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COMPUTER CAREERS Computer Information Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPUTER CAREERS Computer Information Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPUTER CAREERS Computer Information Technology

2 COMPUTER CARRER PROJECT You will research a career in computer science You will create a word document that summarizes what you found about that career. This is due tomorrow at the end of class. –Get all the data today! –Create the document tomorrow Instructions are on the web site is the file Computer Science Career Project Instructions.docx

3 Your final product will contain: JOB TITLE PICTURE DESCRIPTION: –Give a description of the career. What does this person do? This should be a paragraph. EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS: –What education is required? SALARY INFORMATION: –Starting Salary: –Average Salary: –Does this depend on the level of education? JOB OUTLOOK: –What is the outlook for this career next year and over the next 10 years? Statistics available on –Is the job market growing? Shrinking?

4 You final product should look like this:

5 Rubric Category4321 Description Paragraph description that shows understanding of the job One or two sentence description Few word description Little or no description Education and Salary Information Sections and data are complete and accurate. Sections present and populated but some data missing. Sections present but data obviously incorrect Sections Missing Job Outlook Section and data are complete and accurate. Section present and populated but some data missing. Section present but data obviously incorrect Section Missing Picture Picture reflects the type of work (i.e. matched the description) Picture is generic and could match many jobs Picture doesn’t reflect the job at all. No Picture Grammar, Spelling and Capitalization No spelling, grammar or capitalization errors 1 or 2 spelling, grammar or capitalization errors 3 or 4 spelling, grammar or capitalization errors More than 4 spelling, grammar or capitalization errors Complete Word Document Formatting matches the requirements above and the example perfectly. Some minor formatting issues. Style is correct but major formatting mistakes. Formatting or style completely different from the example

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