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CAPRCBM Academy Sponsored by 1. Politics in Park and Recreation Win-Win is the Outcome 2.

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Presentation on theme: "CAPRCBM Academy Sponsored by 1. Politics in Park and Recreation Win-Win is the Outcome 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAPRCBM Academy Sponsored by 1

2 Politics in Park and Recreation Win-Win is the Outcome 2

3 Who are Politicians? How do you define politics? Simply a process…. Are you a politician? Can you pick out a politician in a crowd? Why would you want to be a politician? What do they know that I don’t? What is the role of politics in our society? Began with our Constitution How does one link parks into politics? Partisan or not? Ask why, not who or what Value of term limits “Need to know the players and why they are in the Game.” 3

4 Seeking the Win-Win 4 Know your community and all of its’ components Leadership and not control-there is a difference Structure of the system-know it All politics start at HOME! What are the issues affecting your community? What role do you play? “Main event compass” is the navigator in a political environment

5 Getting there How to be political-not run for political office Be factual In political environments, pay it forward Treat people with dignity and respect Be articulate and eloquent Know the players-personality matters Identify and communicate the value of parks and recreation Is their opportunity that you don’t readily see? Passion is infective and effective Influence people using whatever legitimate means possible The means justify the end Live by values and lead with integrity Trust, once lost, can never be regained The political process is controlled by negotiation and diplomacy 5

6 Diplomacy 6 Diplomacy is the employment of tact to gain strategic advantage or to find mutually acceptable solutions to a common challenge, one set of tools being the phrasing of statements in a non-confrontational, or polite manner. There are no official or formal procedures for such proceedings. They were generally accepted to abide by general principles and protocols. Often resolved through open discussion on methods, principles, and findings. In a political setting, diplomacy is the first step towards win-win. Tactful strategy is the key to successful negotiation but is often overlooked as an effective tool.

7 The art of negotiation 7 Knowing the win-win starts at the beginning-what is the expected outcome? Four principles of negotiation  Strength in Leverage--Who possesses the leverage, will be the strongest negotiator.  Transactional Relationship--Parties must have a transactional relationship, i.e., you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Without the ability to give and take, you have no negotiation.  Do you have a story to tell that will convince others to buy-in? You must be able to convince others that the outcome is worth the effort of the negotiation. Without convincing others, you cannot sell the outcome  Negotiations fail if both parties were losers in previous negotiations. If results were not fair and acceptable, then one party will seek revenge

8 Advocacy Strategies 8 Know the issues Resources – know where to find them Who to ask when help is needed The value of participating Forums Agency recognition Know the elected delegation Meetings-do I want to attend? Events-I better attend! Who’s the hero?? Who’s on first?

9 Developing Advocates 9 What’s your role? Look for partners in all the odd places How do you attract other advocates? Can you fight city Hall? Are advocates necessary? Why? What makes people get involved? Can you motivate? What are motivators? Dignity and respect is always the best approach

10 What’s Next? 10  Elected folks are just people  Be political, not a politician  Show respect for the position  Leadership=Who, What, Where, When, and Why  Walk-the-talk  Live by values  Celebrate successes  You’re in it for the long haul!  The win is two-sided, the loss is always one sided and never forgotten  Friendships last over a lifetime  Parks Make Life Better Slide show posted on:

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