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By: Allyson, Heather, Madison, and Alexis Northwest Coast Region.

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1 By: Allyson, Heather, Madison, and Alexis Northwest Coast Region

2 Masks were used for virtually every occasion. The Kwakiutl borrowed, adapted, and elaborated many themes such as dances, ceremonies, and theatrical performances. Masks were very important for these activities, since they gave life to various mythological, elemental, bird and animal figures that they claimed as their ancestors from the early days.

3 deer skins Animal fur turkey feathers for head bands for earrings they use fish skin Men wore long shirts Women wore dresses and headdresses

4 The Kwakiutl Indians were fishing people. Kwakiutl men caught fish and sea mammals from their canoes. They also hunted deer, birds and small game. Kwakiutl women gathered clams and shellfish, seaweed, berries, and roots.

5 “ The Big Houses.” very large homes 20 to 60 feet wide 50-150 feet long 4 family's. They built the houses with logs from red-cedar trees and wood pegs, They didn’t have nails. The roof was made of removable boards.

6 The meaning of the designs on the totem poles vary as the cultures make them. The totem poles also were carved to illustrate stories. Houses front totem poles, were to show success of the families that lived there. Totem poles were never things of worship.

7 English is the language spoken today Kwak’wala was spoken in the early days and continues to be used by the elders of the tribe

8 Basket Weaving Wooden Masks Animal Carvings Wood Carvings Jewelry Pottery Totem Poles

9 Groups covered Southern Kwakiutl which was Vancouver Island, the neighboring mainland, and other area island. Their territory lies between approximately 50 degrees north and 125 degree West. Most Kwakiutl remain in this area today.

10 Fishermen used harpoons, nets, and wooden fish traps. Hunters used bow and arrows along with spears. For protection, some of the Kwakiutl tribesmen used armor as well.

11 For 5 points: What is our Indian tribe name???? Kwakiutl For a treat: Where were they from???? Northwest Coast Region For a treat: What was their house made of???? Red Cedar Trees What does Kwakiutl mean???? A member of an American Indian people of the northwestern Pacific coast.

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