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Supported & Mainstream Employment Services & Schemes.

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1 Supported & Mainstream Employment Services & Schemes

2 Supported & Mainstream Employment Services Supported Employment (Bridging the Gap & Community Work Schemes) Registration Services Career Guidance Services Other services Job Search Services (including EURES services) Work Exposure Schemes and Employment Programme (Work Trial Scheme & Employment Aid Programme) Youth Employment Programme Presentation Contents

3 Supported Employment Section The Section is commited to support the integration of disadvantaged groups in the labour market. The Section operates through 3 Units namely: Registering Disabled Persons Unit Special Cases Unit Very Long Term Unemployed Unit

4 Supported Employment Section Registered Disabled Persons Unit Responsible for the upkeep of the register for disabled persons. Special Cases Unit Offers services to: Ex-Substance Abusers Ex-Inmates Social Cases Very Long Term Unemployed Unit Caters for persons who have been on the unemployment register for over 5 years.

5 Works in close collaboration with other entities that provide services for these vulnerable groups. Offers support services such as: Experienced Employment Advisers who offer personalised service to clients. Ad-hoc training courses for particular groups. Job coaching and Learning Support Assistance when required. Supported Employment Section

6 Composition of the ETC Register The ETC register is composed of three main parts: Part 1 - unemployed persons that meet the eligibility requirements and who ensure the Corporation that they are available for, capable of and are seeking full time employment. Part 2 - persons who are ineligible for Part 1 registration for a period of time. Part 3 - persons who are in employment seeking alternative employment, or who meet the criteria of other such categories as prescribed by the Corporation.

7 Profiling of Jobseekers Registered Jobseekers are given a personal Employment Advisor who follows them up and guides them accordingly. During the profiling process, a detailed profile is compiled and developed by the advisor. This includes in-depth information about the client’s: - Occupational preferences - Qualifications - Skills assessment -Training/Employment needs After being profiled, the job seeker, together with his/her advisor develops a Personal Action Plan.

8 Services offered from Job Centres Registration for work Provide general information on ETC and EURES services Promotion of ETC and Newspaper Vacancies Touch Screen Computers Facility of stand alone Computers Training Referrals Employment / Registration Histories Employment licence applications for EU Nationals

9 Job search Services Vacancies are displayed at Job Centres, job banks and on website Clients can put their CVs on ETC website and employers can view them (sms notifications) Daily Automailer - Jobseekers can receive job vacancies including newspapers vacancies daily by e-mail (just send an e-mail to Job Seekers Direct - ETC vacancy Freephone 800 765 00

10 Looking for a job in Europe? EURES is a European network which links together public employment services of EU countries Eures Malta Office Office: Hal Far Email: Freephone: 800 765 05 - EURES Malta - Finding a job across Europe is on Facebook Eures malta website:

11 Training Courses A number of Training Courses are being offered free of charge under the new ESF Employability Programme: - Management courses- Basic skills - Languages- Technical courses - Food & beverage service - Job search - Culinary art- Office related - Hospitality- Private guards - IT related courses- Trade courses

12 Bridging the Gap Scheme (BTG) Aims and objectives Facilitates the transition period from unemployment to employment. Allows the employer to evaluate the Client prior to proper employment. Gives the Client an opportunity to achieve the skills required for that particular job. Duration Between 4 and 52 weeks. Depending on the Client’s adaptability to the work situation. Allowance ETC will pay the Client a weekly allowance of 80% of the National Minimum Wage whilst forfeiting the rights to any Social Security benefits throughout the whole programme if the work exposure period exceeds 28 weeks.

13 WORK TRIAL SCHEME Objective The objective of the WTS are two-fold, serving both the requirements of the employer who offer to train the work exposure participant and the needs of the unemployed eligible jobseeker. Duration The Employment & Training Corporation grants 50% of the national minimum wage per week for the duration of the scheme towards the participant. Placements can be for a maximum of 12 consecutive weeks. The work experience will be based on a 20 hour week (4 hours a day) in all cases.

14 Employment Aid Programme ( ETC Registered Disabled Persons) Duration of subsidy: 52 - 156 weeks depending on the target group (50% of the actual wage and half the Employer’s NI) In the case of persons with disability: First year of employment – 75% Second & third years – 60% of the actual wage*. Refund of N.I. Contributions * Employers who employ a RDP are eligible to claim their part of the National Insurance Contributions for the first 3 years of employment. European Social Fund (ESF)

15 Community Work Scheme Aims and objectives Offers a work exposure opportunity for the VLTUs. Allows Local Councils and NGOs to carry out community work by the deployment of such clients. Gives the Client an opportunity to regain basic work norms and ethics. Duration Normally 6 months but can be extended. Allowance Clients will be deployed on community work for a 30-hour week, while having their unemployment assistance benefit topped up to 75% of the National Minimum Wage.

16 Youth Employment Programme YEP is designed to : Increase the employability of young people Facilitate labour market integration of youth Target group - Youths between the age of 16-24 who are: Innovative services at community level in an environment which is flexible and more appealing to youth through: Guidance services Dedicated Youth website Activities / campaigns European Social Fund (ESF)

17 Childcare/Elderly subsidy scheme Those that undergo ETC training and need to pay someone to take care of their dependants while doing so can make use of this temporary scheme. ETC offers a EUR 1.50 per hour rebate for the duration of the training course. Preliminary research indicated that the average rate per hour is of EUR 1.74 per hour The amount of hours eligible for subsidization will be calculated from one hour prior to one hour following the training session for the duration of the training course. Reimbursement occurs either at the end of the course (For courses that have a duration of 1 month or less) or at the end of each month (For courses that are due for a number of months)

18 Contact Details Olivia Farrugia Senior Executive Supported Employment Section E-mail: Tel: 22201 407 Web site:

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