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Rectifier and Bond Reading

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Presentation on theme: "Rectifier and Bond Reading"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rectifier and Bond Reading
Tim Jenkins

2 Basic Electric - Shunts

3 Basic Electric - Shunt Formulas
Calculate Current Given - Shunt ( .01 ohms & voltage across the shunt = 50 Mv) Convert units of voltage, 50mv = .05v Calculate current using Ohm’s law I = .05 v/.01 ohms = 5 amps Given - Shunt ( 15 amps, 50mV) Measured voltage drop = 28mV Determine shunt rating Rating = 15 amps/50mV = .3 amps / mV Calculate current Current = .3 amps / mV x 28 mV = 8.4 amps



6 Slide Resister Application

7 Resister Wire Application
The amount of Resistance is made by the Length of the Wire.

8 Disconnect Bond Wire for Amp Drain Reading

9 1.36 Amp Current Drain Make Connection in series with the Circuit Amp Drain Reading


11 Slide Resister Lighting Arrestor

12 Connection Made on Resister from Foreign Structure and Columbia.

13 Disconnection to get Amp Drain must be made in series with the circuit.

14 Direct Bond Connection, No Resistance

15 Shunt Resister

16 Measuring Amp Drain by Measuring Voltage Drop Across the Shunt
Measuring Amp Drain by Measuring Voltage Drop Across the Shunt. Ratio is normally found on Shunt V = 1A

17 7 milivolts = 7 Amps Make connection across Shunt. Polarity does not matter.

18 Ratio for Shunt Shunts do not have to be disconnected in BI-monthly and Annual inspection.

19 Alternative method – use shunt for amp readings.
Take mili-volt reading across shunt then use ratio to figure total amps. Connect meter in serious for amp reading on the structure or anode wire.

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