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July 28, 2011 Nancy Nation & Mirna Whidden.  What do you associate with the word assessment??

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Presentation on theme: "July 28, 2011 Nancy Nation & Mirna Whidden.  What do you associate with the word assessment??"— Presentation transcript:

1 July 28, 2011 Nancy Nation & Mirna Whidden

2  What do you associate with the word assessment??

3 Classroom Assessment in Teaching Components of Classroom Assessment Strategies for Implementation of Classroom Assessment Classroom Instruction and Assessment Recent Trends In Classroom Assessment Learning Motivation and Instruction Analyze Assessment Results

4 What is it ?  Classroom assessment is the compilation, evaluation and use of data to assist teachers make better decisions before, during, and after instruction. “Classroom Assessment has the essentials teachers should know when they are in the field.” Saramma T. Matthew, Troy University

5  Course Improvement  Comprehend your students better  Improve your teaching

6 Formative Assessment is classroom assessment that occurs prior to or during instruction, giving constant feedback to teacher and students, and are activities that are used to improve student learning. Styles of Formative Assessment ◦ Worksheets ◦ Homework ◦ Higher Level thinking student responses from questions ◦ Informal Observations ◦ Teacher Feedback ◦ Observations

7 Summative Assessment measures are those which are graded and judge a student’s ability (after completion of lesson or unit).  Styles of Summative Assessment ◦ Term Papers/Research Projects ◦ Chapter Achievement Tests ◦ Final Exams

8  Perception of what we want to assess  Transfer that information to students  Sets an atmosphere that involves students  Links new information with existing knowledge  Constant procedure to enhance learning  Integral part of the learning development

9 ◦ Purpose-A concise vision of what the assessment will achieve Why are you doing it? What will be gained by it? ◦ Measurement-Process of distinguishing traits, characteristics, or performance ◦ Use-Determination of how to use the assessment and results Permits teachers to analyze the exact areas that need additional attention Where improvement has been made ◦ Evaluation-The manner of making a conclusion about the quality of performance Analysis of what has been collected through measurement is done

10 Before Instruction- assist teachers in making judgments about: *goals *teaching materials *effective learning activities During Instruction-assist teachers in making choices about: *Teaching strategies *speed of instruction *monitor student conduct *adjust the scope and sequence of learning activities After Instruction- necessary to support teachers in evaluating student learning, as well as effective resources. *assist teachers in knowing where to go next *helps improve instruction

11  When planning classroom instruction you should automatically design and integrate assessment  Determine goals and objectives  Assessment should guide the nature of instruction  Provides corrective instruction  Give students opportunity to self-evaluate

12  Student self-assessment  Questionnaire, journal, discussion  Alternative assessments (emphasis on thinking and collaborative skills)  Performance-Based  Portfolios  Demonstrations  Journals  Observations  Authentic assessments  Provides real-world context  Solving problems

13 The KEY to great classroom assessment is stability. Should be: Coordinated to a purpose Directed using recognized quality standards Selecting assessment approaches appropriate for instructional decisions Developing assessment Administrating/recording Interpreting the results/using assessment outcomes These techniques all promote student motivation for educational success (Einspruch, Grover, Hahn, Guy, & Deck, 2001; Shore, 1998;Yair, 2000).

14 Motivation is enhanced by teachers constantly assessing and providing useful feedback to students. Benefits: Encourages students to adjust their own learning Students are more engaged in learning Curriculum is individualized and related to their interests Schools can positively influence student motivation through: Varied and integrated instructional strategies and resources An open and caring environment A wide range of student supports

15 ◦ Teachers should:  Encourage discussion of new ideas  Relate new information to personal experiences  encourage higher level critical thinking skills  Engage students in problem solving  Provide options in tasks  Provide chances to rethink and revision  Discuss goals and let students assist in some of them  Give real-world opportunities to apply or adapt new knowledge  Cooperative groups

16 Analyzing assessments should not discontinue after concluding assignments…. Teachers should evaluate each assignment Precisely understand the assessment results Use the results effectively to design future instruction to meet the individual needs of the students

17 Final thoughts…… Student benefits of self-assessment: ◦ accountability of the students to reflect on their work ◦ clarification ◦ reasoning on the process they went through to complete assignments ◦ goal setting for their upcoming work Formative assessment with classroom instruction can: ◦ monitor effects ◦ support results ◦ diagnose knowledge ◦ develop learning Helps teachers determine: ◦ whether learning is occurring ◦ what areas are not being learned ◦ what should be done as a result

18 Self-Reflection To what extent are your assessment and grading practices consistent with principles of good instruction?? To what extent will the student learning be enhanced?

19  Einspruch, E., Grover, J., Hahn, K., Guy, T., and Deck, D. (2001). Washington State Readiness to Learn: School-linked models for integrated family services 1999-2001 evaluation report. Portland, OR: RMC Research Corporation. Prepared for the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Retrieved July 25, 2011 from 02.pdf  Shore, R. (1998). Ready schools: the National Education Goals Panel. Washington, DC: National Education Goals Panel.

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