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Sage CRM Developers Course

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1 Sage CRM Developers Course
Coding the Web SelfService COM API (1)

2 Looking ahead to the classes
DP01: Introduction to the Development Partner Program DP02: Entities and the Data Model (Part 1 of 2) DP03: Entities and the Data Model (Part 2 of 2) DP04: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 1 of 2) DP05: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 2 of 2) DP06: Screen and User Independent Business Rules DP07: Workflow (Part 1 of 2) DP08: Workflow (Part 2 of 2) DP09: Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 1 of 2) DP10 : Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 2 of 2) DP11: Using the Component Manager DP12: Programming for the Advanced Manager DP13: Using the Web Services API DP14: Using the Web Services API (Part 2 of 2) DP15: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 1 of 2) DP16: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 2 of 2) DP17: Using the .NET API (Part 1 of 2) DP18: Using the .NET API (Part 2 of 2)

3 Agenda Introducing CRM Self Service Technical Features and Architecture Advantages and Limitations Anonymous and Authenticated Access Registry Settings and Self Service Configuration Simple Pages including Logon and Logoff

4 What is CRM Self Service?
Allows customers to access and request services and support over the web Can integrate key features of Sage CRM with a corporate website A means to create a self service website. Exposes CRM data to the WWW. Enables powerful web-based sales, marketing and customer support solutions Can capture new data straight to Sage CRM entities. How much, or little, data is exposed or captured is entirely up to the self service implementation!

5 CRM Self Service Technical Features
Use familiar Sage CRM object methods and properties Great flexibility – leverage industry standard scripting technologies to integrate with existing website Flexible security features – define different levels of access


7 Users vs. Visitors A User: A Visitor:
someone who logs into CRM using the familiar CRM interface they have a paid license ‘seat’ represented in the database as a record on the user table A Visitor: someone who accesses CRM via the Web Self Service website number of visitors is limited by WSS separate licensing arrangements Represented in the database as a record on the person table

8 Demonstration Use Anonymous access to create a new Lead (Not to be confused with the WebtoLead feature) Within CRM promote created Lead into Company and Opportunity Assign selfservice logon rights to created contact. Logon as this new contact and view opportunities Logon new Case

9 The Registry Settings Class registrations

10 The registration

11 The eWareSelfService Object
eWareSelfService is referenced in ewaress.js It is a child of the eWare Object Inherits all its properties and methods Has a few extra, self service specific methods. Only one registered object Uses data from “Software/eWare/SelfService”

12 The SelfService configuration
Always points to “Software/eWare/SelfService” registry entry Not CRM install specific, even though it can be altered there.

13 Building a Self Service System
Anonymous Usage Build a Registration (New Lead) Page Authenticated Usage Logon Page Logoff Page Main Page (user details) Record List Page (users cases) New Record Page (new case) Search Page (knowledge base)

14 Block Usage Self Service is a COM based API Usage of the blocks different from main application extension API. Self Service environment lacks a user 'logon' that generates a CRM SID (Session ID) or context Therefore can't use any API objects/methods that rely on session or context information for building URLs. Can't use CRM.Button() CRM.GetTabs() CRM.URL() etc, Can't use the output mechanism of a typical application extension ASP page CRM.AddContent(myBlock.Execute(Arg)); Response.Write(CRM.GetPage()); Self Service Pages use the more basic Response.Write(myBlock.Execute(Arg));

15 Logoff Typical Code if(CRM.Authenticated) { CRM.EndSSSession(Request.Querystring, Request.Form, Request.Cookies("eware")); Response.Redirect("customlogon.asp") } else { Response.Redirect("customlogon.asp") }

16 COM Objects available in the Self Service API

17 COM Objects not available in Self Service API

18 Q&A

19 Looking ahead to the classes
DP01: Introduction to the Development Partner Program DP02: Entities and the Data Model (Part 1 of 2) DP03: Entities and the Data Model (Part 2 of 2) DP04: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 1 of 2) DP05: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 2 of 2) DP06: Screen and User Independent Business Rules DP07: Workflow (Part 1 of 2) DP08: Workflow (Part 2 of 2) DP09: Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 1 of 2) DP10 : Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 2 of 2) DP11: Using the Component Manager DP12: Programming for the Advanced Manager DP13: Using the Web Services API DP14: Using the Web Services API (Part 2 of 2) DP15: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 1 of 2) DP16: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 2 of 2) DP17: Using the .NET API (Part 1 of 2) DP18: Using the .NET API (Part 2 of 2)

20 Visit the Sage CRM Ecosystem at
Facebook: Sage CRM Twitter: wwwsagecrmcom LinkedIn: Sage CRM (Official Group) YouTube: wwwsagecrmcom

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