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Super Quick Guide to Your Ivy Tech Library To access Library resources, log in to Campus Connect and select the Library tab. Or, log in to Blackboard and.

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Presentation on theme: "Super Quick Guide to Your Ivy Tech Library To access Library resources, log in to Campus Connect and select the Library tab. Or, log in to Blackboard and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Super Quick Guide to Your Ivy Tech Library To access Library resources, log in to Campus Connect and select the Library tab. Or, log in to Blackboard and select the Library tab.

2 The Ivy Tech Library Homepage Library resources will be found under Search & Find.

3 Search & Find At the Search & Find page, use the appropriate link for the type of resource you need. For example, if you need articles from a database like ProQuest, click on Articles. If you need books or e-books from IvyCat, click on Books, etc. If you need career resources from Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center, click on Reference and then select Facts on File.

4 Search & Find -- Articles ProQuest is a good resource for articles. The search screen looks like this: ProQuest has complete full-text articles from magazines, scholarly journals, newspapers, and much more!

5 Search & Find -- Articles If you find an article you’d like to use, you’ll need to gather certain details about the article (author, title, etc.) to create a citation. Those details will be at the top of the article. Title of article Author of article Date of article Page numbers of article Title of publication For example, here is an article titled, “RFID’s Security Problem.” It was written by Erica Naone and published in a magazine called Technology Review. It was published Jan/Feb 2009 and appeared on pages 72 through 74.

6 Search & Find -- Books You can use IvyCat to search all 23 Ivy Tech Libraries at once! Use your IvyTech ID to check out materials from the Library, or find e-books that you can read on your computer.

7 Search & Find -- Books This book is located at the Indianapolis Lawrence campus. The call number tells you exactly where this item is located on the shelf. An item record in IvyCat looks like this: Specially marked fields will indicate the Title, Author, etc. The copyright date is found on the line with the publisher. This book was published in 2009.

8 Search & Find -- Reference Reference sources will include general dictionaries and encyclopedias (like Britannica) as well as “subject specific” reference sources like Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center from Facts on File. Using this resource, you can research jobs and careers, get help with resumes and cover letters, take a career interest assessment, and much more!

9 Surfing the Web Resources like ProQuest and Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center are “Subscription Databases.” The Library purchases access to these resources – they are NOT available for FREE on the Web. Subscription Databases vs. The Free Web Subscription Databases contain typical library resources like books, magazines, scholarly journals, and newspapers published by reputable publishers. Access to these Subscription Databases is provided to all Ivy Tech students, faculty, & staff. And since these resources are online, they are available to you anytime day or night – even when the library is closed!

10 Surfing the Web Subscription Databases vs. The Free Web Items on the “Free Web” can be found by anyone using a search engine like Google. Remember, anyone can publish on the Free Web, too! So, the sites you find may or may not be reputable, reliable sources. You will need to carefully evaluate any information from the Free Web before using it in an academic paper. Searching for information on the Free Web is like sticking your hand into a "grab bag" of information – some of what you get will be junk and at other times you will discover just the information you need from a reliable source.

11 Title of page Surfing the Web If you use a Website, be sure to record the title and the url of the page. The title is at the very top of the browser window. The title of this Webpage is The url, or the Uniform Resource Locator, is the page’s address on the Web. The url of this page is

12 Super Quick Guide to Your Ivy Tech Library As you explore your library, you'll get familiar with the types of resources available, and you'll learn to use those resources to conduct research and find the information you need. This will put you on the path to becoming a successful student!

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