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What role does industry have in improving blood availability and safety? INTERNATIONAL BLOOD SAFETY FORUM March 20, Washington DC Bruce King, President/CEO.

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Presentation on theme: "What role does industry have in improving blood availability and safety? INTERNATIONAL BLOOD SAFETY FORUM March 20, Washington DC Bruce King, President/CEO."— Presentation transcript:

1 What role does industry have in improving blood availability and safety? INTERNATIONAL BLOOD SAFETY FORUM March 20, Washington DC Bruce King, President/CEO

2 If we represent Industry, WHAT do we do? WHO are we? INTERNATIONAL BLOOD SAFETY FORUM March 20, Washington DC Bruce King, President/CEO

3 Refrigerators  Freezers  Platelet Storage Plasma Thawing  Centrifuges  Cell Washers WHAT WE DO Haemobank Ultra Low Freezers WHAT WE DO


5 $19,000

6 Blood availability and safety: our role? Some DIRECT Mostly INDIRECT


8 Partnership since 2000

9 GEORGIA Jo Ann Medical Center

10 ARMENIA (2005-2008) Gyumri Regional Blood Bank

11 DOMINICA (2008-2011) Princess Margaret Hospital Laboratory & Blood Bank

12 MOLDOVA (2009-2012) National Blood Safety Reform Program

13 HAITI (2012-2013) Mirebalais National Hospital


15 HONDURAS (2014) Honduran Red Cross

16 Our Indirect Involvement: Facilitation & Support

17 Generosity Program Portfolio Management Low High Low Medium Helmer Culture, People, Reputation Social Impact Self- interest UnderdevelopedCharitable Generosity With Impact


19 Join us! INTERNATIONAL BLOOD SAFETY FORUM March 20, Washington DC

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