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Vocational Courses at Soham Village College Level 1 Foundation Learning Tier.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocational Courses at Soham Village College Level 1 Foundation Learning Tier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocational Courses at Soham Village College Level 1 Foundation Learning Tier

2 Level 1 FLT@SVC Qualifications students study for are BTEC Level1 Certificate in Health and Social Care BTEC Level 1 Certificate in Vocational Studies GCSE Leisure and Tourism GCSE History

3 BTEC Level 1 courses The two BTEC courses run throughout years 10 and 11 Students spend 12 hours per fortnight studying for these These can help them develop the necessary skills to enter employment or further education Students have a 2 week work experience placement at the beginning of year 11

4 GCSEs This gives the students a variety of subjects areas to study with a mix of coursework and final exam They have six lessons per fortnight for each GCSE within the FLT department Students still do GCSEs in English, maths and science

5 How are students identified to do this course? Staff meet to decide who would benefit from the FLT offer Discussions are held with the students Letters sent to parents to explain possible course choices Meetings with parents at options information evening and year 9 parents evening

6 How are lessons delivered? Students are in the same small group for all their FLT lessons There is a member of the FLT teaching staff in all lessons together with staff with subject specialisms All lessons are well supported by TAs who are used regularly within the area and who know the courses well

7 Links with post 16 centres Visits and taster sessions are arranged at College of West Anglia, Milton Cambridge Regional College Ely Sixth Form Cottenham Sixth Form West Suffolk College

8 Trips and visits Examples of places we visit are Banham Zoo Stansted Airport Wood Green Animal Shelter Local primary schools Local garages Exning Court and Millbrook House Staploe Medical Centre Amey Cespa recycling plant Ely Cathedral and tourist information centre Wicken Fen Anglesey Abbey Duxford Imperial War Museum

9 What we do

10 In and out of school

11 Pupil feedback ‘I could not have got on my course at college without this’ ‘It’s great as it is such good fun and we are learning important stuff’ ‘The staff help me believe I can do it’ ‘I feel brave enough to go to college now’ ‘No-one gives up on me’

12 Outcomes of CAP funding Further development of onsite practical lessons for year 10 and 11 students Introduction to FLT practical sessions for identified year 8 and 9 students Development of BTEC and GCSE courses to prepare for post 16 courses Taster sessions and IAG guidance to aid transition to post 16 education

13 Plans for next year Delivery of maths within the FLT offer and the purchase of equipment and resources to help make the subject more accessible in KS4 Further development and support for potential KS3 FLT students with English and maths to build confidence and skills within the department area Further development of practical areas

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