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Russia Physical Geography of Russia. Russia: Tale of the Tape Population: 143.3 million, according to 2013 statistics courtesy the Russia population census.

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Presentation on theme: "Russia Physical Geography of Russia. Russia: Tale of the Tape Population: 143.3 million, according to 2013 statistics courtesy the Russia population census."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russia Physical Geography of Russia

2 Russia: Tale of the Tape Population: 143.3 million, according to 2013 statistics courtesy the Russia population census ◦ People 70 and over encompass 10 percent of the population, the largest age group in the country. Second is the 25-29 group at 8.6 percent, and 21.9 percent of the population (31.5 million) is 19 or younger. ◦ Russia averages about 1,327 deaths per 100,000 people, 729 of whom die from circulatory diseases. Labor: Russia’s largest industry of employment is the motor car and engine drivers, followed by managers of public authorities and administration and third is unskilled workers common for all kinds of economic activities. Industry: The machine-building industry provides most of the country’s needs, including steam boilers and turbines, electrical generators, grain combines, automobiles and electric locomotives.

3 Tale of the Tape (Cont’d) Politics: Vladimir Putin, Russia’s dominant political figure since 200, resumed the presidency in 2012. ◦ Putin served two terms as president before becoming prime minister for a four-year spell before resuming the presidency. ◦ His re-election as president was accompanied by months of protests fueled by allegations of electoral fraud and driven by a primarily urban, civil society determined to challenge Putin’s rule. Economy: Russia is heavily dependent on oil and gas exports. Officials have been hesitant to privatize energy assets.

4 Chapter Overview ex_with_mods.php?PROGRAM=9780078 745782&VIDEO=2306&CHAPTER=7&M ODE=2

5 Russia is the world’s largest country, spanning some 5,600 miles east-to-west and between 1,500 to 2,500 miles north-to-south. Its northern and western regions are mostly plains, while the eastern and southern regions are covered with mountains and plateaus.

6 Coastal Lines and Frosty Temps Most of Russia’s long coast lies along waters that are frozen for several months of the year. However, inland waterways are important for transporting goods through the country although they, too, freeze in winter in the northern areas. ◦ While the average and minimum temperatures differ among Russian regions, winter is most severe in hinterland Yakutia, which boasts the lowest temperatures at about 85 degrees below zero. ◦ In European Russia (areas west of the Ural Mountains), the average winter temperatures rarely fall below 4 degrees below zero.

7 The Rest The Caspian Sea in southwestern Russia is the largest inland body of water and is about the size of California. About ¾ of Russia’s population lives in the Northern European Plain, a fertile area with Russia’s mildest climate where much of the country’s industry and agriculture are located.

8 The Rest (Cont’d) The Ural Mountains divide the European and Asian parts of Russia. ◦ Asian Russia lies east of the Urals and includes Siberia, which has one of the coldest climates in the world. ◦ On the far eastern Kamchatka peninsula, tectonic plates meet and cause volcanoes. ◦ Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest freshwater lake, is in the southern part of Asian Russia.

9 Siberia

10 Resources Russia is rich in natural resources, but their locations make them hard to obtain. ◦ Great reserves of fossil fuels and major deposits of iron ore. ◦ Forests cover most of Siberia, but the harsh climate has limited the development of the roads and railroads needed to transport timber. ◦ The country receives very little heat from the sun and does not benefit from ocean currents or the flow of warm air because of its geography.

11 Concluding Thoughts Because the Communist government of the 1900s stressed economic growth, Russia’s environment has suffered. Smog blankets much of Russia’s cities, and many Russian’s suffer from lung diseases. ◦ Its water pollution problem is caused by chemicals used in agriculture and industry and by poor sewer systems. ◦ Other countries are providing help to Russia to clean up the environment.

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