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Consulting 咨询 PPT Made by 博李. What is consulting?  Everyone is a consultant, as long as you have knowledge on something:  “Do I look good in this red.

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Presentation on theme: "Consulting 咨询 PPT Made by 博李. What is consulting?  Everyone is a consultant, as long as you have knowledge on something:  “Do I look good in this red."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consulting 咨询 PPT Made by 博李

2 What is consulting?  Everyone is a consultant, as long as you have knowledge on something:  “Do I look good in this red dress?” (if you have good taste)  “Do I want to take Econ 100A with Mark Machina?” (if you have taken it before)

3 But for Management Consulting  Management consulting firms, then, sell business advisory services to the leaders of corporations, governments and nonprofit organizations.  帮助企业和企业家实现其企业目标的一种独立的,专 业的咨询服务。

4 Who hires consultants, and why?  Need help on a short-term but urgent project (fire)  Need neutral, professional help on merging (experience)  Consultants are brought in because they can accomplish the task “better, faster and cheaper” than if the client was to do it alone.  In China, western consulting experience largely help SOE improve performance.

5 In Categories  Strategy consulting (sexiest)  Operations consulting production processes, distribution, order fulfillment and customer service.  IT strategy consulting (IT outsourcing)  Financial strategy consulting  Human resources strategy consulting (recruitment)

6 The Players  1 st tier -MBB McKinsey & Co. 麦肯锡 Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 波士顿咨询 Bain & Co. 贝恩资本 Others: (Domestic) Booz & Company 博斯 Roland Berger 罗兰贝格 Monitor Company Oliver Wyman 奥纬咨询 Deloitte Consulting 德勤 Accenture Management Consulting 埃森哲

7 Perks  The Best Professional training(people skills/ operation experience) More than 70 past and present CEOs at Fortune 500 companies are former McKinsey & Co. employees  Collegiate environment / Consensus Driven  Getting to know different industries (college/ professional training)  Fancy hotel/ restaurants (100 per meal / five-star)  Salaries (Mckinsey)  Business school sponsorship ( come back after)  Alumni network ( Every industry/ Fortune 500 executives)  Exit opportunities (Perfect Career Start)

8 Unpleasant Truths  Extremely selective Only recruit from target schools Not enough business going on ( 水土不服) Clients not as cooperative Lack of experience Culture difference/not fully market economy Still at the early age in China ( Mckinsey’s strategy)

9 Skill sets  Do you work well in teams? (Consultants work Good with people/ likable? with clients and colleagues) “Airport test”  Communication skills. “Choose your words carefully.” “accurate enough vs. precisely accurate.” “Being right vs. Being right ‘Diplomatically (Logical, convincing).”  Did you love school? (high correlation between academic curiosity and enjoyment of consulting)  Are you willing to work 70, even 80 hours a week?  Last, but certainly not least, are you willing to travel frequently? (4 days out of a week)

10 Preparations  High overall GPA (any majors will do)  Case studies ( Victor Cheng, Case In Point, company websites, consulting is not math!)  Mock Interview (be presentable, persuasive)  Get a internship (whatever is intellectual!)  NETWORK! (alumni, family, friends)  Good Resume!

11 UCSD Resources.  Triton Consulting Group. Mentor-ship program.  Undergraduate Investment Society. Coming Saturday: UIS 8 th Annual Financial Horizons Conference 9am-3pm, Great Hall and Rady School of Management. Need to Reserve online!

12 Resources  Victor Cheng – Case Interview Secret.  Case In Point  Vault Guide – Consulting     Vincent 王彬舟 :

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