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IE496 Industrial Engineering Internship Dr. Barnes February 4, 2008 Lecture #3.

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Presentation on theme: "IE496 Industrial Engineering Internship Dr. Barnes February 4, 2008 Lecture #3."— Presentation transcript:

1 IE496 Industrial Engineering Internship Dr. Barnes February 4, 2008 Lecture #3

2 Today Attendance Attendance Placement note Placement note Resumes Resumes Progress on project Progress on project Guest Speaker Guest Speaker

3 Attendance - Placement Attendance – Attendance – Pass out sign-in sheet Pass out sign-in sheet Placement – Placement – Pass out sheet – this is to be returned to Diane Porter in 412 Bonner by next class Resumes – I have 15 and am looking for the other 15 Resumes – I have 15 and am looking for the other 15

4 Progress on Project Company Acceptance ↓ Project Description and Objectives (form) ↓ Academic Advisor ↓ Project Acceptance ↓ Work on project throughout semester

5 Progress on Project - continued Hint from a past course member – Collect information and thoughts as you go along Hint from a past course member – Collect information and thoughts as you go along S. A. 2006

6 Today’s Guest Speaker Mr. William Mr. William Grunert A member of the UB Engineering Dean’s Office for the past several years – formerly with our Center for Technical Communications A distinguished career at Praxair, formerly Linde, Union Carbide, where he headed up among other groups their safety unit A Notre Dame mechanical engineering alum Thank you for coming!

7 Next Week and Beyond Mr. Dean Millar: Job Search - Research Company, Resume, and Interviewing Mr. Dean Millar: Job Search - Research Company, Resume, and Interviewing CareerFESTCareerFEST - All Majors - 100+ employers - jobs and internships! "Our largest fair of the semester!" February 28, 2008 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm Alumni Arena, Main Gym CareerFEST

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