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Welcome to FCCLA!! Advisor: Mrs. Shay Wagner - Room 303.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to FCCLA!! Advisor: Mrs. Shay Wagner - Room 303."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to FCCLA!! Advisor: Mrs. Shay Wagner - Room 303

2 What is FCCLA?? Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Meetings will be held as needed in Wed. during FlexB

3 Officers President: Haley Yost VP: Melissa Smith Secretary: Rachel Zimmerman Treasurer: Regen Zimmerman Membership Committee: OPEN National Programs Committee: OPEN Public Relations Committee: OPEN Fundraising Committee: OPEN

4 Events You May Be aware of: Santa Breakfast Kindergarten Easter Egg Hunt Stop the Violence Fundraisers

5 Charitable Giving... FCCLA has historically given hundreds of dollars to local agencies or charities in need Lowhill Food Pantry Family Food Donations at Holidays Etc.

6 What else can you do with an FCCLA membership?!? Looks terrific on transcripts... Looks great on a job application.... Looks good in your yearbook... You can apply and be eligible for hundreds and thousands of scholarships:)

7 FCCLA Events National Programs Dynamic Leadership is an integral part of FCCLA National programs which are Career Connection (including Leaders at Work), Community Service, FACTS, Families First (including Japanese Exchange), Financial Fitness, Power of One, STAR Events, STOP The Violence, and Student Body. ages/national%20programs-home.htm

8 FCCLA Events State and Regional Meetings and Conferences Star Events revents-descriptions.htm

9 National Initiatives FCCLA Partners with AT&T to End Texting While Driving Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) recognizes that cellular devices have become integral in interpersonal communication. Texting is one of the most popular forms of communication for teenagers today. With the rise of text messaging, there has been an equally sharp increase in the number of accidents resulting from distracted driving.

10 How will I know we have a meeting? Watch the slides for an announcement..... Listen to the morning announcements..... Watch for a sign outside of Mrs. Wagner's rooms...303 and 305 Check out my the FCCLA section of my webpage.... Friend NWFCCLA on Facebook...... o Always make sure to get a pass prior and sign in when we have meetings!!

11 Membership Form Be sure to turn in your form with payment by Nov. 9th to join!

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