultraviolet auroral emissions observed by Juno’s UVS. NADIR and limb observations with JIRAM’s spectrometer measures temperature and concentrations of emitting ions. Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper December 16, 2000 (UT) Observations IRTF/NSFCAM H3+ Image 12:24 UT HST/STISS UV Image 12:26 UT
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 JunoCam JunoCam was conceived as a small EPO camera but it does enjoy unique polar views Camera designed for optimum performance when Juno has best polar views Science Objectives Polar meteorological phenomena Observe small-scale structure of storms (resolution 10x better than previous missions) Provide context for data from deeper in the atmosphere (JIRAM and MWR)
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 JunoCam JunoCam is a fixed field of view push-frame visible camera that images in four color bands: Blue, green, red, and Methane band. Uses time-delay integration (TDI) on spinning spacecraft to increase signal-to-noise ratio (snr). JunoCam is a heritage design of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) with limited modifications, built by Malin Space Science Systems 1600 pixel, 58º wide FOV
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 JunoCam Outreach Engage the public –Provide insight into the scientific planning process, factors that influence scientific decisions Rely on amateur astronomers to supply images of Jupiter for planning purposes Include college students in the outreach effort and blogs Include public in target selection Image processing community will produce color images, movies, etc. – demonstrated at earth flyby
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 38
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 Juno EFB Overview 39
Goddard Space Flight Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration 05/31/2015 40 Earth and Moon As seen by the Juno spacecraft en route to Jupiter October 9 th 2013 J L Joergensen et al. Technical University of Denmark
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