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Representative Doug Isaacson Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Energy Committee Presentation August 5, 2014 ALASKA’S ECONOMY STRATEGIC BENEFITS OF.

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Presentation on theme: "Representative Doug Isaacson Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Energy Committee Presentation August 5, 2014 ALASKA’S ECONOMY STRATEGIC BENEFITS OF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Representative Doug Isaacson Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Energy Committee Presentation August 5, 2014 ALASKA’S ECONOMY STRATEGIC BENEFITS OF RIGHT PRICING ALASKA’S ROYALTY OIL

2 Alaskans State infrastructure Stability of law Stability of taxation Private industry and commerce LONG-TERM ECONOMIC SUCCESS

3 The plan of development shall be consistent with: growth of the private sector of the economy, environmental standards required by law, and public fiscal stability. ALASKA ROYALTY OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD

4 ALASKA ROYALTY OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD – ENUMERATED DUTIES The revenue needs and projected fiscal condition of the state, AS 38.06.070.

5 ALASKA ROYALTY OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD – ENUMERATED DUTIES The existence and extent of present and projected local and regional needs for oil and gas products and by-products, the effect of state or federal commodity allocation requirements which might be applicable to those products and by- products, and the priorities among competing needs, AS 38.06.070.

6 ALASKA ROYALTY OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD – ENUMERATED DUTIES The desirability of localized capital investment, increased payroll, secondary development and other possible effects of the sale, exchange, or other disposition of oil and gas or both, AS 38.06.070.

7 ALASKA ROYALTY OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD – ENUMERATED DUTIES The projected social impacts of the transaction, AS 38.06.070.

8 ALASKA ROYALTY OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD – ENUMERATED DUTIES The projected additional costs and responsibilities which could be imposed upon the state and affected political subdivisions by development related to the transaction, AS 38.06.070.

9 ALASKA ROYALTY OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD – ENUMERATED DUTIES The existence of specific local or regional labor or consumption markets or both which should be met by the transaction, AS 38.06.070.

10 ALASKA ROYALTY OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD – ENUMERATED DUTIES The projected positive and negative environmental effects related to the transaction; and, AS 38.06.070.

11 ALASKA ROYALTY OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD – ENUMERATED DUTIES The projected effects of the proposed transaction upon existing private commercial enterprise and patterns of investments. AS 38.06.070.

12 (b) When it is economically feasible and in the public interest, the board may recommend to the commissioner of natural resources, as a condition of the sale of oil or gas obtained by the state as royalty, that (1) the oil or gas be refined or processed in the state; AS 38.06.070.

13 (b) (2) the purchaser be a refiner who supplies products to the Alaska market with price or supply benefits to state citizens; or, AS 38.06.070.

14 (b) (3) the purchaser construct a processing or refining facility in the state. AS 38.06.070.

15 (c) The board shall make a full report to the legislature on each criterion specified in (a) or (b) of this section for any disposition of royalty oil or gas that requires legislative approval. The board's report shall be submitted for legislative review at the time a bill for legislative approval of a proposed disposition of royalty oil or gas is introduced in the legislature.

16 In-state refiners access to lower cost royalty crude oil. In-state companies to compete more effectively with foreign imports. Lowering Alaskans energy costs. LETTER TO THE GOVERNOR

17 PETRO STAR, INC. Alaska Owned In-state Refining Fuel for Alaskan use

18 ALASKA REFINERIES - RAW MATERIALS Royalty Oil Heating fuel – businesses and homes Motor vehicles – cars, trucks, delivery vehicles Aviation fuel – commercial and military Construction – highways, asphalt emulsion, airports, driveways Other applications

19 DOES IN-STATE REFINING MATTER? Petro Star, Inc. Expand in-state market Jet fuel to JBER Asphalt Needs to resolve underlying issues including Royalty Oil pricing



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