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How do I Capture Charitable Assets for my Community?

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Presentation on theme: "How do I Capture Charitable Assets for my Community?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do I Capture Charitable Assets for my Community?

2 Through the community foundation you can build endowments that will support not only the IHTC activities, but all the charitable causes in your community for perpetuity!

3 Not Like Any Other Organization Different from a private foundation Different from other nonprofits Builds permanent community assets Grantmaker Endowment builder Community leader

4 Resource Development and Fundraising Fundraising = frequent requests, smaller gifts, gifts of cash, time sensitive, may involve cookies Resource Development = long term relationships, understanding, passion, patience, assets other than cash, may involve cookies

5 Gifts to Endowments Who will give? Why will they give? What will they give? When will they give?

6 Donors to Community Foundation Endowments Individuals♦ Charitable organizations Private foundations Corporations & Businesses Government agencies

7 Why They Give Individuals Facing Milestones Leave a legacy/permanency of name Devotion to a cause or organization♦ Taxes No heirs No time for research Others?

8 Why They Give Charitable Organizations Marketing exposure Better return on endowment Protect endowment Give donors two ways to give Ensure funding for a particular project♦ Others

9 Why They Give Private Foundations Leverage funds Local people know local needs♦ Family no longer interested Eliminate administrative burden Others?

10 Why They Give Corporations & Businesses Good public relations♦ Eliminate need for staff Information on community need Legal or tax requirements Others?

11 How Does a Community Foundation Honor Donor’s Wishes A community foundation is comprised of various funds. The donor selects the type of fund which then determines the grant recipient.

12 Types of Funds Restricted – grant made to specific charity Organizational – restricted fund established by charity with grants made to that charity or it’s projects Donor Advised – donor reserves the right from time to time to advise the foundation/affiliate where he/she would like the grant awarded

13 Field-of-Interest – grants are made to any charity that is serving in this particular area Unrestricted – donor attaches no restrictions on grantee Nonpermanent/Pass through/Project – could be foundation operating or for another organization or project

14 Types of Gifts Cash Appreciated securities Real Estate Closely held securities Life Insurance Personal Property

15 When to Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth It’s ok to say no to a gift

16 Ways to Give Outright gifts Deferred gifts with no income benefit to the donor Deferred gifts with income benefit/split interest gifts

17 Outright Gifts foundation can use immediately Cash Appreciated securities Real Estate Tangible Personal property Charitable lead trust

18 Deferred Gifts with No Income Benefit to Donor Bequest – any asset Life insurance Retirement Assets

19 Deferred Gifts with Income Benefit to Donor Charitable gift annuities Charitable remainder trusts Retained life interest

20 Indiana’s Intergenerational Transfer of Wealth $412 Billion by 2055 $66 Billion by 2015

21 Capturing the Transfer of Wealth for Your Community 5% of 10 year projection = $330 million 5% of $330 million = $16.5 million each year in grants What could that mean to Indiana?

22 Dream a little What could this mean to your community?

23 Share Give everyone in your community an opportunity to fulfill their philanthropic dreams by adding their contributions to many others – supporting what they care most about

24 CELEBRATE!!!!!!!

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