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SmartOpenData - AIP-7 Linked OpenData for environment protection in Smart Regions.

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Presentation on theme: "SmartOpenData - AIP-7 Linked OpenData for environment protection in Smart Regions."— Presentation transcript:

1 SmartOpenData - AIP-7 Linked OpenData for environment protection in Smart Regions

2 A overview SmartOpenData is creating a Linked Open Data infrastructure, including apps, tools and data, regarding National Parks, protected sites and environment protection. Current situation: –See UK: 171 RDF datasets IT: 1853 RDF datasets –See Spain: 14 datasets

3 Portuguese-Spanish Pilot Several datasets Several formats Open / Non Open sources Open / Proprietary formats Generally Underused Why do we want to transform them?

4 Rationale of the project Publish datasets openly Transform datasets to open formats Improve datasets use

5 Where are we? Defining vocabularies and ontologies Defining architecture Natural language, natural problems: Which are the best tree species to group in a parcel? Where can we find the best seeds? Where are the protected areas in municipalities of Zêzere watershed and what are their contribution to the water quality?

6 Next Steps Non-OGC Service Non-INSPIRE Service Registration and publication Done Open question OGC Registered Service: WKT Translation On the fly? Duplicated? Registration and publication OGC Registered Service: RDF Translation

7 HTML5 Viewer-Editor OGC Registered Service: RDF Translation HTML5 Viewer-editor Non-OGC Service Non-INSPIRE Service Done Jan 2015 Dec 2014

8 Thank you very much More information: Linkedin/Smartopendata

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