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Key Stage 1 Standard Assessment Tasks Key Stage 1 Standard Assessment Tasks.

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1 Key Stage 1 Standard Assessment Tasks Key Stage 1 Standard Assessment Tasks

2 Levels and Reporting Arrangements At the end of the year, you will receive written feedback in the School Annual Report, plus a report of your child’s Assessment Levels in English, Maths and Science. The National Average for children of this age is to achieve a Level 2B. The levels progress as follows: ELGs - Levels 1C - 1B - 1A - 2C - 2B - 2A – 3C … Please remember that Teacher Assessment is used for the overall final level, (i.e. we review all the levels achieved throughout the year, including the KS1 Tests, to help us make a final decision).

3 English Tests Reading Task Children who we believe are working at Level 1 or the lower end of Level 2 will be given individual reading time with their teacher from which an assessment is made. Reading Comprehension Test Children will take either a Level 2 or 3 paper; teacher judgement will apply. The test is to assess a child’s understanding of a text. They must read a story and then a non- fiction piece of writing and answer questions on each.

4 English Tests Writing Tasks Children will be given x2 writing tasks of different genres. 1x ‘shorter’ task of 30 minutes. 1x ‘longer’ task of approximately 45 minutes. Children are assessed on their writing structure, ideas, spellings, punctuation and handwriting.

5 English Tests Spelling Test All children will be given 20 spellings of varying difficulty. Speaking and Listening Children are also teacher assessed on their Speaking and Listening abilities and awarded a level at the end of the year.

6 Maths Tests Children working at Level 2 will firstly complete a set of mental/oral questions. The remainder of the Level 2 Maths Test is independent. Teachers can help with the reading of the questions. Children are also allowed certain apparatus to aid them in solving the mathematical problems. There is a separate Level 3 paper for children working at Level 3. They are allowed certain pieces of equipment, e.g. a ruler. Children working at Level 1 complete a set of tasks with the teacher.

7 Science  There is no written Science test.  Children are teacher assessed in 4 different Attainment Targets over the course of the year  AT1 – Scientific Enquiry  AT2 - Life Processes and Living Things  AT3 - Materials and their Properties  AT4 - Physical Processes (FORCES & ELECTRICITY)  They study different topics and at the end of each, complete a Scientific Investigation using the knowledge they have learnt.  Children are awarded either level 1, 2 or 3 for Science.

8 What can you do to help?  Try and avoid any unnecessary anxiety over tests.  Have a regular time to sit with your child and complete their homework tasks. Feel free to note comments.  Ask them questions about what they have read, e.g. Why did something happen? How do they think the person felt in the story? Not just who, what and where questions.  Good readers make good writers!  Review spellings from over the year.  Count amounts of money in your purse and practise giving simple change to real-life problems.  Practise basic times (O’clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past)  Practise counting in 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x and 10x tables

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